Viral Video Reveals Partner Swapping

Viral Video Reveals Partner Swapping
Ustadz Derry Sulaiman Urges Police to Arrest and Legally Process All Content Actors to Swap Partners

Ustadz Derry Sulaiman asked that all perpetrators of wife swapping or partner swapping content be arrested and punished as severely as possible. (Capture YouTube Daddy Corbuzier)

 – Ustadz Derry Sulaiman is irritated by the content of exchanging partners because they have committed religious blasphemy. 

The content recently went viral on social media, making it seem like it was real, not content. Turns out it was made by Gus Samsudin. 
In the video footage that is spread, a number of men wearing robes and several women wearing veils are sitting next to him. 
Besides, it's nice to get paid. It's free here, it's okay if you like it. 

Spectators, if you want, it's okay to practice here. Free, no sin. 
"Can you take turns like this later, Mr Kiai? "For example, Sis likes this," asked one of the congregants. 
"I can do the same,"
"Yes, if you like it," answered the kiai. 
"But on condition, you have to be here with me first," answered the man who acted like a kiai. 

The video clip was uploaded again by content creator or YouTuber Dodi Sefriadi. 
It was revealed that the video was content created by Gus Samsudin and was allegedly intended to find subscribers and viewers on YouTube. 

Ustadz Derry Sulaiman also spoke about this matter. He asked the police to act decisively. 
“Whoever was involved in making this viral video, you have all crossed the line. fear Allah. "Repent to Allah," he said. 
“What you have done has degraded the honor and dignity of Muslim women. Remember your mother is a woman, your children are women, your wife is a woman. "Your little sister is a woman," he explained. 
He asked women not to be humiliated, not to be harassed as if women were trash that everyone could insult. 
"Even though you guys are joking, he said. "This has really gone beyond the pale," he said. 
“I hope the police act quickly. Then arrest all the perpetrators, everyone in the video. give the most severe punishment before the Muslims come there, make their own laws," he said. 
"I hope this case is really paid attention to, not let it pass and then become a joke," he explained. 
“What we see is not worth hearing, not worth seeing. Truly immoral, depraved. Really depraved. "You all are impudent," concluded Derry. ***

Viral Video Ungkap Tukar Pasangan
Ustadz Derry Sulaiman Desak Polisi Tangkap dan Proses Hukum Semua Pemeran Konten Tukar Pasangan

Ustadz Derry Sulaiman minta semua pelaku di konten tukar istri atau tukar pasangan ditangkap dan dihukum seberat-beratnya. (Capture Youtube Daddy Corbuzier)

 – Ustadz Derry Sulaiman gerah dengan konten saling tukar pasangan karena sudah melakukan penistaan agama.

Konten tersebut baru-baru ini viral di media sosial, seolah-olah bahwa itu nyata, bukan konten. Ternyata itu buatan Gus Samsudin.
Dalam potongan video yang tersebar itu seumlah pria mengenakan jubah dan beberapa wanita bercadar duduk di sebelahnya.
Lagian enak ini mahdigaji. Ini mah bebas di sini mah, kalau suka tidak apa-apa.

Penonton kalau mau, praktikan di sini tidak apa-apa. Bebas, tidak ada dosa.
“Seperti ini nanti boleh digilir pak Kiai? misalya mbaknya suka sama ini,” tanya salah satu jamaah.
“Sama saya juga bisa,”
“Boleh,kalau suka sama suka,” jawab kiai.
“Tapi dengan syarat, harus di sini dulu sama saya,” jawab sosok pria yang berperan seperti kiai.

Potongan video itu diunggah lagi oleh konten kreator atau YouTuber Dodi Sefriadi.
Terungkap bahwa video tersebut merupakan konten buatan Gus Samsudin dan diduga  untuk mencari subsriber dan viewer di YouTube.

Ustadz Derry Sulaiman pun angkat bicara terkait hal itu. Dia minta polisi bertindak tegas.
“Siapapun yang terlibat dalam pembuatan video viral ini, kalian semua telah melampaui batas. takutlah kepada allah. Bertaubatlah kepada Allah,” ujarnya.
“Apa yang kalin lakukan telah merendahkan harkat dan martabat wanita muslimah. Ingat ibumu wanita, anakmu wanita, istrimua wanita. kakak adeikmu wanita,” jelasnya.
Dia minta agar wanita tida hinakan, tidak dilecehkan seakan-akan wanita adalah sampah yang bisa dizinai semua orang.
“Meksipun kalian bercanda katanya. Ini benar-benar telah melampaui batas,” katanya.
“Saya harap kepolisian cepat bertindak. Kemudian menangkap semua pelaku, semua orang yang ada di video itu. memberi hukuman seberat-beratnya sebelum umat iSlam merapat ke sana, membuat hukum sendiri,” ujarnya.
“Saya berharap kasus ini benar-benar diperhatikan, janga dibiarkan berlalu kemudian dijadikan candaan,” bebernya.
“Apa yang kita lihat, tidak pantas di dengar, tidak pantas dilihat. Betul-betul asusila, bejat. Betul betul bejat. Kurang ajar kalian semua,” pungkas Derry. ***

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