Source of Ustaz Solmed's money revealed, is it worth building a super luxurious house? Helping Side Profession

Source of Ustaz Solmed's money revealed, is it worth building a super luxurious house? Helping Side Profession
HOLIDAY NEWS - The figure of Ustaz Solmed has recently been widely discussed. It started with a visit from Atta Halilintar who then became curious about the preacher's house. Atta Halilintar was suddenly amazed when he had the opportunity to visit the luxurious residence of the preacher Ustaz Sholeh Mahmoed, also known as Ustaz Solmed. Aurel Hermansyah's husband then asked about Ustaz Solmed's source of income which enabled him to build a luxury house. 

"This has become a question for many netizens, what does an ustaz do, how can you have unlimited sustenance like this?" Atta asked. 

The man who has been married to April Jasmine since 2011 revealed that his life was very difficult. In fact, Ustaz Solmed once sold his merchandise, such as clothes and sarongs, in his business. Until in the end, preaching became a path that opened the door to sustenance for him. 

More than that, he is also active in expanding his network with entrepreneurs and learning from them regarding the world of entrepreneurship. "Where does it come from, I'm a lecturer, I meet bosses, officials, businessmen. I get to know them and I'm even ready to learn," answered Ustaz Solmed, quoted by from Grid.ID

As time goes by, Ustaz Solmed now earns a certain amount of income from various businesses that he has started himself. 
Starting from the property business to owning a cigarette business. The source of Ustaz Solmed's money has now been revealed. 

"Now I have a business. There is a property business, a car buying and selling business too, there is a shine cigarette business, there is coffee too, there is almond milk too," explained Ustaz Solmed. 
"But all of that is our way of preaching," he continued. 
Explanation of Ustaz Solmed Accused of Building a Luxury House Using Community Funds, Claiming to Be in Business, 'Sign of Happiness' (Instagram @ustad_solmed)

Recently, public attention has been focused on the luxurious residence of Ustaz Solmed and April Jasmine in the Bogor area, West Java. Ustaz Solmed's new house is in the spotlight because it is considered very luxurious with a style inspired by the Middle East and dominated by the color white. Not only that, the land area is also very striking, reaching almost 5000 square meters. 

It turns out, Ustaz Solmed has a side profession that earns a high income. 
Ustaz Solmed did not deny that he received negative comments because of his new house. (YouTube AH)

Ustaz Solmed admitted that at that time he and his wife were building a villa. "Well, on that trip we happened to be building a villa, so a lot of money went there. It turned out that it was taking so long (the Covid-19 pandemic), so that started to put a brake on my spending," he explained. 

Ustaz Solmed and his wife started to get confused because their income was decreasing, while their expenses continued to increase. "The breaking point was when April and I were confused about what to do. We had little money left so we sold the car, then we invested the remaining money in cigarettes." explained Ustaz Solmed. 

Furthermore, Ustaz Solmed revealed why he and his wife chose the cigarette business. 
"Well, there is a history of why I chose cigarettes," "One time, a neighbor came to me asking for rice, what was interesting was not about asking for the rice, but he had cigarettes which at that time cost Rp. 35,000 per pack in his hand," said Ustaz Solmed. 

At that moment, Ustaz Solmed was surprised because this person could actually afford to buy cigarettes rather than rice. 
"What kind of business do you have money for? Now the hotel business is dissolved, the food business is dissolved, the villa business is dissolved. So suddenly people are bringing cigarettes, I think for cigarettes they have the money, but for rice they don't have it so they are willing to ask for it,"
"There my brain thought, what is the cigarette business," he continued. 

Initially, Ustaz Solmed didn't smoke because he didn't like cigarettes. 
House of Ustaz Solmed and April Jasmine (YouTube)

However, because of the business he was running, Ustaz Solmed inevitably started to learn the taste of cigarettes and the difference between one cigarette and another. "Actually, before 2020, I didn't smoke because I didn't like it, didn't like it and had never smoked,"

"But because of this business, like it or not, I have to learn the taste and want to know where these cigarettes are delicious, and what's the difference. So you have to try one at a time, right?" explained Ustaz Solmed. 

Not only that, Ustaz Solmed also met KH R. Abdul Malik, owner of the herbal sin cigarette brand. 
"Well, that's where I met him. In simple terms, I had given up on my life in the future. Then, he gave me a mandate and we sold them all lots of cigarettes." he said. 

Ustaz Solmed also rose from his downturn by starting a cigarette business in 2020 and has now opened his own office. 
"Finally, now that I have money, I made an office (in the front of the house) to run a business using an affiliate system." explained Ustaz Solmed. 

Ustaz Solmed and his wife, April Jasmine, also gave a message to people who are currently experiencing financial problems or economic difficulties. 

"From me as a woman, I have the principle that if we are given a test, Allah will definitely want to give us a reward afterwards. So why do we have to endure even though it's comfortable or uncomfortable with tests from Allah, in my opinion there is always Allah there if we do it right, we are patient, Allah will always accompany those who are patient."

"Whatever happens, we have to be in this position, if we have a partner, we have to always accompany us, we have to always support him. So I thought, never mind, if this is what we have to get through, let's get through it together, after this, we'll be happy, yes, we'll have fun together like that. ." April's message. 

"Yes, Allah promises, there will be good news for those who are patient. And Allah cannot lie in his promises, it just depends on how, through what means, what the process will be like, how long it will take, that is a secret that sooner or later you have to be sure will be there." added Ustaz Solmed. 

Ustaz Solmed attracted attention after his luxury house went viral on social media. 
It is not uncommon to receive criticism from netizens who think that Ustaz Solmed is rich because of his luxurious house. 
Responding to this, Ustaz Solmed answered casually. 

Sumber Uang Ustaz Solmed Terkuak, Pantas Bisa Bangun Rumah Super Mewah? Profesi Sampingan Menolong
HOLIDAY NEWS - Sosok Ustaz Solmed belakangan tengah ramai diperbincangkan. 
Berawal dari kunjungan Atta Halilintar yang kemudian dibuat penasaran dengan rumah sang pendakwah. Atta Halilintar mendadak kagum saat mendapat kesempatan untuk mengunjungi kediaman mewah dari pendakwah Ustaz Sholeh Mahmoed, yang juga dikenal sebagai Ustaz Solmed. Suami Aurel Hermansyah kemudian menanyakan mengenai sumber pendapatan Ustaz Solmed yang memungkinkannya membangun rumah mewah.

"Ini jadi petanyaan banyak netizen, ustaz kerjanya apa sih, kok bisa punya rezeki unlimited gini?" tanya Atta.

Pria yang menikahi April Jasmine sejak tahun 2011 ini mengungkapkan bahwa kehidupannya dulu sangat sulit.
Bahkan, Ustaz Solmed pernah menjajakan barang dagangannya, seperti pakaian dan sarung, dalam usahanya. Hingga pada akhirnya, berdakwah menjadi jalan yang membukakan pintu rezeki baginya.

Lebih dari itu, ia juga aktif memperluas jaringan dengan para pengusaha dan belajar dari mereka terkait dunia wirausaha.
"Jalannya dari mana, kan gue penceramah gue ketemu sama bos, pejabat, pengusaha. Gue akrabin bahkan gue siap berguru," jawab Ustaz Solmed, dikutip dari Grid.ID

Seiring berjalannya waktu, Ustaz Solmed kini memperoleh sejumlah pendapatan dari berbagai bisnis yang telah ia dirintis sendiri. Mulai dari bisnis properti hingga memiliki usaha rokok. Sumber uang Ustaz Solmed kini terungkap sudah.

"Sekarang gue punya bisnis. Ada bisnis properti, bisnis jual beli mobil juga, ada bisnis rokok shine, ada kopinya juga, ada susu almondnya juga," terang Ustaz Solmed. "Tapi semua itu jalannya dari kita dakwah," sambungnya.
Penjelasan Ustaz Solmed Dituduh Bangun Rumah Mewah Pakai Dana Umat, Ngaku Berbisnis, 'Tanda Bahagia' (Instagram @ustad_solmed)

Akhir-akhir ini, perhatian masyarakat tertuju pada kediaman mewah Ustaz Solmed dan April Jasmine di kawasan Bogor, Jawa Barat. Rumah baru Ustaz Solmed menjadi sorotan karena dianggap sangat mewah dengan gaya yang terinspirasi dari Timur Tengah dan didominasi oleh warna putih.
Tak hanya itu, luas tanahnya juga sangat mencolok, mencapai hampir 5000 meter persegi.

Ternyata, Ustaz Solmed memiliki profesi sampingan yang penghasilannya tinggi.
Ustaz Solmed tak memungkiri dirinya mendapat komentar negatif karena rumah barunya tersebut. (YouTube AH)
Ustaz Solmed mengakui pada saat itu ia dan istinya tengah membangun Villa.
"Nah dalam perjalanan itu kita kebetulan lagi ngebangun Villa, jadi uang banyak keluar ke sana. Ternyata kok lanjut panjang sekali (pandemi Covid-19), nah itu mulai ngerem pengeluaran saya," jelasnya.

Ustaz Solmed dan istri pun mulai kebingungan karena penghasilan semakin berkurang, sementara pengeluaran terus bertambah.
"Titik puncaknya, saat saya sama April sudah bingung mau ngapain. Posisi uang tinggal sedikit sehingga mobil kita jual, kemudian kita investkan sisa uang itu ke rokok." terang Ustaz Solmed.

Lebih lanjut, Ustaz Solmed mengungkap mengapa ia dan istri memilih usaha rokok.
"Nah, sejarahnya ada nih kenapa kok saya memilih rokok,"
"Suatu waktu, saya kedatangan tetangga minta beras, yang menarik bukan soal minta berasnya ya, tapi dia bawa rokok yang harganya saat itu Rp35.000 per bungkus di tangannya," kata Ustaz Solmed.

Saat momen itu, Ustaz Solmed lantas merasa heran karena orang tersebut justru lebih mampu membeli rokok ketimbang beras.
"Ada uang mau bisnis apa, sekarang bisnis hotel bubar, bisnis makanan bubar, bisnis Vila bubar. Nah tahu-tahu nih orang bawa rokok, mikir saya demi rokok mereka ada duitnya eh buat beras enggak punya sampai rela minta,"
"Di situ otak saya mikir, apa bisnis rokok ya," lanjutnya.

Awalnya, Ustaz Solmed tidak merokok karena memang tidak suka rokok.
Rumah Ustaz Solmed dan April Jasmine (YouTube)

Namun, gara-gara bisnis yang dijalaninya itu mau tidak mau Ustaz Solmed mulai belajar rasa-rasa rokok dan bedanya rokok satu dan lainnya apa.
"Sebetulnya sebelum tahun 2020, saya enggak ngerokok karena memang saya enggak suka, enggak doyan dan enggak pernah merokok,"

"Tapi gara-gara bisnis ini mau enggak mau saya harus belajar rasa dan ingin tahu enaknya rokok ini di mana, terus bedanya apa. Jadi harus nyoba satu-satu kan." terang Ustaz Solmed.
Tak hanya itu, Ustaz Solmed juga bertemu dengan KH R. Abdul Malik, pemilik brand rokok herbal sin.

"Nah dari situlah saya jumpa beliau, bahasa gampangnya saya udah nyerah nih buat hidup saya ke depannya. Lalu, beliau kasih amanah dan kita pasarkan semua banyak rokok." ungkapnya.
Ustaz Solmed pun bangkit dari keterpurukannya dengan memulai bisnis rokok di tahun 2020 dan hingga sekarang membuka kantornya sendiri.

"Hingga akhirnya sekarang saya punya uang, saya bikin kantor (di bagian depan rumah) untuk menjalankan bisnis dengan sistem affiliate." jelas Ustaz Solmed. Ustaz Solmed dan istrinya, April Jasmine pun memberikan pesan untuk orang-orang yang saat ini tengah mengalami ujian masalah finansial atau kesulitan ekonomi.

"Kalau dari aku sebagai perempuan, aku punya prinsip bahwa kalau kita dikasih ujian pasti Allah mau kasih hadiah setelahnya. Jadi kenapa kita harus bertahan walaupun itu nyaman atau tidak nyamannya ujian dari Allah, menurut aku di situ selalu ada Allah kalau kita jalaninnya benar, kita sabar, Allah akan selalu menemani orang-orang yang sabar."

"Apapun yang terjadi kita harus ada di posisi ini, kalau punya pasangan harus selalu menemani harus selalu support. Jadi aku berpikir, sudahlah kalau emang ini yang harus dilewatin ya kita lewatin bareng-bareng, setelah ini kita senang ya kita senang-senang bareng gitu." pesan April.
"Iya janji Allah, akan ada kabar gembira atas orang-orang sabar.

Dan Allah enggak mungkin bohong janjinya, tinggal bagaimana caranya, lewat jalan apa, seperti apa prosesnya, hingga kapan waktunya itu rahasia yang pasti cepat atau lambat harus yakin akan ada." tambah Ustaz Solmed.
Ustaz Solmed menarik perhatian setelah rumah mewahnya viral di media sosial.

Tak jarang mendapat kritikan dari warganet yang menilai jika Ustaz Solmed riya lantaran rumah mewahnya tersebut.
Menanggapi hal itu, Ustaz Solmed menjawab santai.

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