Bill Gates admits he was surprised to see the sophistication of ChatGPT

Bill Gates admits he was surprised to see the sophistication of ChatGPT
Bill Gates admits he was surprised to see the sophistication of ChatGPT. Photo: Gates Notes

- When OpenAI released ChatGPT in 2022 many people were surprised to see the capabilities of the artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot. Bill Gates was also one of the people who was surprised to see the sophistication of ChatGPT. 

This was revealed by Gates in an interview with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on the 'Unconfused Me with Bill Gates' podcast. To Altman, Gates admitted that he was skeptical about the development of ChatGPT. 
"I didn't expect ChatGPT to be so good. I was really surprised," Gates told Altman, as quoted by Axios, Saturday (13/1/2024). 

Gates said the one thing that surprised him most was how ChatGPT chose what to say. Altman answered that the way ChatGPT works is not much different from the human brain, where we don't know what each neuron does. 

In the 30 minute podcast episode, Gates and Altman talked a lot about the future of AI, especially about AI regulation. Altman predicts AI technology will develop rapidly in the next few years, and he suggests regulations should focus on regulating the most advanced AI systems currently available. 
Altman gave the example of how the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regulates nuclear weapons. According to him, regulators can inspect AI models like the IAEA inspects nuclear weapons. 

However, Altman said regulation alone will not fix all of AI's problems. The 38-year-old man said small-scale AI systems could cause problems in the future. 
"There will still be things that are problematic with small-scale systems, and in some cases, it might result in big problems. But I think it will help us deal with the bigger risks," Altman said. 

Bill Gates Ngaku Kaget Melihat Kecanggihan ChatGPT
Bill Gates Ngaku Kaget Melihat Kecanggihan ChatGPT. Foto: Gates Notes

Saat OpenAI merilis ChatGPT pada tahun 2022 banyak orang yang terkejut melihat kemampuan chatbot bertenaga kecerdasan buatan (AI) tersebut. Bill Gates pun termasuk salah satu orang yang kaget melihat kecanggihan ChatGPT.

Hal itu diungkap Gates dalam wawancara dengan CEO OpenAI Sam Altman di podcast 'Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates'. Kepada Altman, Gates mengaku ia sempat skeptis terhadap perkembangan ChatGPT.
"Saya tidak memperkirakan ChatGPT bisa jadi begitu bagus. Saya benar-benar terkejut," kata Gates kepada Altman, seperti dikutip dari Axios, Sabtu (13/1/2024).

Gates mengatakan satu hal yang paling mengejutkan baginya adalah bagaimana ChatGPT memilih apa yang ingin diucapkan. Altman menjawab cara kerja ChatGPT tidak berbeda jauh dengan otak manusia di mana kita tidak tahu apa yang dilakukan masing-masing neuron.

Dalam episode podcast berdurasi 30 menit itu Gates dan Altman banyak berbicara soal masa depan AI, terutama soal regulasi AI. Altman memperkirakan teknologi AI akan berkembang pesat dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, dan ia mengusulkan regulasi sebaiknya difokuskan untuk mengatur sistem AI paling canggih yang ada saat ini.

Altman mencontohkan bagaimana Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional (IAEA) meregulasi senjata nuklir. Menurutnya regulator bisa menginspeksi model AI seperti IAEA menginspeksi senjata nuklir.

Namun, Altman mengatakan regulasi saja tidak akan memperbaiki semua masalah AI. Pria berusia 38 tahun itu mengatakan sistem AI berskala kecil bisa saja mengakibatkan masalah di masa depan.

"Masih akan ada hal yang bermasalah dengan sistem berskala kecil, dan di beberapa kasus, mungkin akan mengakibatkan masalah besar. Tapi saya pikir itu akan membantu kita menghadapi risiko yang lebih besar," ujar Altman.

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