3 Types of Jobs That Cannot Be Replaced by AI

3 Types of Jobs That Cannot Be Replaced by AI
List of jobs that AI cannot do/Photo: Freepik.com

Increasingly advanced technological developments mean that artificial intelligence or AI (Artificial intelligence) is predicted to take over all jobs. A March 2023 report from Goldman Sachs estimates that AI could do a quarter of all the work currently done by humans, of which around 300 million jobs could be lost to automation. 

However, experts say there are still some jobs that cannot be taken over by AI. What kind of work do you think? Here are 3 of them as reported by the BBC. 

1. Creative Work
Illustration/Photo: Freepik.com

Creative work requires skills in generating new ideas and creating new results from these ideas. Creative jobs here do not include graphic design and visual arts, but rather creative jobs in the fields of science, medicine, and law, where they create a variety of new strategies that cannot be carried out by AI. 
According to Martin Ford, author of Rule of the Robots: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Everything, graphic design and visual arts are the first creative jobs to be eliminated. This is because underlying algorithms can direct bots to analyze millions of images allowing AI to master aesthetics instantly. 

2. Jobs that require interpersonal relationships
List of jobs that AI cannot do/Photo: Freepik.com

This refers to jobs as nurses, business consultants, and investigative journalists, where the work requires a deep understanding of people. It will take a long time for AI to have the ability to interact in a way that truly builds interpersonal relationships. 

3. Jobs that require mobility
Illustration/Photo: Freepik.com/pvproductions

Jobs of this type include electricians, plumbers, welders, and the like. This is the type of work where we are always faced with new situations. These jobs will probably be the most difficult to automate. 
However, this does not mean that the jobs above will be completely isolated from developments in AI. According to Joanne Song McLaughlin, professor of labor economics at the University of Buffalo, United States, most jobs, regardless of industry, have a tendency to be automated by technology. 
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