OpenAI Search Engine Announced Day Before Google I/O?
We reported some time ago that OpenAI was allegedly creating their own search engine to compete with Google. The latest report from Reuters states that the search engine from OpenAI will be announced the day before the Google I/O 2024 event.
Google I/O itself will be held on May 14 2024, where Google will announce various new things, including Google Search. However, OpenAI seems to want to stir things up a bit by announcing their AI-based search engine on May 13 2024, aka the day before.
For those of you who may have missed it, OpenAI is allegedly developing their own AI-based search engine after a new domain was discovered with the address "". Although it is believed that it will be announced in the near future, OpenAI itself has not officially confirmed this information.
According to various rumors, the search engine from OpenAI was designed to compete with Google and Perplexity, a specific AI-based search engine. It is said that users will be able to ask the search engine with chatbot responses such as ChatGPT but with references citing various online sources such as news, blog posts, Wikipedia and others.
Google Search Engine Experience (SGE) and Microsoft Bing AI might be the closest examples to this description. However, we don't know for sure what the details of OpenAI's search engine are. Let's just wait for the official announcement!