When he was a baby, this French man was cared for and cared for by a domestic worker. When he was older and rich he returned to look for the nanny who took care of him 38 years ago. Apparently he was very impressed with the care and love he received from his nanny. Thank God, the French man was able to meet his nanny again in Ivory Coast, West Africa. He was of course very happy. He then gave her a gift of 10 million Francs (around 180 M) and gave her a monthly salary as a thank you for being cared for, nurtured and loved with all her heart as a child. What a beautiful and amazing story of love and retribution. 

I remember the story of a friend who met a husband and wife at Changi Airport, Singapore. The husband and wife are currently on holiday in three countries, Singapore, Malaysia and Bangkok. And they were fully funded by one of the wife's former students who was an elementary school teacher. 

So the story is that this elementary school teacher once helped a very poor orphan student. The child often doesn't come in and when he comes in he's always weak and unable to concentrate. When asked, it turned out that he was always hungry and couldn't always eat every day because he was so poor. His teacher always brought him breakfast and every time he came home from school he was invited to his house to join him for lunch. The child returns the favor by cleaning the house or doing whatever he can. The teacher often brings food, clothes, or whatever the child needs to take home. This continued until the child was in high school and moved to Java because he received a scholarship. They then broke up. 

It turned out that the child was able to continue to college and graduate and then work in Singapore. Because of his good achievements, he then moved to Europe. Not long afterward he decided to leave and set up his own business. His business was successful and he became very rich. As soon as he had the opportunity to return to Indonesia, he immediately looked for the teacher who helped him first. Now is the time to return the favor to the teacher who has loved him since childhood. He had given various kinds of gifts to the teacher, whom he considered his own mother. Holidays to three countries are just one of the prizes. 

I am always impressed by stories like this because they make us believe that goodness will always produce goodness, whether in the form of material or in other forms. That's why I always remind my fellow teachers to always do good to their students, especially those who need attention and need help. Who else will help, pay attention and love them if not the teachers themselves who are like their own parents at school. School is a huge field for us, teachers, to plant seeds of goodness in our students. Not everyone has a large field to plant seeds of goodness like teachers. In this case teachers are very fortunate compared to other professions. 🙏

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