ST Burhanuddin: State Losses Due to Tin Corruption Are Fantastic, Reaching IDR 300 T!

ST Burhanuddin: State Losses Due to Tin Corruption Are Fantastic, Reaching IDR 300 T! 

Attorney General: State Losses Due to Tin Corruption Are Fantastic, Reaching IDR 300 T! 
Attorney General ST Burhanuddin (Photo: Adrial Akbar/detikcom)

Attorney General ST Burhanuddin revealed the latest figures regarding state losses in the alleged corruption case in the trading system of tin commodities in the PT Timah Tbk Mining Business License (IUP) area for 2015-2022. The amount increased to IDR 300 trillion. 

"The calculation results for this tin case are quite fantastic, which we initially estimated at IDR 271 T and this has reached around 300 T," said ST Burhanuddin in a press conference at the Attorney General's Office (29/5/2024). 

This figure was revealed after the Attorney General's Office received the calculation results from the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). In reporting the results of this calculation, the Head of BPKP Muhammad Yusuf Ateh was present directly at the Attorney General's Office. 

As is known, so far the AGO has charged 21 suspects in the tin corruption case. 

This matter itself has attracted the most attention in recent times. The full title of the case is alleged corruption in the tin commodity trading system in the PT Timah Tbk Mining Business License (IUP) area for 2015-2022. 

Suspects of Obstruction of Investigation:
1. Toni Tamsil aka Akhi (TT)
Main Suspect in the Case:
2. Suwito Gunawan (SG) as Commissioner of PT SIP or a mining company in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung
3. MB Gunawan (MBG) as Director of PT SIP
4. Tamron alias Aon (TN) as beneficial owner or profit owner of CV VIP
5. Hasan Tjhie (HT) as Main Director of CV VIP
6. Kwang Yung alias Buyung (BY) as former Commissioner of CV VIP
7. Achmad Albani (AA) as CV VIP Mine Operations Manager
8. Robert Indarto (RI) as Main Director of PT SBS
9. Rosalina (RL) as General Manager of PT TIN
10. Suparta (SP) as Main Director of PT RBT
11. Reza Andriansyah (RA) as Director of Business Development of PT RBT
12. Mochtar Riza Pahlevi Tabrani (MRPT) as President Director of PT Timah 2016-2011
13. Emil Ermindra (EE) as Finance Director of PT Timah 2017-2018
14. Alwin Akbar (ALW) as former Director of Operations and former Director of Business Development of PT Timah
15. Helena Lim (HLN) as Manager of PT QSE
16. Harvey Moeis (HM) as an extension of PT RBT
17. Hendry Lie (HL) as beneficial owner or beneficial owner of PT TIN
18. Fandy Lie (FL) as PT TIN marketing and Hendry Lie's younger brother
19. Suranto Wibowo (SW) as Head of the Bangka Belitung ESDM Service 2015-2019
20. Rusbani (BN) as Acting Head of the Bangka Belitung ESDM Service March 2019
21. Amir Syahbana (AS) as Acting Head of the Bangka Belitung ESDM Service


ST Burhanuddin: Kerugian Negara Akibat Korupsi Timah Fantastis, Capai Rp 300 T!

Jaksa Agung: Kerugian Negara Akibat Korupsi Timah Fantastis, Capai Rp 300 T!
Jaksa Agung ST Burhanuddin (Foto: Adrial Akbar/detikcom)

Jaksa Agung ST Burhanuddin mengungkap jumlah terbaru soal kerugian negara dalam kasus dugaan korupsi tata niaga komoditas timah wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) PT Timah Tbk tahun 2015-2022. Jumlahnya bertambah mencapai Rp 300 triliun.

"Perkara timah ini hasil penghitungannya cukup lumayan fantastis, yang semula kita perkirakan Rp 271 T dan ini adalah mencapai sekitar 300 T," kata ST Burhanuddin dalam konferensi pers di Kejaksaan Agung (29/5/2024).

Angka tersebut terungkap usai Kejaksaan Agung mendapat hasil penghitungan dari Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP). Dalam melaporkan hasil penghitungan ini, Kepala BPKP Muhammad Yusuf Ateh hadir langsung di Kajaksaan Agung.

Seperti diketahui, sejauh ini Kejagung sudah menjerat 21 tersangka dalam kasus korupsi timah.

Perkara ini sendiri memang paling menarik perhatian beberapa waktu terakhir. Tajuk lengkap perkaranya yaitu dugaan korupsi dalam tata niaga komoditas timah wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) PT Timah Tbk tahun 2015-2022.

Tersangka Perintangan Penyidikan:
1. Toni Tamsil alias Akhi (TT)
Tersangka Pokok Perkara:
2. Suwito Gunawan (SG) selaku Komisaris PT SIP atau perusahaan tambang di Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung
3. MB Gunawan (MBG) selaku Direktur PT SIP
4. Tamron alias Aon (TN) selaku beneficial owner atau pemilik keuntungan dari CV VIP
5. Hasan Tjhie (HT) selaku Direktur Utama CV VIP
6. Kwang Yung alias Buyung (BY) selaku mantan Komisaris CV VIP
7. Achmad Albani (AA) selaku Manajer Operasional Tambang CV VIP
8. Robert Indarto (RI) selaku Direktur Utama PT SBS
9. Rosalina (RL) selaku General Manager PT TIN
10. Suparta (SP) selaku Direktur Utama PT RBT
11. Reza Andriansyah (RA) selaku Direktur Pengembangan Usaha PT RBT
12. Mochtar Riza Pahlevi Tabrani (MRPT) selaku Direktur Utama PT Timah 2016-2011
13. Emil Ermindra (EE) selaku Direktur Keuangan PT Timah 2017-2018
14. Alwin Akbar (ALW) selaku mantan Direktur Operasional dan mantan Direktur Pengembangan Usaha PT Timah
15. Helena Lim (HLN) selaku Manajer PT QSE
16. Harvey Moeis (HM) selaku perpanjangan tangan dari PT RBT
17. Hendry Lie (HL) selaku beneficial owner atau pemilik manfaat PT TIN
18. Fandy Lie (FL) selaku marketing PT TIN sekaligus adik Hendry Lie
19. Suranto Wibowo (SW) selaku Kepala Dinas ESDM Bangka Belitung 2015-2019
20. Rusbani (BN) selaku Plt Kepala Dinas ESDM Bangka Belitung Maret 2019
21. Amir Syahbana (AS) selaku Plt Kepala Dinas ESDM Bangka Belitung

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