IKN President's Office Reaches 90%, Ready for Jokowi to Use July 2024

IKN President's Office Reaches 90%, Ready for Jokowi to Use July 2024

Development of President's Office at IKN East Kalimantan Reaches 90 Percent, Will Be Used by Jokowi July 2024
- Update on the development of IKN in East Kalimantan, the President's Office has achieved 90 percent progress. 

Yes, construction of the IKN President's Office in East Kalimantan is continuing. 
Previously, President Jokowi said he would have an office in the Archipelago Capital (IKN) in July 2024. The same thing was also expressed by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono, and most recently by the Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR Diana Kusumastuti. 

Diana said that her party was preparing the presidential office so that it could be occupied by President Jokowi this July. 
"July is occupied by the President for office, yes, we have prepared it, yes, we have prepared it," said Diana when accompanying President Jokowi in the inauguration of the rehabilitation of educational facilities and infrastructure in Central Kalimantan, Thursday (27/6/2024). 

Apart from the President, Minister Basuki also confirmed that he will have an office at IKN, and live in the Ministerial Office starting this July. In order to pursue functional completion in July 2024, interior, architectural, mechanical-electrical-plumbing (ME) work, clean water and electricity installations at the Presidential Office in the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) continue to accelerate. 
The State Palace with the ceremonial field in the foreground and the President's Office in the background reflecting the shape of the Garuda bird. (KOMPAS.com/HILDA B ALEXANDER)

As of June 27 2024, progress on the physical construction of the office that will be used by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has reached 90 percent. 
Chairman of the IKN Infrastructure Development Implementation Task Force, Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga, revealed this to Kompas.com. 

"The construction progress of the President's Office is quite good, despite being hampered by rainy weather. Danis also denied that the flood that occurred on Tuesday (24/6/2024) submerged KIPP IKN. According to him, the flood occurred in Sepaku, and was far from the KIPP IKN construction area. "In the afternoon and the next day, Wednesday (26/6/2024) it has subsided," added Danis. 

Therefore, his party continues to work hard until this July so that everything can function, including accessibility. In fact, Danis is making every effort to complete the entire building for the President's Office and the State Palace, which has currently reached around 80 percent. 

"We will try as much as possible, if possible, the whole building, both the President's Office and the State Palace will function later," said Danis. Apart from the President's Office and the State Palace, buildings that support the office ecosystem, such as the Coordinating Ministry Offices 1-4, will be functional for Floors 1 to Floor 3. 

Free Lunch Budget IDR 71 T

For the free lunch program, a budget of IDR 71 trillion has been prepared for next year, so what about the East Kalimantan IKN during the Prabowo-Gibran administration? Two programs are currently in the spotlight, namely free lunch which is Prabowo Subianto's mainstay program during the 2024 presidential election campaign and the East Kalimantan IKN which was initiated by Jokowi. 

Both free lunch and IKN Kaltim are certain to have huge budgets, so what is the budget for the capital of the archipelago next year? It is known that the budget for free lunches, which is President-elect Prabowo Subianto's flagship program, is an agreement between the Jokowi government and the Prabowo-Gibran team. 

The amount of the free lunch budget was announced at a press conference between the Ministry of Finance and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Prabowo-Gibran Government Synchronization Task Force Team, Monday (24/6/2024) morning. While the free lunch is guaranteed to get IDR 71 T, what about IKN East Kalimantan? 

Continuation of the East Kalimantan IKN

The sustainability of the Nusantara National Capital City (IKN) development project is included in the 2025 Draft State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBN). 

This is confirmed in the 2025 policy direction for infrastructure development posts. 
 This means that President-elect Prabowo Subianto's APBN next year will not only accommodate the programs that are his political promises, but will also be required to accommodate President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) legacy projects such as IKN and national strategic projects (PSN) which are currently unfinished. 
The Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance, Isa Rachmatarwata, hopes that the continued development of IKN in 2025 can become a center for new economic growth. 

"National strategic projects include the development of IKN, which we will maintain the momentum of and if we really try to become one of the centers of economic growth," said Isa in a joint meeting with the DPR RI Budget Body (Banggar), Tuesday (25/6/2024) as quoted TribunKaltim.co from kontan.co.id. 
FREE LUNCH AND IKN - Press conference of the Minister of Finance, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, and Members of the Prabowo-Gibran Government Synchronization Task Force Team. The free lunch budget for next year has been agreed to be IDR 71 trillion next year. What about the East Kalimantan IKN in the Prabowo-Gibran government? (KOMPAS.com/Rully Ramli)

As is known, the IKN project has consumed a huge budget. 
Over the past three years, Jokowi's project has absorbed State Budget and Expenditure (APBN) funds reaching IDR 72.3 trillion. The details are that the IKN budget for 2022 is IDR 5.5 trillion, then in 2023 it will be IDR 27 trillion and in 2024 it will be IDR 39.8 trillion. 

However, we don't yet know how much budget the government has prepared for the IKN project in 2025. What is clear is that one of the 2025 APBN will be allocated to run a free nutritious food program which is prepared at IDR 71 trillion. Previously, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartaro was also reluctant to say how much budget for the IKN project would be allocated in the 2025 RAPBN. 

He argued that the budget allocation would later be discussed with the DPR RI. 
"Of course, if the budget is all there and discussed in the Budget Agency (Banggar), we'll just have to wait. "The details will later be included in the Draft Bill (APBN)," said Airlangga to media crew at the DPR RI, Tuesday (26/4/2024). However, not long ago, Prabowo signaled that he would only allocate a budget of IDR 16 trillion per year from the APBN to continue development of IKN. If confirmed, this means that the IKN budget is lower than the budget for free nutritious food. 

Prabowo's Team Says the IDR 71 Trillion Budget is Very Good

The budget for the free nutritious meal program has been set at IDR 71 trillion for 2025. Member of the Finance Division of the Government Synchronization Task Force Team, Thomas Djiwandono, believes this number is a very good figure. 

"Rp. 71 trillion for us is a very good figure," he said in a press conference at the office of the Directorate General of Taxes, Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta, Monday. He said the task force and the current administration had agreed on this figure. 
Thomas also said that there is still an APBN cycle process in the DPR that must be followed. 
"That is also important to underline. We really follow that cycle. "So, the agreed figures still have to go through the APBN cycle process," he said. 

Furthermore, this free nutritious meal program has been agreed upon and will be implemented in stages. Thomas emphasized that this is the key to the sustainability of this program. "The Minister of Finance stated that we are committed to implementing Pak Prabowo Subianto's flagship program in stages," explained Thomas. "The key is gradual, but also of course with quality shopping principles."

"Of course we want to achieve the 100 percent target, yes, as quickly as possible with the principle that fiscal posture is the main principle," he said. Thomas Djiwandono said that further technical matters regarding the free nutritious meal program were still in the process of internal discussion. "Nutritious eating, I think there's a lot of technical stuff." "In this case, what I can say here is that all questions regarding the total amount, what the process is like, and so on, all I can say is that this is being thought about internally," said Thomas. 

Therefore, he admitted that he could not explain further regarding the technical aspects of this program. According to him, there is still an APBN cycle process in the DPR that must be followed. After that, the Prabowo Team could explain about this free nutritious meal program. 
"I can't explain the technical details at this time because we have to go through those cycles first." "After this APBN cycle is complete, we will explain everything technically related to the program," said Thomas. 

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