Matty Healy's Family Responds to Gossip as Material for Taylor Swift's Song

Matty Healy's Family Responds to Gossip as Material for Taylor Swift's Song
Matty Healy has been widely discussed after Taylor Swift fans speculated that Healy was the figure behind a number of The Tortured Poets Department songs. (Getty Image Archives)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --
Matty Healy's family has responded to various allegations from fans that the songs on Taylor Swift's new album, The Tortured Poets Department, are related to the musician couple's romance. 

According to Matty's aunt, Debbie Dedes, her niece, who is also the vocalist of The 1975, was not surprised by the fan excitement and alleged romance that was the subject of Swift's song. 
"Nothing surprised him," Dedes told the Daily Mail as reported by Page Six on Saturday (20/4). "Matty won't be surprised by the song. Matty and Taylor know what's really going on,"
"Because he's my nephew, we know a little more about what's going on than the media out there," he said. 

Apart from that, Debbie said that Matty Healy is currently "very happy" in his relationship with his new girlfriend, Gabbriette Bechtel. 
Page Six said it had asked representatives for Swift and Healy for comment, but did not receive a response. 
Matty Healy's name has been widely discussed after Taylor Swift fans speculated that Healy was the figure behind the songs The Tortured Poets Department (TTPD) and The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived. 
The song and album title TTPD are speculated to allude to Healy's love of typewriters, as Healy revealed in an interview with GQ some time ago. 

Meanwhile, in The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, Swift sings about a man in a Jehovah's Witness-style suit who Swift says "ruined her sparkling summer."
The 1975 vocalist often wears a distinctive black suit during most of his stage acts, which is considered similar to members of the Jehovah's Witnesses Church. 

In the song, Swift also alludes to someone trying to "buy some pills from his friends", while Healy admits to struggling to stay drug free. 
The title The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived is also said to refer to Healy's height. He previously complained that he was "really fed up" with people speculating about his height. 
Healy and Swift's relationship allegedly occurred between May and June 2023. Many Swift fans protested about the relationship because they considered Healy to be a problematic person. 
The criticism also gave rise to speculation as to the background of Swift's song on the TTPD album, But Daddy I Love Him. Swift also explores similar emotions in I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can). 
Taylor Swift officially released the 11th album of her career, The Tortured Poets Department, on Friday (19/4) at 11.00 WIB globally. The TTPD album is called Swift, in February 2024, he has been saving it for the last two years. 

Keluarga Respons Gosip Matty Healy Jadi Bahan Lagu Taylor Swift
Matty Healy ramai dibicarakan setelah penggemar Taylor Swift berspekulasi bahwa Healy adalah sosok di balik sejumlah lagu The Tortured Poets Department. (Arsip Getty Image)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --
Keluarga Matty Healy merespons berbagai dugaan dari penggemar soal lagu-lagu dalam album baru Taylor Swift, The Tortured Poets Department, adalah berkaitan dengan asmara sepasang musisi tersebut.

Menurut bibi dari Matty, Debbie Dedes, keponakannya yang juga vokalis The 1975 tersebut tak kaget soal keriuhan penggemar dan dugaan romansa yang jadi bahan lagu Swift.
"Tak ada yang mengejutkan dirinya," kata Dedes kepada Daily Mail seperti diberitakan Page Six pada Sabtu (20/4). "Matty tidak akan kaget dengan lagu itu. Matty dan Taylor tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi,"
"Berhubung dia keponakan saya, kami tahu sedikit lebih banyak soal apa yang terjadi dibanding media di luar sana," katanya.

Selain itu, Debbie menyebut Matty Healy saat ini "sangat bahagia" menjalani hubungan dengan pacar barunya, Gabbriette Bechtel.
Page Six menyebut sudah meminta tanggapan perwakilan Swift dan Healy, tapi tak mendapatkan respons.
Nama Matty Healy ramai dibicarakan setelah penggemar Taylor Swift berspekulasi bahwa Healy adalah sosok di balik lagu The Tortured Poets Department (TTPD) dan The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.
Lagu dan judul album TTPD dispekulasi menyinggung kecintaan Healy terhadap mesin tik, hal itu seperti diungkapkan Healy pada wawancara dengan GQ beberapa waktu lalu.

Sementara, dalam The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, Swift bernyanyi tentang seorang pria dengan setelan ala Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa yang Swift sebut "merusak musim panasnya yang berkilauan".
Vokalis The 1975 itu seringkali mengenakan setelan jas khas berwarna hitam pada sebagian besar aksi panggungnya, yang dinilai mirip dengan anggota Gereja Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa.

Dalam lagu itu, Swift juga menyinggung seseorang yang mencoba "membeli beberapa pil dari teman-temannya", sedangkan Healy mengaku berjuang bebas dari narkoba.
Judul The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived juga disebut merujuk pada tinggi badan Healy. Ia sebelumnya pernah mengeluh "muak banget" soal spekulasi orang-orang tentang tinggi badannya.
Hubungan Healy dan Swift diduga terjadi antara Mei hingga Juni 2023. Banyak penggemar Swift memprotes soal hubungan itu karena menilai Healy adalah orang yang bermasalah.
Kecaman itu juga memunculkan spekulasi sebagai latar dalam lagu Swift di album TTPD, But Daddy I Love Him. Swift juga mengeksplorasi emosi serupa dalam I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can).
Taylor Swift resmi merilis album ke-11 dalam kariernya, The Tortured Poets Department, pada Jumat (19/4) pukul 11.00 WIB secara global. Album TTPD disebut Swift, pada Februari 2024, sudah ia simpan selama dua tahun terakhir.

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