13 Web Pages/Blogs That Must Be on Your Site

13 Web Pages/Blogs That Must Be on Your Site

13 Web Pages/Blogs That Must Be on Your Site
13 Important Website Pages that Must Be on Your Site

Website pages are useful for separating content while making it easier for visitors to search. 
So when you create a website, it is mandatory for you to know what pages should be on it. 

So, in this article we will discuss various examples of website pages that are important to add to your website. Let's see more in here! 

The Importance of Adding Website Pages

In general, the existence of website pages is intended to make it easier for visitors to access and explore your website. 
Basically, WordPress has two types of content, namely, posts and pages. Posts contain blog articles, while pages will contain content that is not included in blog articles and is not posted regularly. Usually, website pages are pages that are used to display content that is static and does not change frequently. 
In this case, you can arrange pages, add navigation menus using a page builder to arrange the layout according to your wishes and needs. 

Examples of Website Pages that Must Be on Your Website

At this point, maybe you are curious about what important pages a website needs to have? 
So, so you don't get confused, here are some examples of important website pages that a website must have. 

1. About Us (About Us)

First, an example of a website page is the about us page which usually contains information in the form of contact, company profile, vision, mission, and what visitors can get when accessing this website. The about us page also serves to build trust with website visitors because with this, they can find out who the website manager is. Apart from about us, you can also create this page with the name About Us. This is of course adjusted to the desires and needs of each website you develop. 

2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQ is an abbreviation for Frequently Asked Questions, which is an example of an important website page that is important for every website to have. This page usually contains questions that often arise about the services or products you offer. On this page, website visitors are expected to be able to find answers or solutions to the information they are looking for. 

3. Terms of Service (User Terms)

If you have a website that offers services, then the Terms of Service (TOS) page is one of the important pages to add. 
The Terms of Service page contains legal documents that can be used as legal tools if a problem occurs. You can create the contents in accordance with the regulations that apply to the company and services you offer, or you can also use a legal document template. By adding this page, you can anticipate problems and limit liability if there is misuse of the information and services you offer on the website. On this page, you can also add copyrights or trademarks for the services you offer. To better understand the Terms of Service page, 

4. Privacy Policy (Privacy Policy)

The next example of a website page that you must have is a privacy policy page which usually contains an explanation of how to manage visitor information and data. Apart from that, this page is also used as a statement that you will not collect or use visitor data. To create this page, you can use the privacy policy generator at or 

5. Disclaimer

A disclaimer page is an example of a website page that is also important for every website to have, especially if the website you own makes money. This page usually contains information about how to make money from the website, such as by showing advertisements, using products or using affiliates. Disclaimers can also be used to increase visitor trust because information about website managers and developers appears more open. 

6. Services/Products

The product/service page is an example of the next website page that should also be there. You can use this page to offer products/services. To do this, add a description or summary of the product/service you have, then provide information regarding the benefits and advantages of using it. You can also add links to each product, so that buyers can make transactions more easily. 

7. Support (Customer Assistance)

To anticipate problems related to products or services, you can add a support page. On the other hand, the existence of a support page is also intended to help customers connect with product/service owners. That way, customers can raise problems related to products/services easily. 
This support page can take the form of a form, live chat, or community forum, where website visitors can write questions or problems they are facing. 

8. Contact Us (Contact Us)

Next, don't forget to make it easy for visitors to contact you via the Contact Us page. On this page, you can provide contact information such as email address, telephone number, company address, social media, and so on. With this information, you can make it easier for visitors to contact you while increasing their trust in the content and products offered. 

9. Blogs

Having a blog is highly recommended to support your marketing strategy while also optimizing the SEO of your website. So usually, an example of a blog website page will contain articles related to trends and the products or services offered. In this case, you can create articles related to the services or products offered, then add a CTA to increase conversions or leads. 

10. Custom “404-Page not Found”

404 page not found is an example of a website page that is used to provide a warning when website visitors access an invalid link from the website. This page is used to redirect to the Home page. But usually, redirecting to Home actually worsens the visitor experience. The reason is, visitors will feel that the link is unclear and not relevant to their wishes. 
In this case, you can create a custom 404 Page Not Found page, so that visitors know that the link or links they are aiming for are no longer valid. 

11. Archive Page

If the website is based on WordPress, then automatically an Archive page will be created with dates, categories and tags. 
You can use this Archive page to display your most favorite or popular posts based on categories and tags. 

12. Testimonials 

As the name suggests, a testimonial page is a page that contains testimonials from users or buyers who have used the products or services offered by the website. The existence of this page can certainly attract visitors to have more trust and choose to use the products or services offered on the website. 

13. Promotion/Advertising

Promotional/advertising pages are an example of the next important website page. As the name suggests, on this page, fill in the information containing the product or service offers that you have. Apart from that, also take advantage of this promotion/advertisement page to convince potential advertisers to use the ad spots you offer. 
These are all the website pages that need to be there to make it easier for visitors to search. 
To be more effective, you can adjust these pages based on the goals and needs of the website you are building. Hopefully the information is useful, OK! 

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