Getting to Know Ruby, Lucky Gemstone for People Born in July
- Sparkling gemstones reflect your personality and nature.
Your spiritual alter-ego that brings positive energy.
Let's get to know you through the lucky birthstones born in July, their history, meaning and benefits.
The lucky birthstone for those born in July according to the Western zodiac is the 'king of gems', namely ruby.
Celebrities and wealthy figures around the world flaunt rubies in their ruby red beauty.
But behind its visual appeal that amazes many women, there are many mythical and healing properties.
Rubies are also considered ideal for people born in July.
The name ruby comes from the word 'rubeus' which means red in Latin.
Adventurers, artists, warriors and dreamers – all are enchanted by the beauty of garnets, rubies.
In India, rubies are known as the 'king of precious stones' due to their physical appeal, strength and mysticism.
Even ancient Chinese and Burmese warriors used to wear this lucky July birthstone in battle.
They believe the power of the stone will make them invincible.
In addition, kings and nobles of many dynasties paid large sums of money to purchase rubies.
Chinese Emperor Kublai Khan donated an entire city in exchange for exceptional quality garnets .
Lastly, people in medieval Europe also worshiped rubies because they attracted health, wealth and success in love.
Even today, you'll see this lucky July birthstone adorning the crowns of royalty, celebrities, and the elite.
The Mogok Valley in Burma (now Myanmar) is a source of stone