Scientist Robert Hooke (death of Robert Hooke)
Today is the death anniversary of Robert Hooke.
Scientist Robert Hooke was educated at Oxford and spent his career at the Royal Society and Gresham College. His research and experiments ranged from astronomy to biology to physics; he is particularly recognized for the observations he made while using a microscope and for "Hooke's Law" of elasticity. Hooke died in London in 1703.
Early Life and Education
Robert Hooke was born in the town of Freshwater, on England’s Isle of Wight, on July 18, 1635. His parents were John Hooke, who served as curate for the local church parish, and Cecily (née Gyles) Hooke.
Initially a sickly child, Hooke grew to be a quick learner who was interested in painting and adept at making mechanical toys and models. After his father’s death in 1648, the 13-year-old Hooke was sent to London to apprentice with painter Peter Lely. This connection turned out to be a short one, and he went instead to study at London’s Westminster School.
In 1653, Hooke enrolled at Oxford's Christ Church College, where he supplemented his meager funds by working as an assistant to the scientist Robert Boyle. While studying subjects ranging from astronomy to chemistry, Hooke also made influential friends, such as future architect Christopher Wren.
Hooke was appointed curator of experiments for the newly formed Royal Society of London in 1662, a position he obtained with Boyle's support. Hooke became a fellow of the society in 1663.
Unlike many of the gentleman scientists he interacted with, Hooke required an income. In 1665, he accepted a position as professor of geometry at Gresham College in London. After the "Great Fire" destroyed much of London in 1666, Hooke became a city surveyor. Working with Wren, he assessed the damage and redesigned many of London’s streets and public buildings.
Major Discoveries and Achievements
A true polymath, the topics Hooke covered during his career include comets, the motion of light, the rotation of Jupiter, gravity, human memory
Ilmuwan Robert Hooke (kematian Robert Hooke)
Hari ini adalah peringatan kematian Robert Hooke.
Ilmuwan Robert Hooke menempuh pendidikan di Oxford dan menghabiskan karirnya di Royal Society dan Gresham College. Penelitian dan eksperimennya berkisar dari astronomi, biologi, hingga fisika; dia terutama dikenal karena pengamatannya saat menggunakan mikroskop dan karena "Hukum Hooke" tentang elastisitas. Hooke meninggal di London pada tahun 1703.
Kehidupan Awal dan Pendidikan
Robert Hooke lahir di kota Freshwater, di Pulau Wight Inggris, pada tanggal 18 Juli 1635. Orang tuanya adalah John Hooke, yang menjabat sebagai kurator di paroki gereja lokal, dan Cecily (née Gyles) Hooke.
Awalnya seorang anak yang sakit-sakitan, Hooke tumbuh menjadi seorang pembelajar yang cepat yang tertarik melukis dan mahir membuat mainan dan model mekanis. Setelah kematian ayahnya pada tahun 1648, Hooke yang berusia 13 tahun dikirim ke London untuk magang pada pelukis Peter Lely. Hubungan ini ternyata tidak berlangsung lama, dan dia malah bersekolah di Westminster School di London.
Pada tahun 1653, Hooke mendaftar di Christ Church College di Oxford, di mana ia menambah dananya yang sedikit dengan bekerja sebagai asisten ilmuwan Robert Boyle. Saat mempelajari mata pelajaran mulai dari astronomi hingga kimia, Hooke juga mendapatkan teman-teman berpengaruh, seperti calon arsitek Christopher Wren.
Hooke ditunjuk sebagai kurator eksperimen untuk Royal Society of London yang baru dibentuk pada tahun 1662, posisi yang diperolehnya dengan dukungan Boyle. Hooke menjadi anggota masyarakat pada tahun 1663.
Tidak seperti kebanyakan ilmuwan yang berinteraksi dengannya, Hooke membutuhkan penghasilan. Pada tahun 1665, ia menerima posisi sebagai profesor geometri di Gresham College di London. Setelah "Kebakaran Besar" menghancurkan sebagian besar London pada tahun 1666, Hooke menjadi surveyor kota. Bekerja sama dengan Gelatik, dia menilai kerusakan dan mendesain ulang banyak jalan dan bangunan umum di London.
Penemuan dan Prestasi Besar
Seorang polimatik sejati, topik yang dibahas Hooke selama karirnya meliputi komet, gerak cahaya, rotasi Jupiter, gravitasi, memori manusia