Received This Message from Google? Don't ignore it if you don't want to get into danger!
Google will provide a pop-up warning if you are in danger of becoming a victim of cybercrime. Don't ignore it if you receive one of them. Photo: Solen Feyissa/Unsplash
- Google will provide a pop-up warning if you are in danger of becoming a victim of cybercrime. Don't ignore it if you receive one of the messages. There are at least five warnings that will appear in Google Chrome for cellphones and computers.
"You'll see a warning if the content you're trying to view is malicious or fraudulent. These sites are often called 'phishing' or 'malware' sites," explains Google.
Such sites are a trap for cyberattack criminals. Sometimes, the appearance of the site can be deceptive where the page looks normal. But, once they manage to get information to carry out fraudulent activities, you have to be alert. They will be clever at luring you into releasing personal information that can be sold or used to drain your account.
Another thing that must be noted is not to download random applications or software. It could be that it contains a virus or something dangerous.
Coming back to warnings, Google will automatically warn you when you open a dangerous site.
"It's phishing and malware detection is turned on automatically. When it's on, you'll get the following messages. If you see any of these messages, we recommend visiting the site," Google said.
According to The Sun, the five warnings include the following:
1. 'The site ahead contains malware': the site you visit may install dangerous software, aka malware, onto your computer
2. 'Deceptive site ahead': the site you visit is most likely phishing
3. Suspicious site: the site you visit is suspicious and possibly dangerous
4. 'The site ahead contains harmful programs': the site you visit may trick you into installing programs that can cause problems when surfing the internet
5. 'This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources': the site you are visiting is malicious.
Terima Pesan Ini dari Google? Jangan Diabaikan Kalau Tak Mau Kena Bahaya!
Google akan memberikan peringatan pop-up jika Anda terancam jadi korban kejahatan siber. Jangan diabaikan kalau terima salah satunya. Foto: Solen Feyissa/Unsplash
- Google akan memberikan peringatan pop-up jika Anda terancam jadi korban kejahatan siber. Jangan diabaikan kalau terima salah satu pesannya. Setidaknya ada lima peringatan yang akan muncul di Google Chrome untuk HP maupun komputer.
"Anda akan melihat peringatan jika konten yang Anda coba lihat itu berbahaya atau menipu. Situs-situs itu sering disebut dengan 'phishing' atau situs 'malware'," jelas Google.
Situs seperti itu adalah jebakan dari penjahat serangan siber. Kadang, tampilan situs bisa menipu di mana halamannya kelihatan normal-normal saja. Tapi, begitu mereka berhasil mendapatkan informasi untuk melancarkan aksi penipuan, Anda harus waspada. Mereka akan pandai-pandai dalam memancing Anda untuk mengeluarkan informasi pribadi yang bisa dijual atau dipakai guna menguras rekening Anda.
Hal lain yang harus dicatat adalah jangan mengunduh sembarangan aplikasi maupun software. Bisa jadi itu berisi virus atau sesuatu yang berbahaya.
Kembali soal peringatan, Google secara otomatis akan memperingatkan ketika Anda membuka situs berbahaya.
"Deteksi phishing dan malware itu dinyalakan secara otomatis. Ketika itu menyala, Anda akan mendapatkan pesan-pesan berikut. Jika Anda melihat salah satu pesan ini, kami merekomendasikan untuk mengunjungi situs tersebut," ujar Google.
Melansir The Sun, lima peringatan tersebut antara lain sebagai berikut:
1. 'The site ahead contains malware': situs yang Anda kunjungi mungkin akan menginstall software berbahaya alias malware ke komputer
2. 'Deceptive site ahead': situs yang Anda kunjungi kemungkinan besar adalah phishing
3. Suspicious site: situs yang Anda kunjungi mencurigakan dan kemungkinan berbahaya
4. 'The site ahead contains harmful programs': situs yang Anda kunjungi mungkin akan menjebak Anda menginstall program yang bisa menyebabkan masalah ketika berseluncur di internet
5. 'This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources': situs yang Anda kunjungi berbahaya.