Customs cheated! Money Eyes, Got Pranked?
Customs cheated! Even though she wanted to be charged tax, it turned out that this Hajj woman only used imitation gold, the price was only this much
Customs cheated! Even though she wanted to be charged tax, it turned out that this Hajj woman only used imitation gold (Doc: Customs/Suarnati Daeng Kanang)
- Behind the case of Customs which is currently in the news because of the regulations regarding tax fees. It turned out that Customs and Excise had been pranked by a female Hajj pilgrim from the city of Makassar named Suarnati.
This incident occurred in 2023, when Suarnati Daeng Kanang suddenly went viral after wearing striking gold jewelry when returning from Hajj. As a result, Suarnati became a target for Customs and Excise, and even summoned the Hajj pilgrims. However, unfortunately for Customs and Excise, it was revealed that the 180 grams of gold that Suarnati had exhibited was only an imitation, aka fake.
"Suarnati was questioned by Makassar Customs and Excise because it went viral that she showed off 180 grams of gold that covered her body when she returned to her homeland after undergoing the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia," said the video narrator, quoted by Hops.ID from Youtube Suara Netizen, on Friday May 10, 2024.
However, it was revealed from the results of an inspection by Makassar Customs and Excise that Suarnati's jewelry turned out to be fake or imitation gold.
"After examining and testing sister Suarnati Daeng Kanang's jewelry, and based on a certificate issued by the Butung Market branch office of Pegadaian, it was stated that the jewelry was not gold. "People usually call it imitation," said Makassar Customs Public Relations at that time.
And it was revealed that the price of Suarnati's imitation gold was not expensive. After calculating, it turned out that Suarnati's imitation gold treasure was only worth IDR 1 million. And at that time, Customs and Excise confirmed that, because he only brought in fine gold, Suarnati would not be subject to tax by Customs. Because Customs said it was because the value of the goods did not comply with existing regulations. It is known that the price of goods subject to tax is a minimum of IDR 7,602,000.
Previously, a TKW named Risma was excited because Customs and Excise had to pay tax worth IDR 360 million. This is because Risma brought 3 kg of gold when returning home to Indonesia.
Risma admitted that she had to be stopped by Customs officers when she arrived at Juanda Airport, Surabaya. And have to pay hundreds of millions in taxes.
"Bun, he said that when he landed in Surabaya there were a few problems regarding Customs and Excise," asked a man to Risma, quoted from Faiz Slamet's Youtube. Risman also admitted that he experienced problems because he was subject to tax regulations because he was carrying gold.
"Yes, I don't think it's an obstacle. It's natural because there can't be too many or more regulations," he said. Risma was also asked how much tax she had to pay to Customs and Excise for carrying 3 kg of gold. "If I may know, how much customs duty will it cost, sir?" he asked. Risma also said that the fine she had to pay to Customs and Excise reached IDR 360 million. ***
Bea Cukai ketipu! Mata Duitan, Kena Prank?
Bea Cukai ketipu! Padahal mau ditagih pajak, ternyata ibu haji ini cuma pakai emas imitasi, harganya cuma segini
Bea Cukai ketipu! Padahal mau ditagih pajak, ternyata ibu haji ini cuma pakai emas imitasi (Dok: Bea Cukai/Suarnati Daeng Kanang)
- Di balik kasus Bea cukai yang saat ini menjadi ramai pemberitaan lantaran aturan terkait biaya pajak. Ternyata Bea Cukai sempat kena prank oleh seorang wanita jemaah haji asal kota Makassar bernama Suarnati.
Kejadian tersebut terjadi pada tahun 2023 lalu, ketika saat itu Suarnati Daeng Kanang, mendadak viral setelah memakai perhiasan emas yang mencolok ketika pulang haji. Akibatnya, Suarnati pun menjadi sasaran dari Bea Cukai, bahkan memanggil jemaah haji tersebut. Namun, sial bagi Bea Cukai, terungkap jika emas 180 gram yang sempat dipamerkan oleh Suarnati tersebut hanya imitasi alias palsu.
"Suarnati sempat diperiksa oleh Bea Cukai Makassar karena viralnya dia memamerkan emas seberat 180 gram, yang membaluti tubuhnya saat pulang ke tanah air usai menjalani ibadah haji di Mekkah, Arab Saudi," bunyi narator video dikutip Hops.ID dari Youtube Suara Netizen, pada Jumat 10 Mei 2024.
Namun terungkap, dari hasil pemeriksaan oleh Bea Cukai Makassar, perhiasan Suarnati tersebut ternyata emas palsu atau imitasi. "Setelah melakukan pemeriksaan dan uji terhadap perhiasan saudari Suarnati Daeng Kanang, dan berdasarkan surat keterangan yang telah diterbitkan oleh Pegadaian kantor cabang Pasar Butung, dinyatakan bahwa perhiasan tersebut bukan emas. Orang biasa menyebutnya imitasi," ujar Humas Bea Cukai Makassar saat itu. Dan terungkap, jika harga emas imitasi milik Suarnati tersebut tidaklah mahal. Setelah mengalami penghitungan, ternyata harta emas imitasi Suarnati hanya senilai Rp1 juta rupiah.
Dan pada saat itu, pihak Bea Cukai memastikan, karena hanya membawa masuk emas palus, Suarnati tidak jadi dikenakan biaya pajak oleh Bea Cukai. Karena Bea Cukai menyebut lantaran nilai barang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada. Diketahui, harga barang terkena pajak minimal seharga Rp7.602.000.
Sebelumnya, sempat heboh seorang TKW bernama Risma karena harus diminta bayar pajak oleh Bea Cukai senilai Rp360 juta. Hal tersebut dikarenakan Risma membawa emas saat mudik ke Indonesia seberat 3 kg.
Risma mengakui, dia harus dihentikan oleh petugas Bea Cukai saat tiba di Bandara Juanda, Surabaya. Dan harus bayar pajak ratusan juta.
"Bun, katanya tadi pada saat mendarat di Surabaya itu ada sedikit kendala mengenai Bea Cukai," tanya seorang pria kepada Risma dikutip dari Youtube Faiz Slamet. Risman pun mengakui, jika dia mengalami kendala karena terkena aturan pajak, lantaran membawa emas.
"Ya menurut saya bukan kendala. Sudah wajar karena kan emang peraturan itu gak bisa banyak atau lebih," katanya. Risma pun ditanya mengenai berapa besar jumpa pajak yang harus dibayarnya kepada Bea Cukai karena membawa emas sebanyak 3 kg tersebut. "Kalau boleh tahu, kena Bea Cukainya sampai berapa nih bun," tanyanya. Risma pun menyebutkan, jika nilai denda yang harus dibayarnya kepada Bea Cukai mencapai Rp360 juta rupiah.***