Story migrant worker Abu Dhabi who tired serving her employer's 6 children home

Story migrant worker Abu Dhabi who tired serving her employer's 6 children home

The story of a migrant worker in Abu Dhabi who is tired of serving her employer's 6 children at home, whose feet are swollen
-- A female worker (TKW) named Dewita Wiwit works in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 

She became a household assistant (ART) in the house of her employer's family who was busy working. However, Dewita can still manage YouTube in between her busy schedule. 
Some time ago, he revealed that his feet were swollen because he was too busy working. 

"I don't know if it's a sprain or a slip, suddenly my foot hurts," said Dewita. "The risks of being a migrant worker are like this, sick, tired, you have to keep working, please pray, friends," said Dewita. 
Dewita was seen anointing her feet with herbal medicine made from turmeric. The turmeric is crushed and then rubbed onto the swollen parts of the feet. Then the leg is wrapped with a bandage. 

Dewita said that she got the herbal medicine from a colleague from Sri Lanka. 
The TKW confided that she was tired of serving her employer's six children. (YouTube Dewita wiwit)
"You rub this all over your feet, everyone who is sick, take them to bed later. It really hurts," said Dewita. 

"Wrapped in plastic so you can sleep comfortably, this is traditional medicine from Sri Lanka," continued Dewita. 
This female migrant worker was forced to use traditional medicine, because where she worked there were no masseurs. 
In fact, if a leg sprains like Dewita's, it usually has to be treated with massage. 

"In the village we have to get a massage, here there are no massage therapists, so this is the treatment," said Dewita. 
According to him, all his professional colleagues in Abu Dhabi, if injured, undergo similar treatment to what he did. So you can be sure that traditional medicine from Sri Lanka is effective for treating sprained feet. 

"All the TKWs here, my friends who have sprained their feet or are sick, this is the treatment like this," said Dewita. "It's not bad, I once sprained myself wearing something like this. "Thank God he's healed, I hope he recovers," added Dewita. The story of the life journey of this TKW is shared via the digital platform, YouTube. 
Dewita gave the title 'for the sake of 5 million workers are willing to serve their employer's 6 children until their feet swell'. Not only that, Dewita has also shared several times how she works in Abu Dhabi. Just like other domestic workers, these female migrant workers are tasked with cleaning their employers' houses. 
Because Dewita's employer has a fairly large house, of course Dewita's workload is also heavy. 
He had to clean all the floors in the house, even in every room. 

Even though Dewita's employer's house is relatively clean because it is always tidied every day. 
However, he still has to carry out his duties. 

Her employer has six children who must be served every day, food and other household needs. 
"Now I want to wash the bathroom, it's clean, but it has to be washed every day," said Dewita. After cleaning the inside of the house, this female migrant worker continued her duties by watering the plants. Not to forget, Dewita also cleaned the outside of her employer's house. "Okay, I've finished cleaning the house, now I just have to iron it while waiting for the children to wake up," said Dewita. 

Kisah TKW di Abu Dhabi Kecapekan Layani 6 Anak Majikan di Rumah, Kaki Sampai Bengkak
-- Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) bernama Dewita Wiwit bekerja di Abu Dhabi, Uni Emirat Arab.

Dia menjadi asisten rumah tangga (ART) di rumah keluarga majikan yang sibuk bekerja.
Namun Dewita masih dapat mengelola YouTube di sela kesibukannya.
Beberapa waktu lalu, dia mengungkapkan kondisi kakinya yang bengkak karena terlalu sibuk bekerja.

"Ini enggak tahu keseleo apa kegelincir, tiba-tiba kakinya sakit," kata Dewita.
"Risiko jadi TKW kayak gini, sakit, capek, tetep kerja harus berjalan, mohon doanya ya teman-teman," ujar Dewita.
Terlihat Dewita tengah mengoles kakinya dengan obat herbal yang terbuat dari kunyit.
Kunyit itu dihaluskan dan kemudian dioles ke bagian kaki yang bengkak.
Kemudian kaki dibungkus dengan perban.

Dewita mengatakan, obat herbal itu dia dapatkan dari rekan seprofesinya yang berasal dari Sri Lanka.
Curhat TKW kecapekan melayani enam anak majikan. (YouTube Dewita wiwit)
"Ini diolesin ke seluruh kaki ya, semuanya yang sakit, dibawa tidur nanti. Sakit banget," tutur Dewita.

"Dibungkus pake plastik biar tidurnya enak, ini obat tradisional dari negara Sri Lanka," lanjut Dewita.
TKI perempuan ini terpaksa menggunakan obat tradisional tersebut, lantaran di tempat ia bekerja tidak ada tukang pijat.
Padahal jika kaki keseleo seperti yang dialami oleh Dewita, biasanya harus ditangani dengan cara dipijat.

"Kalau di kampung kita harus dipijat, di sini mah enggak ada tukang pijet, jadi kayak gini pengobatannya," ujar Dewita.
Menurutnya, semua rekan seprofesi di Abu Dhabi, jika cedera melakukan pengobatan serupa dengan yang ia lakukan.
Sehingga bisa dipastikan pengobatan tradisional dari negara Sri Lanka itu ampuh untuk mengatasi kaki keseleo.

"Semua TKW di sini, teman-teman aku yang keseleo kakinya atau sakit, kayak gini pengobatannya," ujar Dewita.
"Lumayan sih, dulu aku pernah keseleo juga pakai kayak gini.
Alhamdulillah sembuh, ini mudah-mudahan aja sembuh," tambah Dewita.
Kisah perjalannya hidup TKW ini dibagikan melalui platform digital, YouTube.
Dewita beri judul 'demi 5jt tkw rela melayani 6 anak majikannya sampai kakinya bengkak'.
Tidak hanya itu, Dewita juga pernah beberapa kali membagikan bagaimana ia bekerja di Abu Dhabi.
Sama seperti ART yang lain, TKI perempuan ini bertugas membersihkan rumah majikannya.
Lantaran majikan Dewita memiliki rumah yang cukup besar, tentu beban kerja Dewita juga berat.
Ia harus membersihkan semua lantai yang ada di rumah tersebut, bahkan di setiap ruangannya.

Meski rumah majikan Dewita tergolong bersih lantaran selalu dirapikan setiap hari.
Namun ia tetap harus menjalani tugasnya tersebut.

Majikannya memiliki enam anak yang harus dilayani setiap hari, makan dan kebutuhan rumah lainnya.
"Sekarang aku mau nyuci kamar mandi, bersih sih, tapi harus dicuci tiap hari," kata Dewita.
Selesai membersihkan rumah bagian dalam, TKI perempuan ini melanjutkan tugasnya dengan menyiram tanaman.
Tak lupa, Dewita juga membersihkan bagian rumah majikannya di bagian luar.
"Oke bersih-bersih rumah udah selesai, sekarang tinggal nyetrika sambil nunggu anak-anak bangun tidur," tutur Dewita.

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