Megawati Opens Up After Playing with the Queen of Korean Volleyball at All Star

Megawati Opens Up After Playing with the Queen of Korean Volleyball at All Star
Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi dancing with Kim Yeon Koung on All Star. (Doc. KOVO)

-- Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi admitted that playing with Kim Yeon Koung was the most memorable moment when she appeared in the All Star Korean Volleyball League at Samsan World Gymnasium, Saturday (27/1). 

Megawati was one of the representatives from Red Sparks at All Star besides setter Yeum Hye Seon. Megawati and Yeum Hye Seon are part of the V-Star team with Kim Yeon Koung and Pornpun Guedpard. 
In that match, the V-Star men's and women's combination lost 36-37 to K-Star. Megawati scored one point in a duel between women's teams. 

Quoted from the Red Sparks YouTube video, Megatron, Megawati's nickname, admitted that he was impressed by being able to play with Kim Yeon Koung, who is nicknamed the Queen of Korean Volleyball. Kim is one of Megawati's idol players. 

"Playing with Kim is the moment I remember the most," said Megawati. 
"And that's how the coach gave him the opportunity to play like that," Megawati added. 
In All Star, Megawati got two opportunities to play with Kim Yeun Koung. The first was with the V-Star men's team and the second was when the women's team dueled. 

The first time appearing in All Star in the inaugural season of the Korean Volleyball League made Megawati happy. This player who was born in Jember felt something different in his career playing volleyball. 

"Thank God, I'm really happy today. This is the first time I've felt like this, it's also exciting. Today is not about volleyball, but togetherness. Even though we are on different teams, we can be [together], cool," said Megawati. 
"It turns out the euphoria was funnier than the actual volleyball. Maybe the volleyball wasn't much, but the ceremony was more than the volleyball," Megawati continued. 

On this occasion, Megawati also expressed her feelings about playing with the men's team. While appearing on the V-Star men's team, Megawati had the opportunity to serve once. While playing on the women's team, Megatron managed to receive the services of K-Star men's team player Leonardo Leyva Martinez. 
"It's fun. If it's fun with guys, it's like joining in, right? We look like little kids when we play with boys," said Megawati. 

Megawati Buka-bukaan Usai Main Bareng Ratu Voli Korea di All Star
Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi berjoget bersama Kim Yeon Koung di All Star. (Dok. KOVO)

-- Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi mengaku bermain bersama Kim Yeon Koung jadi momen paling berkesan saat tampil di All Star Liga Voli Korea di Samsan World Gymnasium, Sabtu (27/1).

Megawati jadi salah satu wakil dari Red Sparks di All Star selain setter Yeum Hye Seon. Megawati dan Yeum Hye Seon tergabung di tim V-Star bersama Kim Yeon Koung dan Pornpun Guedpard.
Dalam pertandingan tersebut, gabungan V-Star putra-putri kalah 36-37 dari K-Star. Megawati mencetak satu poin dalam duel sesama tim putri.

Dikutip dari video YouTube Red Sparks, Megatron, sapaan Megawati, mengaku terkesan bisa bermain bersama Kim Yeon Koung yang memiliki julukan Ratu Voli Korea. Kim merupakan salah satu pemain idola Megawati.

"Main bareng Kim momen yang paling aku ingat," ujar Megawati.
"Dan udah gitu dikasih kesempatan sama pelatih, main gitu kan," ucap Megawati menambahkan.
Dalam All Star itu Megawati dapat dua kesempatan bermain bersama Kim Yeun Koung. Pertama saat bersama tim putra V-Star dan kedua ketika tim putri berduel.

Kali pertama tampil di All Star dalam musim perdana di Liga Voli Korea membuat Megawati bahagia. Pemain kelahiran Jember ini merasakan sesuatu yang beda dalam kariernya bermain bola voli.

"Alhamdulillah aku senang banget hari ini. Pertama kali kaya begini merasakan, seru juga. Hari ini bukan tentang voli, tapi kebersamaan. Meskipun kita beda tim tapi kita bisa [bersama], keren," ucap Megawati.
"Ternyata euforianya lebih lucu daripada voli yang sebenarnya. Ini mungkin volinya gak seberapa, tapi seremoninya lebih banyak daripada volinya," tutur Megawati melanjutkan.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut Megawati juga mengungkapkan rasa bermain bersama tim putra. Saat tampil di tim putra V-Star, Megawati dapat kesempatan melakukan sekali servis. Ketika bermain di tim putri, Megatron berhasil menerima servis pemain putra tim K-Star Leonardo Leyva Martinez. "Seru. Kalau sama cowok seru, kaya gabung gitu kan. Kita terlihat kaya anak kecil kalau main sama cowok," ungkap Megawati.

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