Many Indonesian People Work at Overseas Bookies, Kominfo: They Are Being Lied to!

Indonesian People,Work at Overseas Bookies, Kominfo: They Are Being Lied to! 
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The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) revealed that many Indonesians work as employees in companies or offline or online bookies abroad. Kominfo assesses that there are elements of the Crime of Human Trafficking (TPPO) in this activity. 

"This is similar to the TPPO Task Force because it also involves other countries. "Even in the case of online gambling, there is a TPPO, there are Indonesian people who are employed in offline and online gambling locations," said the Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong, in the online discussion agenda 'Destitute of Death Due to Gambling', Saturday (15/6/2024). 

Usman believes that Indonesian people who work in various gambling companies are being lied to. This is because the gambling business in a number of other ASEAN countries is legal, but illegal in Indonesia. Therefore, the party suspects that there are elements of TIP that occur in gambling places in various Southeast Asian countries. 

"They were lied to that it would be done in a legal place, it is legal there, in some countries it is legal, but for Indonesians this is something that is illegal. We suspect that there are elements of TIP in gambling places in Southeast Asian countries," he stressed. 

However, Usman said that the government could not take action against this because a number of laws which are tools for law enforcement of illegal activities, such as the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE), are not extra-territorial in nature. 

"This factor is more about locus delicti, our ITE Law or other laws that regulate online gambling are not extra-territorial in nature. We cannot, say, terminate serves, arrest bookies, because they are in another country," he explained. 
Therefore, through the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force, which includes members from the police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu), the government hopes to collaborate with Interpol to take action against the main gambling dealers abroad. 

"Because of this, there is a Task Force that collaborates with Interpol, then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which can collaborate with Southeast Asian countries where servers, tip accounts and bookies (online gambling) are domiciled," he concluded. 

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