Viral "Indomie" Used as a Transaction Tool in Ghana on the African Continent

Viral "Indomie" Used as a Transaction Tool in Ghana on the African Continent

Apparently it has a different meaning, don't say "Indomie" in Ghana, you might... 

Because of its popularity, Indomie has become a tool for naughty business transactions in Ghana
(TikTok/koiyocabe_) (Because of its popularity, Indomie has become a tool for naughty business transactions in Ghana (TikTok/koiyocabe_))

- There really is no end to Indomie, the instant noodle product from PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk is indeed the favorite instant noodle of the Indonesian people. 

Not only Indonesia, even on the world stage, Indomie is the most popular and favorite instant noodle among many groups. 

Like the example of Ghana, this country cannot be separated from its daily life from Indomie. 

Indomie is so popular in Ghana, PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk even built a factory in the country for Arsenal player Thomas Partey Partey. 

Quoted by Hops.ID (Wednesday, February 7 2024) Thomas Partey himself acknowledged Indomie's popularity in a conversation on the Stadium Astro YouTube account when interviewed by Adam Carruthers. 

"Indomie has taken a lot of people's money in Ghana, when I meet my friends they always sit next to me and eat Indomie," said Thomas. 

Indomie is so popular in Ghana, it is even used as a campaign tool and is popular with young people when dating. 

Quoted by Hops.ID (Wednesday, February 7 2024), the TikTok account @koiyocabe_ is so popular that Indomie is even said to be the cause of the high rate of teenage pregnancy in Ghana. 

According to the Star Ghana Foundation, the poverty level in Ghana is very high, especially during the pandemic. 

So this makes many young Ghanaian girls enter the world of naughty business. What is even more surprising is that Indomie is a transaction tool. 

So, the philandering man will give Indomie as payment. Apart from that, according to The Ghana Report, there are so many poor people there that it encourages many parents to carry out naughty business transactions with Indomie. 

Ghanaian people believe that if a guy gives Indomie, it will most likely help the economy. 

Now that the word "Indomie" in Ghana has different pronouns, you might be asked to do something else. 

"So for girls, for example, if you go to Ghana, and then a guy says let's go Indomie, then you have to su'udzon, that's most likely not asking you to eat Indomie," said koiyocabe_. 

So, did you just find out that because Indomie is so popular in Ghana, it turns out it was actually done as a naughty business transaction?***

Viral "Indomie" di Jadikan Alat Transaksi di Ghana Benua Afrika

Rupanya miliki arti berbeda, jangan sebut "Indomie" di Ghana, bisa-bisa kamu..

Saking populernya, Indomie dijadikan alat transaksi bisnis nakal di Ghana
(TikTok/koiyocabe_) (Saking populernya, Indomie dijadikan alat transaksi bisnis nakal di Ghana (TikTok/koiyocabe_))

- Indomie memang enggak ada habisnya, produk mie instan dari PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk memang menjadi mie instan favorit masyarakat Indonesia.

Tak hanya Indonesia, bahkan di kancah dunia, Indomie menjadi mie instan terpopuler dan favorit dari banyak kalangan.
Seperti contoh Ghana, negara ini tidak lepas kesehariannya dari Indomie.
Saking populernya Indomie di Ghana, PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk bahkan membuat pabrik di negara dari permain Arsenal Thomas ParteyPartey tersebut.

Dikutip Hops.ID (Rabu, 7 Februari 2024) Thomas Partey sendiri mengakui akan kepopuleran Indomie dalam sebuah perbincangan di akun YouTube Stadium Astro saat diwawancarai Adam Carruthers.
"Indomie telah mengambil banyak uang orang-orang di Ghana, ketika aku ketemu temanku mereka pasti duduk disampingku samba makan  Indomie,” ujar Thomas.
Saking populer Indomie di Ghana, Indomie bahkan digunakan sebagai alat berkampanye dan populer di kawula muda saat berpacaran.
Dikutip Hops.ID (Rabu, 7 Februari 2024), pada akun TikTok @koiyocabe_ saking populernya Indomie bahkan disebut sebagai penyebab dari tingginya tingkat kehamilan remaja di Ghana.

Menurut Star Ghana Foundation, tingkat kemiskinan di Ghana itu tinggi sekali, apalagi ketika pandemi.
Sehingga hal ini membuat banyak remaja perempuan Ghana terjun ke dunia bisnis nakal. Bahkan paling mencengangkan, bahwa Indomie jadi salah satu alat transaksi.

Jadi, si pria hidung belang akan memberikan Indomie sebagai pembayaran. Selain itu, menurut The Ghana Report, saking banyaknya warga miskin di sana mendorong banyak para orang tua untuk melakukan transaksi bisnis nakal dengan Indomie.
Masyarakat Ghana percaya kalau ada cowok yang memberikan Indomie kemungkinan besar bisa membantu perekonomian.
Sekarang kata "Indomie" di Ghana memiliki kata ganti yang berbeda, bisa-bisa kalian diajak melakukan hal lain.
"Jadi buat cewek-cewek nih semisalnya lu ke Ghana, terus ada cowok yang bilang Indomie yuk, maka lu harus su'udzon ya, itu kemungkinan besar bukan ngajak makan indomie ya," ujar koiyocabe_.
Bagaimana, apa kamu baru tahu saking populernya Indomie di Ghana, ternyata malah dilakukan sebagai hal transaksi bisnis nakal?***

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