8 Most Dangerous Classes at Hogwarts Harry Potter! Anything?

8 Most Dangerous Classes at Hogwarts Harry Potter! Anything? 
Classes are quite dangerous for students' mental health and safety

Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series feels like a second home for some of the students there. At Hogwarts they don't just go to school, it's like they have a new life and family. However, there are definitely situations where students at Hogwarts must carry out their obligations, namely studying in class. Lessons at Hogwarts also of course have different levels of difficulty. So, this time we will discuss the 8 most dangerous classes at Hogwarts. Which one do you think is the most dangerous? Come on, see the explanation together! 

8. Divination Class
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Students will get this class in their third year of school at Hogwarts. Like predictions in general, this class taught by Professor Trelawney also studies how to read the future with different techniques. The dangerous side of this class is when it is predicting someone's death, especially the students in the class. It will definitely make students think and disturb their mental health. Of course, it is more minor than the others, hence the class is in this position. 

7. Astronomy Class
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Astronomy classes are classes that students receive during their first to fifth year of school at Hogwarts. This class is mostly about stars and the solar system. This class is held at night at the Astronomy Tower. What is quite dangerous in this class is that the study area is located in the very high Astronomy Tower. So, it is quite dangerous for students if they joke too much because they could fall. Still quite minor... 

6. Charms Class
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This class is very important because it is studied in the first year and contains basic magic knowledge. Professor Flitwick is a quite skilled teacher and has great abilities. This class is very beneficial for every wizard because their journey starts from here. Starting from how to swing a magic wand and casting spells will be taught in this class. 
This class is quite dangerous for students who swing or spell spells incorrectly. As in the case experienced by Seamus, when he tried to cast the Wingardium Leviosa spell many times, but instead it exploded the object in front of him. 

5. Transfiguration Class
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This class is also one of the most dangerous classes at Hogwarts. Transfiguration is a very complex and dangerous subject, even McGonagall admits that. This class will give students the ability to change the shape of an object into another shape. Even living creatures can be objects, not only inanimate objects. Transfiguration cannot be used carelessly. If you make a mistake in using it, you will endanger yourself. 

4. Herbology Class
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This class studies plants that exist in the Muggle world or magical plants. Professor Sprout not only provides theory, but also puts it into practice directly. This plant may seem trivial, but it can be very dangerous for anyone who is near it, and can even kill students. Like the Willow tree that almost killed Harry and Ron. 

3. Care of Magical Creatures Class
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This class taught by Hagrid is also quite dangerous for the students. As we can see, magical animals in the wizarding world are quite exotic but also scary and can endanger safety. In fact, the book that is the class guide can also bite students. However, as long as students follow the directions well, they will definitely be fine. It's different if students ignore instructions and don't respect magical animals, as happened to Draco Malfoy when he was attacked by Buckbeak which resulted in his hand having to be bandaged. 

2. Potions Class
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Potions are one of the most interesting things in the wizarding world. However, this lesson must be learned very carefully. It is indeed quite dangerous, because if you add the wrong raw material it can cause the concoction to explode and destroy the cauldron being used. Mistakes in making potions can also traumatize students. Like what Hermione did when she put her hair wrongly in the Polyjuice potion which actually made her face look like a cat. 

1. Defense Against the Dark Arts Class
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This is the most dangerous class at Hogwarts. Only in this class the teacher always changes. Starting from Professor Quirrell to Professor Remus Lupin. This class cannot be underestimated. Because, this class will equip students for real life out there when they meet evil witches. This class will teach you how to attack your opponent and protect yourself. 

However, if you use the spell incorrectly, it could endanger other students. Moreover, if students learn curse spells on their own which are not allowed to be used at school, it can of course cause death. How? Which is the most dangerous class at Hogwarts in your opinion? Leave your comments! 

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