Qatar vs Japan Result 2-4, Blue Samurai Needs 101 Minutes Get Rid 10 Qatari Players

Qatar vs Japan Result 2-4, Blue Samurai Needs 101 Minutes Get Rid 10 Qatari Players
- Japan successfully qualified for the semifinals of the 2024 U23 Asian Cup. 

The Samurai Blue team beat Qatar with a score of 4-2 in the U23 Asian Cup quarter-final match at the Jassim Bin Hamad Stadium, Doha, Thursday (25/4/2024). Japan achieved this victory with great difficulty because they had to play extra rounds even though they were superior in number of players. 
Japan was surprisingly able to take the lead first. 

Japan's opening goal was created by Fuki Yamada when the match was only two minutes old. 
Fuki Yamada managed to control the ball from a blunder made by an opposing player in front of the Qatar penalty box. After taking two touches, the player who had a career at Tokyo Verdy fired a hard shot which the Qatar goalkeeper, Yousef Abdulrahman Baliadeh, was unable to stop. 

After taking the lead, the Samurai Blue team dominated the game. 

However, before they had time to create a dangerous chance, Japan conceded in the 24th minute. Japanese goalkeeper, Kokubo, had to collect the ball in his own net after failing to block Ahmed Al-Rawi's header. Apart from that, Qatar's efforts to get ahead are increasingly difficult. The home team had to play with 10 players following Yousef Baliadeh's red card in the 41st minute. 

From the VAR broadcast, Yousef Baliadeh kicked Hosoya in the stomach when he headed the ball in front of his team's penalty box. 
Qatar coach, Ilídio Fernando Torres do Vale, made changes in the 44th minute. He brought in Ali Nader to replace Khaled Ali. 
Amazingly, Qatar made a surprise at the start of the second half. They took the lead thanks to Jassem Gaber's goal in the 49th minute. Jassem Gaber managed to head the ball from a free kick executed by Mostafa Meshaaal. 

Japan was only able to score a goal back in the 67th minute. Seiji Kimura managed to head the ball from a corner kick. The match became even fiercer because for the moment the score was tied at 2-2. Japan almost took the lead in the 75th minute. Kein Sato managed to head the ball when it was near the Qatar goal post. 
However, Sato's header was still caught by the opposing goalkeeper. 

After that, Japan continued to attack Qatar's defenses. 

In the 82nd minute, Shota Fujio had a golden opportunity to score a goal when he managed to kick off a horizontal pass from his partner. Fujio was not calm enough in his shot so the ball failed to hit the target. 
Japan continues to lock Qatar in its own defense. However, Japan was unable to score additional goals so they had to play extra time. In the 98th minute, Fujio as the spearhead had another chance when he got the ball in the penalty box. 

However, the player with back number 9 did not control the ball perfectly so the opponent's goalkeeper was able to secure the skin. Apart from that, their efforts finally paid off in the 101st minute. Mao Hosoya managed to escape from the opponent's control to control the ball from Ryotaro Araki's through ball. Mao Hosoya quickly fired a shot with his right foot which sent the ball into the left corner of the Qatar goal. 

About eight minutes later, it was Yu Hirakawa's turn to make a threat. However, the ball from Yu Hirakawa's shot was still caught by the opposing goalkeeper. 
Japan was only able to actually score their fourth goal in the 113th minute. It was Kotaro Uchino who was able to get his name on the scoreboard after taking advantage of the chaos in front of goal. This goal also sealed Japan's victory with a score of 4-2. 

Hasil Qatar Vs Jepang 2-4, Samurai Biru Butuh 101 Menit Singkirkan 10 Pemain Qatar
 - Jepang berhasil lolos ke semifinal Piala Asia U23 2024.

Tim Samurai Biru mengalahkan Qatar dengan skor 4-2 dalam laga perempat final Piala Asia U23 di Stadion Jassim Bin Hamad, Doha, Kamis (25/4/2024). Jepang meraih kemenangan ini dengan susah payah karena mereka harus melakoni babak tambahan meskipun unggul jumlah pemain. 
Jepang secara mengejutkan mampu unggul terlebih dulu.

Gol pembuka Jepang diciptakan Fuki Yamada saat laga baru berusia dua menit. Fuki Yamada berhasil menguasai bola dari blunder yang dilakukan pemain lawan di depan kotak penalti Qatar. Setelah melakukan dua sentuhan, pemain yang berkarier di Tokyo Verdy tersebut melepaskan tembakan keras yang tak mampu dibendung kiper Qatar, Yousef Abdulrahman Baliadeh.

Setelah unggul, tim Samurai Biru mendominasi permainan. Namun belum sempat menciptakan peluan berbahaya, Jepang malah kebobolan pada menit ke-24.
Kiper Jepang, Kokubo, harus memungut bola di gawangnya sendiri setelah gagal membendung tandukan Ahmed Al-Rawi.

Terlepas dari itu, usaha Qatar untuk berbalik unggul semakin sulit. Tim tuan rumah harus bermain dengan 10 pemain menyusul kartu merah Yousef Baliadeh pada menit ke-41.
Dari tayangan lewat VAR, Yousef Baliadeh menendang perut Hosoya saat menanduk bola di depan kotak penalti timnya.
Pelatih Qatar, Ilídio Fernando Torres do Vale, melakukan perubahan pada menit ke-44. Dia memasukkan Ali Nader untuk menggantikan Khaled Ali.
Hebatnya, Qatar membuat kejutan pada awal babak kedua. Mereka berbalik unggul berkat gol Jassem Gaber pada menit ke-49.
Jassem Gaber berhasil menanduk bola dari umpan tendangan bebas yang dieksekusi Mostafa Meshaaal.

Jepang baru bisa mencetak gol balasan pada menit ke-67. Seiji Kimura berhasil menyundul bola dari umpan sepak pojok.
Laga pun semakin sengit karena untuk sementara skor imbang 2-2. Jepang nyaris unggul pada menit ke-75. Kein Sato berhasil menyundul bola saat berada di dekat tiang gawang Qatar.
Namun, bola hasil tandukan Sato masih bisa ditangkap oleh kiper lawan. Setelah itu, Jepang terus menggempur pertahanan Qatar.

Pada menit ke-82, Shota Fujio punya peluang emas untuk mencetak gol saat berhasil melepaskan tendangan dari umpan mendatar yang dilepaskan rekannya. Fujio kurang tenang dalam melepaskan tendangan sehingga bola gagal mengenai sasaran. Jepang terus mengurung Qatar di pertahanannya sendiri. Namun, Jepang tidak mampu menciptakan gol tambahan sehingga mereka harus melakoni babak tambahan. Pada menit ke-98, Fujio sebagai ujung tombak kembali memiliki peluang saat mendapatkan bola di kotak penalti.

Namun, pemain bernomor punggug 9 tersebut tidak sempurna menguasai bola sehingga si kulit mampu diamankan kiper lawan.
Terlepas dari itu, usaha mereka akhirnya membuahkan hasil pada menit ke-101. Mao Hosoya berhasil lepas dari kawalan lawan untuk menguasai bola dari umpan terobosan Ryotaro Araki. Mao Hosoya dengan cepat melepaskan tembakan dengan kaki kanannya yang membuat bola bersarang pojok kiri gawang Qatar. Sekitar delapan menit kemudian, giliran Yu Hirakawa yang melepaskan ancaman. Namun, bola hasil tembakan Yu Hirakawa masih mampu ditangkap kiper lawan. 

Jepang baru bisa benar-benar mencetak gol keempatnya pada menit ke-113. Adalah Kotaro Uchino yang mampu mencatatkan namanya di papan skor setelah memanfaatkan kemelut di depan gawang. 
Gol tersebut sekaligus memateraikan kemenangan Jepang dengan skor 4-2. 

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