See South Beach because pilot fell asleep, Batik Air passengers: Jakarta-Bandung travel tickets forfeited

See South Beach because pilot fell asleep, Batik Air passengers: Jakarta-Bandung travel tickets forfeited
Water Batik Illustration (Doc)

 - One of the passengers on the Batik Air Kendari-Jakarta route could not believe it when he found out that the pilot and co-pilot had fallen asleep while flying the plane. This caused the plane to deviate to the southern coast of Java. In fact, to land at Soekarno-Hatta Airport you don't have to go to the south coast. 

"What I think is that the trip from Jakarta to Bandung could be forfeited. Usually at 09.30 WIB it lands, but this time it landed at 10.00 WIB," said a Batik Air passenger on his personal X (formerly Twitter) account @WellPlayed04, monitored Monday (11/3 /2024). 
He admitted that he was grateful that he was still given safety. "I am grateful that God has given me a miracle and that I am still given the opportunity to exist in the world," he said. 
He only recently learned that the plane had deviated from its path to the southern coast of Java from the media. "I usually rarely make videos, but because I knew this was towards the South coast, I captured it and only found out the news today," he said. 

He thought that Soekarno-Hatta Airport was busy, so the plane had to turn around. "Honestly, when I was on the plane, I didn't think anything strange and I just thought 'oh maybe Soetta Airport is crowded'," he said. 
Previously, the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) report stated that the incident occurred on January 25 2024, when the pilot and co-pilot fell asleep for 28 minutes. KNKT documents reveal that the pilots on duty did not get enough rest, resulting in fatigue in the flight crew. 
In that incident, the copilot served as the pilot flying the plane (pilot flying/PF), while the pilot captain served as the pilot monitor (pilot monitoring/PM). 
Air traffic control did not get a response from PF. At that time, the pilot captain realized that the plane was not on the right course and found the co-pilot asleep. Luckily, the plane managed to return to its flight path and land safely. 

Batik Air took serious steps by temporarily deactivating the pilot and co-pilot involved. 
Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transportation (Ditjen Hubud Kemenhub) gave a strong warning and will carry out a special investigation regarding the alleged case of the Batik Air pilot and co-pilot falling asleep during the flight. 

Lihat Pantai Selatan karena Pilot Tertidur, Penumpang Batik Air: Tiket Travel Jakarta-Bandung Hangus
Ilustrasi Batik Air (Dok)

- Salah seorang penumpang Batik Air rute Kendari-Jakarta tidak percaya mengetahui pilot dan kopilotnya tertidur saat menerbangkan pesawat. Hal itu menyebabkan pesawat melenceng hingga pantai selatan Jawa. Padahal, untuk mendarat di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta tidak sampai ke arah pantai selatan.

"Yang saya pikirkan itu travel dari Jakarta ke Bandung bisa hangus. Biasanya pukul 09.30 WIB sudah landing, tetapi ini pukul 10.00 WIB baru landing," kata penumpang Batik Air dalam akun X (sebelumnya Twitter) pribadinya @WellPlayed04, dipantau Senin (11/3/2024).
Dia mengaku bersyukur masih diberikan keselamatan. "Bersyukur diberikan mukjizat oleh Tuhan dan masih dikasih kesempatan untuk ada di dunia," ucapnya.
Dia baru mengetahui pesawat melenceng jalur hingga ke pantai selatan Jawa dari media baru-baru ini. "Saya biasanya jarang membuat video, tetapi karna saya tahu ini ke arah pantai Selatan. Saya abadikan dan baru tahu beritanya hari ini," kata dia.

Dia sempat berpikir bahwa Bandara Soekarno-Hatta sedang ramai, sehingga pesawat harus memutar arah. "Jujur pas di pesawat saya tidak kepikiran aneh-aneh dan saya cuman berpikir 'oh mungkin di Bandara Soetta sedang crowded'," kata dia.
Sebelumnya, laporan Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) menyebut insiden terjadi pada 25 Januari 2024, ketika pilot dan kopilot tertidur selama 28 menit. Dokumen KNKT mengungkapkan pilot yang bertugas tidak mendapat istirahat cukup, mengakibatkan kondisi kelelahan awak pesawat.
Dalam insiden itu, kopilot bertugas sebagai pilot yang menerbangkan pesawat (pilot flying/PF), sementara kapten pilot bertugas sebagai pilot monitor (pilot monitoring/PM).
Pemandu lalu lintas udara tidak mendapatkan respons dari PF. Pada saat itu, kapten pilot menyadari bahwa pesawat tidak berada pada jalur yang benar dan menemukan kopilot tertidur. Beruntung, pesawat berhasil kembali ke jalur penerbangan dan mendarat dengan selamat.

Batik Air mengambil langkah serius dengan menonaktifkan sementara pilot dan kopilot yang terlibat.
Sementara itu, Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan (Ditjen Hubud Kemenhub) memberikan teguran keras dan akan melakukan investigasi khusus terkait dugaan kasus pilot dan kopilot Batik Air tertidur selama penerbangan.

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