The lost Atlantic City is one of the great mysteries in human history. Many legends and theories surround its existence, but there is no concrete evidence that can confirm its existence or location. However, the existence of this city has been the subject of interesting discussions in history, mythology and archaeological research. 

One of the most famous legends associated with the city of Atlantic is the legend of Atlantis, first conveyed by the ancient philosopher Plato in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias". According to Plato, Atlantis was an island that was rich and prosperous, but eventually sank into the ocean because of the anger of the gods. 

Since Plato, many speculations and theories have emerged about the true location of Atlantis. Some theories say that Atlantis may have been located in the Mediterranean Sea region or around the Atlantic Ocean, while others believe that this city is just a myth. 

Archaeologists and researchers have carried out many expeditions and studies to try to find evidence to support the existence of Atlantis, but to date there have been no discoveries that can definitively confirm its existence. 

The existence of the lost Atlantic City remains a mystery that captivates the human imagination and encourages further exploration in an attempt to uncover the truth. While we may never find this city, its existence lives on in myth and legend, providing inspiration for researchers and adventure seekers to continue exploring our vast oceans and history. 

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