10 Red Sparks Volleyball Athletes with the Most Fantastic Pay, Number 1 Reaches IDR 7.7 Billion per Season!

10 Red Sparks Volleyball Athletes with the Most Fantastic Pay, Number 1 Reaches IDR 7.7 Billion per Season! 
Megawati Hangesti when defending Red Sparks. (Photo: Red Sparks)

The 10 most fantastically paid Red Sparks volleyball athletes will be reviewed in this article. One of them earns income of up to IDR 7.7 billion per season! 

Yes, the name of the women's volleyball team from South Korea, Red Sparks, is being widely discussed, including in Indonesia. The reason is, one of Indonesia's proud athletes, Megawati Hangestri, is part of the team. 
The Indonesian National Team's mainstay opponent hitter also made a big contribution to the Red Sparks by gaining a lot of points. In fact, the athlete from Jember, East Java, is on the list of top scorers in the South Korean Volleyball League. 
Seeing this, the Indonesian people became curious about the player's salary. As a foreign player with extraordinary contributions, the comparison of his salary with other players is a question. 

For this reason, here are the 10 Red Sparks volleyball athletes with the most fantastic salaries. 
10. Kim Se-in
First, there is the name Kim Se-in. This player who plays as an outside hitter has a salary of 68 million won or approximately IDR 808 million per season. 

9. Park Hye-min
Park Hye-min also has a fantastic salary. The 23 year old outside hitter has a salary of 115 million won or the equivalent of IDR 1.3 billion per season. 

8. Noh Ran
Red Sparks' mainstay libero in the South Korean Volleyball League, Noh Ran, has an even bigger salary. It is known that his salary reaches 120 million won or approximately Rp. 1.4 billion per season. 

7. Jung Ho-young
Jung Ho-young is the Red Sparks player with the next highest salary. Playing as a middle blocker, his salary is known to be 130 million won or IDR 1.5 billion per season. 

6. Park Eun-jin
The same as Jung Ho-young, Park Eun-jin also has a salary of 130 million won or approximately IDR 1.5 billion per season. He is the Red Sparks' mainstay middle blocker thanks to his height of 187 cm. 

5. Megawati Hangestri
Indonesia's proud opposition hitter, Megawati Hangestri Pertiei apparently also has a fantastic salary. As a foreign player, his salary is 130 million won or the equivalent of IDR 1.5 billion per season. 

4. Giovanna Milana
Another foreign player belonging to the Red Sparks, Giovanna Milana, also has a high salary. The Outside Hitter from the United States has a salary of 130 million won or IDR 1.5 billion per season. 

3. Han Song-yi
Being a senior middle blocker on the team, no doubt Han Song-yi's salary is very large. It is known that his salary is 210 million won or approximately IDR 2.4 billion per season. 

2. Yeum Hye-seon
Yeum Hye-seon is one of the Red Sparks' best players. He is the best setter in the South Korean Volleyball League and is on the list of the world's best volleyball players. No wonder, the salary of this player in the setter position reaches 350 million won or approximately IDR 4.1 billion per season. 

1. Lee So-young
At the top position, the player with the biggest salary at Red Sparks is held by the captain, Lee So-young. The player who plays as an outside hitter has a salary of 650 million won or the equivalent of IDR 7.7 billion. 
Those are the 10 Red Sparks volleyball athletes with the most fantastic salaries. 

10 Atlet Voli Red Sparks dengan Bayaran Paling Fantastis, Nomor 1 Tembus Rp7,7 Miliar per Musim!
Megawati Hangesti kala membela Red Sparks. (Foto: Red Sparks)

10 atlet voli Red Sparks dengan bayaran paling fantastis akan diulas dalam artikel ini. Salah satunya meraup pendapatan hingga menembus Rp7,7 miliar per musim!

Ya, nama tim voli putri asal Korea Selatan, Red Sparks, tengah ramai dibicarakan, termasuk di Indonesia. Pasalnya, salah satu atlet kebanggaan Indonesia, Megawati Hangestri menjadi bagian tim tersebut.
Opposite hitter andalan Timnas Indonesia itu pun memberi kontribusi besar kepada Red Sparks dengan mendulang banyak poin. Bahkan, atlet asal Jember, Jawa Timur, itu masuk daftar top skor di Liga Voli Korea Selatan.
Melihat hal tersebut, masyarakat Indonesia menjadi penasaran dengan besaran gaji sang pemain. Sebagai pemain asing dengan kontribusi yang luar biasa, perbandingan gajinya dengan pemain lain pun menjadi sebuah pertanyaan.

Untuk itu, berikut adalah 10 atlet voli Red Sparks dengan bayaran paling fantastis.

10. Kim Se-in
Pertama, ada nama Kim Se-in. Pemain yang berposisi sebagai outside hitter ini memiliki gaji sebesar 68 juta won atau sekira Rp808 juta per musim.

9. Park Hye-min
Park Hye-min juga memiliki gaji yang fantastis. Outside hitter berusia 23 tahun itu memiliki gaji sebesar 115 juta won atau setara dengan Rp1,3 miliar per musim.

8. Noh Ran
Libero andalan Red Sparks di Liga Voli Korea Selatan, Noh Ran, memiliki gaji yang lebih besar lagi. Diketahui, gajinya mencapai 120 juta won atau sekira Rp1,4 miliar per musim.

7. Jung Ho-young
Jung Ho-young menjadi pemain Red Sparks dengan gaji termahal berikutnya. Berposisi sebagai seorang middle blocker, gajinya diketahui sebesar 130 juta won atau Rp1,5 miliar per musim.

6. Park Eun-jin
Sama dengan Jung Ho-young, Park Eun-jin juga memiliki gaji sebesar 130 juta won atau sekira Rp1,5 miliar per musim. Ia merupakan middle blocker andalan Red Sparks berkat tingginya yang mencapai 187 cm.

5. Megawati Hangestri
Opposite hitter kebanggaan Indonesia, Megawati Hangestri Pertiei rupanya juga memiliki gaji yang sangat fantastis. Sebagai pemain asing, gajinya adalah sebesar 130 juta won atau setara dengan Rp1,5 miliar per musim.

4. Giovanna Milana
Pemain asing lain milik Red Sparks, Giovanna Milana, juga memiliki gaji yang tinggi. Outside Hitter asal Amerika Serikat itu memiliki gaji sebesar 130 juta won atau sebesar Rp1,5 miliar per musim.

3. Han Song-yi
Menjadi middle blocker senior di tim, tak ayal membuat gaji Han Song-yi sangat besar. Diketahui, gajinya adalah sebesar 210 juta won atau sekira Rp2,4 miliar per musim.

2. Yeum Hye-seon
Yeum Hye-seon adalah salah satu pemain terbaik milik Red Sparks. Ia adalah best setter Liga Voli Korea Selatan dan masuk daftar pemain voli terbaik dunia. Tak ayal, gaji pemain berposisi setter ini mencapai 350 juta won atau sekira Rp4,1 miliar per musim.

1. Lee So-young
Di posisi teratas pemain dengan gaji terbesar di Red Sparks dipegang oleh sang kapten, Lee So-young. Pemain berposisi sebagai outside hitter ini memiliki gaji sebesar 650 juta won atau setara dengan Rp7,7 miliar.
Itulah 10 atlet voli Red Sparks dengan bayaran paling fantastis.

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