Safe Ways to Play Adsense So You Don't Get Banned for a Long Time

Safe Ways to Play Adsense So You Don't Get Banned for a Long Time
Two important things so that your Adsense account is safe and not banned are: First, place Adsense on a site with quality articles, namely (a) original articles, not copied; (b) the article is long enough at least 500 words; (c) the content of the article does not contain prohibited elements such as pornography, gambling,etc. Second, don't click on your own or ask other people to click on ads. 

Becoming an Adsense ad publisher is something that is highly desired for bloggers and YouTubers. Because we know that Adsense advertising is one of the ad serving services that has a fairly high fee for each time an ad is clicked, when compared to other similar companies. 

However, becoming a publisher from a company owned by the Google search engine is not easy. In order for us to be accepted as partners, we need quite a few conditions which can be said to be quite "difficult" for us bloggers. 

On the other hand, if we have been accepted as an ad publisher on AdSense, we are also required to always comply with all policies and regulations which are sometimes very strict in their implementation. 

One of the rules is that a publisher is not allowed to click on advertisements displayed on his own blog. If this is done, the risks involved are not trivial, from the lightest risk, namely that our AdSense account will be suspended for a while, to the most serious, our Adsense account and blog may be deleted and banned by Google. 

So what if we click on the ad accidentally, such as when we want to see an active ad on our blog page. If this happens, of course the risk is the same, namely if we are not banned, it is very likely that our account will be suspended. 

Yo all, continuing the series about Google Adsense study guides. This time I will discuss how to play Adsense safely so you don't get banned. As you know, Google uses very sophisticated proprietary systems to detect fraud that occurs when you play Adsense. If you have been successfully accepted as a Google Adsense user. So the next step is to ensure that your Google Adsense lasts a long time, has a good reputation, so you can avoid being banned by Google Adsense. 

Safe Way to Play Google Adsense

The following are tips and tricks for playing safe on Google Adsense that I summarized from my experience playing Adsense for more than 7 years. 

Don't change the Adsense code

If you have received an Adsense code that can be installed, never try to edit or modify it. Google can detect this and can immediately ban your Google Adsense account. 

Do not insert spyware

Make sure your website is free from viruses, and don't insert spyware code on your website/blog. Don't also install adware that causes visitors to install malware programs when visiting your website. 

Don't show a lot of pop-ups

Yup, we all know that pop ups that often appear and cover the page are very annoying and make site navigation unclear. Therefore, don't install pop-ups on your website. 

Don't click on your Adsense ads yourself

This is one of the most fatal methods, and is most often done by Adsense players, especially beginners. Don't click on your own ads, and don't ask other people, family or friends to click on your ads. Even if it's just once, for testing or when you're having fun. You are also prohibited from displaying images or labels that invite visitors to click on your Adsense ad, for example "Please click on the ad on my site to help pay for hosting", and the like. 

Avoid increasing traffic with bots/software/traffic exchanges

Don't participate in traffic exchange programs that tell users to click/visit their websites to increase traffic. Don't use software/bots to increase traffic. Let your traffic come from search engines or social media, this method is safer and better in the long term. 

If you often do these things, over time you will definitely be detected by Google with its sophisticated, proprietary system. What is meant by proprietary here is that Google keeps the methods or techniques used to detect cheating when playing Google Adsense secret, so that no one knows. If Google sees you doing these things, your Adsense account will most likely be banned forever. And your hard work all this time will be in vain. 

I myself have heard several stories from my friends whose Adsense accounts were banned. Things they have done include visiting many internet cafes in their city to click on their own advertisements, or having family/friends who live abroad and telling them to regularly click on advertisements on their website. And what happens, everyone sooner or later gets banned from Google Adsense. 

But the good news is, Google Adsense now doesn't necessarily get banned without notification like in the early days when I played Google Adsense (2008-2009) :). Usually they will first send a warning that there is a problem with your website or Adsense account, and you will be asked to fix it. If it has been fixed, the problem will be checked again by Google to see whether it has really been fixed or there is still something missing. But it seems that the impact of this is that registering for Google Adsense becomes more difficult to be accepted, because Google will really strictly select websites at the beginning that will be accepted into the Google Adsense program. 

In conclusion, follow the rules in Adsense Program Policies. 

Read the Adsense Program Policies, understand and follow the rules while continuing to build your website. If you comply with the rules in the Adsense Program Policies, and you work hard, then one day Google will definitely give you a reward for all of that. Continue working hard to create quality, high-value content. After that, you just need to think about what you will use the money you get from Google Adsense for. 

Those are the tutorial tips about 

Safe Ways to Play Adsense So You Don't Get Banned for a Long Time. Hopefully this article can be useful and see you in another article. Thank You 

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