How to Differentiate the Faces of Rich People Vs Poor People
How to Differentiate the Faces of Rich People Vs Poor People
Photo: University of Stirling
HOLIDAY NEWS - Did you know that a person's economic status can be determined from their face? In fact, this has been the finding of a study conducted by the University of Toronto.
The research used black and white photo subjects with neutral expressions and not wearing any accessories. There are 80 photos of men and 80 women. The subjects consisted of 50% rich people and the rest were working class. The photo is shown to other people and asked to guess their social class. More than half (68%) answered correctly. They also don't realize why they guessed it. "When asked how, they didn't know. They didn't realize how they could guess it correctly," said R-Thora Bjorsdottir, a researcher on the study as reported by CNBC Make It, quoted on Sunday (14/7/2024).
Then they examined it by zooming in on facial features. Many answers are correct just by looking at the eyes and mouth.
Photo: University of Stirling
Differences in the Faces of Rich and Poor People
According to research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, rich people have faces that tend to be happy and not anxious. On the other hand, poor people tend to have depressed faces.
"The relationship between wealth and social class has been widely discussed in previous research. However, this study finds that differences in a person's wealth can be reflected in each person's face," he said. The research says people with a lot of money tend to be happier. They are also less anxious than people who have to meet their needs.
However, another researcher, Nicholas O. Rule, explained that there were negative consequences when many people guessed social class from their faces alone. For example, treating people with rich faces.
"Face-based perceptions of social class may have important consequences... We know there is something called the cycle of poverty and this is potentially one of the contributors," Rule said.
Cara Bedakan Muka Orang Kaya Vs Orang Miskin
Foto: University of Stirling
HOLUDAY NEWS - Tahukah Anda bahwa status ekonomi seseorang dapat ditentukan dari wajah? Nyatanya, hal ini telah menjadi temuan dari sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan Universitas Toronto.
Penelitian itu menggunakan subjek foto hitam putih dengan ekspresi netral dan tidak menggunakan aksesori apapun. Fotonya berjumlah 80 foto pria dan 80 wanita. Subjek terdiri dari 50% orang kaya dan sisanya merupakan kelas pekerja. Foto tersebut ditunjukkan pada orang lain dan diminta menebak kelas sosialnya.
Lebih dari setengahnya (68%) menjawab dengan benar. Mereka juga tidak menyadari mengapa bisa menebaknya.
"Ketika ditanya bagaimana caranya, mereka tidak tahu. Mereka tidak menyadari bagaimana mereka bisa menebaknya dengan benar," kata R-Thora Bjorsdottir, peneliti studi tersebut seperti dilansir dari CNBC Make It, dikutip Minggu (14/7/2024).
Kemudian mereka meneliti dengan memperbesar fitur wajah. Banyak jawaban benar hanya dengan melihat mata dan mulut.
Foto: University of Stirling Perbedaan Muka Orang Kaya dan Miskin
Menurut penelitian yang diterbitkan Journal of Personality and Social Psychology itu, orang kaya memiliki wajah yang cenderung bahagia dan tidak cemas. Sebaliknya, orang miskin cenderung dengan wajah yang tertekan.
"Hubungan antara kekayaan dan kelas sosial sudah banyak dibahas dalam penelitian terdahulu. Namun studi ini menemukan bahwa perbedaan kekayaan seseorang bisa tercermin dari wajah setiap orang," ujarnya.
Penelitian itu mengatakan orang dengan uang yang banyak akan cenderung bahagia. Mereka juga tidak cemas dibandingkan dengan orang yang harus memenuhi kebutuhannya.
Namun salah seorang peneliti lainnya, Nicholas O. Rule menjelaskan adanya konsekuensi negatif saat banyak orang menebak kelas sosial dari wajahnya saja. Misalnya memperlakukan orang dengan wajah kaya.
"Persepsi berbasis wajah tentang kelas sosial mungkin memiliki konsekuensi yang penting... Kita tahu ada yang disebut siklus kemiskinan dan ini berpotensi menjadi salah satu kontributornya," kata Rule.