Meghan Markle Reportedly Asked for Free Clothes and Bags from Victoria Beckham

Meghan Markle Reportedly Asked for Free Clothes and Bags from Victoria Beckham
Meghan Markle, Victoria Beckham Photo: Special

There are rumors that Meghan Markle asked for free clothes and bags from Victoria Beckham. This moment occurred before the two of them broke off their friendship. This makes the public wonder about the truth behind the news. 

In a new biography entitled "The House of Beckham," author Tom Bower reveals a series of shocking claims about the relationship between the Sussexes and the Beckhams. According to Bower, Meghan Markle, who was engaged to Prince Harry at the time, allegedly asked Victoria Beckham for free clothes and handbags. The request was said to have been rejected by Buckingham Palace because it violated royal regulations. 

The relationship between Meghan Markle and Victoria Beckham was not always full of tension. At one point, they were so close that Meghan stayed at the Beckham family's mansion in Beverly Hills during a visit to Los Angeles. Tom Bower writes that a member of Victoria's staff even gave Meghan beauty advice on the best facials and hairdressers in London when Meghan was engaged to Prince Harry. 


However, the friendship began to crack when Meghan felt Victoria was leaking the story to the media. According to Bower, Meghan believed that Victoria had given beauty advice that was later reported by the tabloid The Sun, which made Meghan feel uncomfortable with the media picking up on the news. 

"Harry was asked to complain to David Beckham," Bower wrote. 
David then asked Victoria how The Sun got this information. Victoria firmly denied giving the leak and blamed a beautician. 

Bower's book also highlights Meghan's jealousy of the wealth and luxury of the Beckham family. Bower claimed that Meghan was upset to learn that the Beckhams had more money and access to luxury facilities such as private jets and yachts. Meghan, who was then a Duchess, felt her position in the royal family should place her above Victoria in the social hierarchy. 

Tensions reached a peak at Meghan and Harry's wedding in 2018. Although the Beckhams were invited to the wedding ceremony, they felt neglected because they were not invited to an exclusive dinner attended by famous celebrities such as George Clooney. 

According to Bower, Victoria Beckham felt insulted by this treatment, and this can be seen from her gloomy face in photos from the wedding at St. Patrick's Chapel. George. 
Even though their personal relationship experienced a breakdown, Meghan continued to show professional support for Victoria. She was seen wearing a coat from Victoria Beckham's collection at Christmas 2018 and at the Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey a year later. 
However, relations between the Sussex family and the Beckham family still appear to be tense. In 2022, Meghan and Harry were reportedly not invited to the lavish wedding of David and Victoria's son, Brooklyn Beckham, to Nicola Peltz. On the other hand, Prince William and Kate Middleton received the invitation, showing that the distance was widening between the two famous couples. 

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