Allahumma Sholli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad
Actually, many have reviewed the history of the Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah SAW, but I want to summarize it here for those who don't like reading books that are too long and heavy. It contains the date of birth, names of father, mother, uncle, wife, grandchildren and so on.
Prophet Muhammad SAW (Rasulullah) was a religious, social, political leader and founder of the Islamic religion. According to Muslim beliefs, he was a prophet who was given divine revelation to preach and confirm monotheistic principles in the teachings of Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Moses, Jesus and other prophets. He is also believed to be the Seal of the Prophets (the last Prophet).
The Prophet Muhammad was the son of Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib and his mother Aminah bint Wahab. Muhammad's father, Abdullah, was the son of the leader of the Quraish tribal confederation, Abdul Muttalib bin Hasyim. Abdullah died a few months before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, while his mother, Aminah died when he was six years old, leaving the Prophet Muhammad an orphan. Then he grew up under the care of his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and after his grandfather died, the Prophet Muhammad was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib.
Birth: 12 Rabiul Awal, Year of the Elephant (Monday, April 20, 570 AD)
Died: 8 June 632 (11 AH) aged 62
The meaning of the name muhammad means "much praised", "Ahmad" (Ø£Øمد), which in Arabic also means "praiseworthy"
Nicknames: Before the time of the prophethood, people around him were often called Al-Amiin, which means "one who can be trusted", As-Saadiq, which means "the true one".
Several hadiths narrate some of the physical characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad as told by his companions and wives. Several traditions state that the Prophet Muhammad was of medium build, reddish-white skin, a thin beard, and was described as having a healthy and strong physique by those around him. Another history states that Muhammad had black eyes, no mustache, a medium beard, and an aquiline nose which corresponded to the anthropological characteristics of Semitic peoples in general (reference needed).
Sidiq, amanah, fathonah, and tablig. Sidik means someone who is honest, amanah means trustworthy, fathonah means someone who is clever or intelligent, and tablig means someone who conveys.
'Athif Qosim al-Maliji in his book "Asma' Nabi Fii al-Qur'an wa as-Sunnah", explained that the names of the prophets were Muhammad, Ahmad, 'Abdullah, Al-Ummi, Ar-Raheim, Al-Basyir , ash-syaahid/asy- shahiid, an-nadzir, ad-daa'i ila allah, al-muballigh, al-hanif, al-mahi, rasul al-malahim,al-hasyir, nabi at-taubah, an-nur, as-sirojul munir, al-musthofa, al-mudatstsir, al-muzammil, ath-thahir, al-muthahar, al-muthahir, al-mutawakkal, al-amin, ash-shadiq, thaha, al-jami', al-wali, al-fatih, al-hadi, shohibul kautsar.
Father's name: Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib
Mother's Name: Aminah bint Wahab
Uncle :
Al Harith, Az Zubair, Abu Talib, Hamzah, Abu Lahab, Al Ghaidaq, Al Muqawwim, Dhirar, Al Abbas, Qutsam, Juhal
Wife of Rasulullah SAW:
Khadijah bint Khuwailid, Saudah bint Zama'ah, Aisyah bint Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq, Hafshah bin Umar bin Al-Khaththab, Zainab bint Khuzaimah, Umm Salamah Hindun bint Abu Umayyah, Zainab bint Jahsy bin Rayyab, Juwairiyah bint Al-Harits, Umm Habibah Ramlah bint Abu Sufyan, Shafiyah bint Huyaibin Akhthab, Maimunah bint Al-Harits, Jamilah, Jariyah
Son of Rasulullah SAW:
Al Qasim, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, Fatimah Az-Zahra, Abdullah, Ibrahim
Grandson of Rasulullah SAW:
Ali, Umamah, Abdullah, Hasan, Husein, Mukhsin, Zainab, and Umm Kulthum
1. Armor (Ali bin Abi Talib said, "The armor of the Messenger of Allah was nicknamed Dzulfudhul")
2. Sword (Ibnu Abbas RA said that, "The Prophet SAW used his sword which was nicknamed Dzulfiqar during the Battle of Badr. It was also the sword that he dreamed of during the Battle of Uhud." (HR Al-Haitsami), the other swords had the names Al Ma'thur, Al 'Adb, Al Battar, Al-Hatf, Al Mikhdham, Al Rasub, Al Qadib, Qal' a,
3. Iron Head Protector (Anas bin Malik said, "The Messenger of Allah SAW came to Fathu Makkah (Liberation of the City of Makkah) wearing a head protector made of iron." (HR Bukhari and others)
4. Spear (Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet SAW had a spear or javelin. He stuck it in the ground then prayed facing the spear.")
5. Bow (Ibn Abbas said, "On the way, Rasulullah SAW preached on Fridays standing while holding a bow." (HR Abdurrazad and Thabrani)
6. War Flag (Aisyah RA said, "The war flag of Rasulullah SAW was white, while the banner was black made from pieces of Aisyah's cloth with a picture of a camel's saddle." (HR Ibnu Abi Syaibah)
7. Long Stick (Ibn Abbas said, "Carrying a stick was among the traditions of the prophets. Rasulullah SAW had a stick that he leaned on to walk, and he also suggested leaning on a stick."
8. Sangkur (From Ibn Umar, he said, "The Messenger of Allah stuck his bayonet in front of him. Then he prayed facing the bayonet, while the others were behind him. He did this when he was traveling. With this argument, the amirs (leaders) imitated his actions." (HR Abu Uwanah).
9. Command Stick (Ali bin Abi Talib said, "When he was at the Baqi' cemetery, Rasulullah sat holding the command stick. Then he stuck the stick in the ground." (HR Bukhari and Abu Dawud)
1. Camel
The Prophet Muhammad SAW is said to have had forty-five dairy camels and one highly skilled camel from the Bani Uqail farm. Of his pet camels, he had a camel named Al-Qashwa which he rode when he emigrated to Medina. Then there are camels named Al-Adhba' and Al-Jad'a. The Al-Adhba' camel is a camel whose speed was previously unrivaled.
2. Horse
Apart from camels, the Prophet Muhammad SAW had seven pet horses. The first horse he owned was named As-Sakb, with a reddish black color and white on his forehead. This horse was bought from the hands of a Bedouin Arab for ten uqiyah. Another horse named Al-Murtajaz is gray. This horse was once ridden by Khuzaimah bin Thabit. Then there are horses named Al-Luhaif, Al-Lizaz, Azh-Zharid, Sabhah, and Al-Ward.
3. Mule
The Prophet Muhammad SAW kept mules. A mule is an animal derived from a male horse with a female donkey or vice versa. From his type of pet mule, he gave the name Duldul to a gray mule given to him by Al-Muqauqis. There is also a mule named Fidhah, a gift from Farwah Al-Judzami, a gray mule a gift from the ruler of Ailah, and another mule a gift from the ruler Daumatul Jandal. It is also said that King Najasyi once presented him with a mule and he once rode it.
4. Donkey
From the type of donkey that was pet by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, there is a gray donkey named Ufair as a gift from the King of Egypt, Al-Muqauqis. Then the donkey was a gift from Farwah Al-Judzami. There are also those who say that Sa'ad bin Ubadah once gave the Prophet SAW a donkey that he used to ride,
5. Sheep
It is also stated that Rasulullah SAW had 100 sheep. He didn't want any more than that so every time a baby lamb was born, he immediately slaughtered an adult lamb instead.
6. Cat
The Prophet Muhammad SAW also had a cat named Mueeza.
The Holy Qur'an, the Isra' Mi'raj event, Abundant milk from his foster mother and also his pet camel, Chest split open by an angel, Splitting the moon with Allah's permission, Body protection with lightning when he was about to be killed, Water flowing from the Prophet's finger Muhammad SAW, Only a little food but enough forMany People, Filling Many People with One Glass of Milk, Treating Sore Eyes, Living Pebbles, Weeping Date Palm Fronds, etc.
Goat Meat, especially the arms or front legs and thighs of goats, Honey, Olives, Dates, Pomegranate, Pumpkin, Wheat Bread, Grapes.
Green and white
Source :, the book Zadul Ma'ad by Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, Bukhari hadith, Wikipedia, Syamail Muhammadiyah, the book Asma' Nabi Fii al-Qur'an wa as-Sunnah and various other sources
Allahumma Sholli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad
Sebetulnya sudah banyak yang mengulas tentang sejarah Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah SAW, tapi saya disini ingin meringkasnya bagi yang tidak suka membaca buku terlalu panjang dan berat. Isinya mengenai tanggal lahir, nama ayah, ibu, paman, istri, cucu dan lain sebagainya.
Nabi Muhammad SAW (Rasulullah) adalah seorang pemimpin agama, sosial, politik dan pendiri dari agama Islam. Menurut keyakinan umat Islam, beliau adalah nabi yang diberikan wahyu ilahi untuk memberitakan dan meneguhkan prinsip monoteistis dalam ajaran Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa, Isa, dan Nabi lainnya. Beliau juga diyakini sebagai Penutup Para Nabi (Nabi terakhir).
Nabi Muhammad adalah putra dari Abdullah bin Abdul Muthalib dan ibunya Aminah binti Wahab. Ayah Muhammad, Abdullah, adalah putra dari pemimpin konfederasi suku Quraisy, Abdul Muthalib bin Hasyim. Abdullah meninggal beberapa bulan sebelum kelahiran Nabi Muhammad, sementara ibunya, Aminah meninggal ketika dia berusia enam tahun, meninggalkan Nabi Muhammad sebagai yatim piatu. Kemudian dibesarkan di bawah asuhan kakeknya, Abdul Muthalib, dan setelah kakeknya meninggal dunia, Nabi Muhammad diasuh pamannya, Abu Thalib.
Lahir : 12 Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah (Senin, 20 April 570 M)
Wafat : 8 Juni 632 (11 H) dalam usia umur 62
Arti nama muhammad berarti "yang banyak dipuji", "Ahmad" (Ø£Øمد), yang dalam bahasa Arab juga berarti "terpuji"
Julukan : Sebelum masa kenabian, kerap dipanggil oleh orang-orang disekitarnya Al-Amiin yang artinya "orang yang dapat dipercaya", As-Saadiq yang berarti "yang benar".
Beberapa hadis meriwayatkan beberapa ciri fisik Nabi Muhammad yang diceritakan oleh para sahabat dan istrinya. Beberapa riwayat menyebutkan bahwa Nabi Muhammad berperawakan sedang, berkulit putih kemerahan, berjanggut tipis, dan digambarkan memiliki fisik yang sehat dan kuat oleh orang di sekitarnya. Riwayat lain menyebutkan Muhammad bermata hitam, tidak berkumis, berjanggut sedang, serta memiliki hidung bengkok yang sesuai dengan ciri antropologis bangsa Semit pada umumnya (butuh rujukan).
Sidiq, amanah, fathonah, dan tablig. Sidik artinya orang yang jujur, amanah adalah dapat dipercaya, fathonah berarti orang yang pandai atau cerdas, dan tablig artinya orang yang menyampaikan.
‘Athif Qosim al-Maliji dalam kitab karangannya “Asma' Nabi Fii al-Qur'an wa as-Sunnah”, memaparkan nama-nama nabi itu adalah muhammad, ahmad, ‘abdullah, al-ummi, ar-rahiim, al-basyir, asy-syaahid/asy- syahiid, an-nadzir, ad-daa'i ila allah, al-muballigh, al-hanif, al-mahi, rasul al-malahim, al-hasyir, nabi at-taubah, an-nur, as-sirojul munir, al-musthofa, al-mudatstsir, al-muzammil, ath-thahir, al-muthahar, al-muthahir, al-mutawakkal, al-amin, ash-shadiq, thaha, al-jami', al-wali, al-fatih, al-hadi, shohibul kautsar.
Nama ayah : Abdullah bin Abdul Muthalib
Nama Ibu : Aminah binti Wahab
Paman :
Al Harits, Az Zubair, Abu Thalib, Hamzah, Abu Lahab, Al Ghaidaq, Al Muqawwim, Dhirar, Al Abbas, Qutsam, Juhal
Istri Rasulullah SAW :
Khadijah binti Khuwailid, Saudah binti Zama'ah, Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq, Hafshah bin Umar bin Al-Khaththab, Zainab binti Khuzaimah, Ummu Salamah Hindun binti Abu Umayyah, Zainab binti Jahsy bin Rayyab, Juwairiyah binti Al-Harits, Ummu Habibah Ramlah binti Abu Sufyan, Shafiyah binti Huyai bin Akhthab, Maimunah binti Al-Harits, Jamilah, Jariyah
Anak Rasulullah SAW :
Al Qasim, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Ummu Kultsum, Fatimah Az-Zahra, Abdullah, Ibrahim
Cucu Rasulullah SAW :
Ali, Umamah, Abdullah, Hasan, Husein, Mukhsin, Zainab, dan Ummu Kultsum
1. Baju Besi (Ali bin Abi Thalib berkata, "Baju besi Rasulullah berjuluk Dzulfudhul")
2. Pedang (Ibnu Abbas RA mengatakan bahwa, "Rasulullah SAW menggunakan pedangnya yang memiliki julukan Dzulfiqar ketika Perang Badar. Pedang itu pulalah yang beliau mimpikan pada Perang Uhud." (HR Al-Haitsami), pedang yang lain mempunyai nama Al Ma’thur, Al 'Adb, Al Battar, Al-Hatf, Al Mikhdham, Al Rasub, Al Qadib, Qal’a,
3. Pelindung Kepala dari Besi (Anas bin Malik berkata, "Rasulullah SAW datang pada Fathu Makkah (Pembebasan Kota Makkah) menggunakan pelindung kepala yang terbuat dari besi." (HR Bukhari dan lainnya)
4. Tombak (Anas bin Malik berkata, "Nabi SAW memiliki sebuah tombak atau lembing. Beliau menancapkannya di tanah lalu salat menghadap tombak itu.")
5. Busur (Ibnu Abbas berkata, "Dalam perjalanan Rasulullah SAW berkhutbah pada hari Jum'at dengan berdiri sambil memegang busur." (HR Abdurrazad dan Thabrani)
6. Bendera Perang (Aisyah RA berkata, "Bendera perang Rasulullah SAW berwarna putih, sedangkan panjinya berwarna hitam terbuat dari potongan kain Aisyah yang bergambar pelana unta." (HR Ibnu Abi Syaibah)
7. Tongkat Panjang (Ibnu Abbas berkata, "Membawa tongkat termasuk di antara tradisi para nabi. Rasulullah SAW mempunyai tongkat yang beliau sandari untuk berjalan, dan beliau pun menyarankan agar bersandar pada tongkat."
8. Sangkur (Dari Ibnu Umar, ia berkata, "Rasulullah SAW menancapkan sangkur beliau di hadapannya. Lalu beliau salat menghadap sangkur itu, sedangkan yang lain ada di belakang beliau. Beliau melakukan hal tersebut ketika dalam perjalanan. Dengan dalil inilah, para amir (pemimpin) mencontoh perbuatan beliau tersebut." (HR Abu Uwanah).
9. Tongkat Komando (Ali bin Abi Thalib berkata, "Ketika berada di pekuburan Baqi' Rasulullah duduk seraya memegang tongkat komando. Kemudian beliau tancapkan tongkat itu di tanah." (HR Bukhari dan Abu Dawud)
1. Unta
Nabi Muhammad SAW dikatakan memiliki empat puluh lima ekor unta perahan dan satu ekor unta yang sangat mahir dari peternakan Bani Uqail. Dari jenis unta peliharaannya, beliau memiliki unta bernama Al-Qashwa yang dikendarainya ketika hijrah ke Madinah. Kemudian ada unta yang bernama Al-Adhba' dan Al-Jad'a. Unta Al-Adhba' adalah seekor unta yang sebelumnya tak tersaingi kecepatannya.
2. Kuda
Selain unta, Nabi Muhammad SAW memiliki tujuh ekor kuda peliharaan. Kuda pertama yang dimiliki beliau bernama As-Sakb dengan warna hitam kemerah-merahan dan di jidatnya terdapat warna putih. Kuda ini dibeli dari tangan orang Arab badui dengan harga sepuluh uqiyah. Kuda lainnya ada yang bernama Al-Murtajaz berwarna abu-abu. Kuda ini pernah ditunggangi oleh Khuzaimah bin Tsabit. Kemudian ada kuda yang bernama Al-Luhaif, Al-Lizaz, Azh-Zharid, Sabhah, dan Al-Ward.
3. Bagal
Nabi Muhammad SAW memelihara bagal. Bagal adalah binatang dari turunan kuda jantan dengan keledai betina atau sebaliknya. Dari jenis bagal peliharaannya, beliau beri nama Duldul untuk seekor bagal berwarna kelabu pemberian Al-Muqauqis. Ada pula bagal yang diberi nama Fidhah hadiah dari Farwah Al-Judzami, bagal abu-abu hadiah dari penguasa Ailah, serta bagal lain hadiah dari penguasa Daumatul Jandal. Dikatakan pula bahwa Raja Najasyi pernah menghadiahkan seekor bagal kepadanya dan beliau pernah menungganginya.
4. Keledai
Dari jenis keledai peliharaan Nabi Muhammad SAW, ada keledai abu-abu yang diberi nama Ufair sebagai hadiah dari Raja Mesir, Al-Muqauqis. Lalu keledai hadiah dari Farwah Al-Judzami. Ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa Sa'ad bin Ubadah pernah memberi Nabi SAW seekor keledai yang biasa ditungganginya,
5. Domba
Disebutkan pula bahwa Rasulullah SAW memiliki 100 ekor domba. Beliau tidak ingin jumlah lebih daripada itu sehingga setiap kali seekor bayi domba lahir, beliau langsung menyembelih seekor domba dewasa sebagai gantinya.
6. Kucing
Nabi Muhammad SAW juga memiliki seekor kucing yang bernama Mueeza.
Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an, Peristiwa Isra’ Mi’raj, Air Susu Melimpah dari ibu asuhnya dan juga unta peliharannya, Dada Dibelah oleh malaikat, Membelah Bulan atas Izin Allah, Pelindung Tubuh dengan Petir saat akan dibunuh, Air Mengalir dari Jari Nabi Muhammad SAW, Hanya Sedikit Makanan Namun Cukup untuk Banyak Orang, Mengenyangkan Banyak Orang dengan Satu Gelas Susu, Mengobati Mata yang Sakit , Kerikil Hidup, Pelepah Kurma Menangis, dsb
Daging Kambing, khususnya bagian lengan atau kaki depan dan paha kambing, Madu, Buah Zaitun, Kurma, Delima, Labu,Roti Gandum, Buah Anggur.
Hijau dan putih
Alhamdulillahirobbil'aalamiin ...
Sumber :, Kitab kitab Zadul Ma'ad oleh Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, hadist Bukhari, Wikipedia, Syamail Muhammadiyah, kitab Asma' Nabi Fii al-Qur'an wa as-Sunnah dan berbagai sumber lain