Bianca Censori Doesn't Wear a Bra Covered with a Transparent Raincoat, Blasphemed by Desperate

Bianca Censori Doesn't Wear a Bra Covered with a Transparent Raincoat, Blasphemed by Desperate
Photo: Getty Images

 - Bianca Censori and Kanye West never fail to surprise the public with their unusual appearances. The couple appeared in Los Angeles on Monday wearing plastic raincoats, with nothing underneath. 

The 46-year-old rapper and his wife, Bianca, wore these clothes even though it wasn't raining. She showed something brave and controversial by not wearing a bra. 
Bianca Censori was seen wearing only black underwear under her transparent plastic jacket. Netizens called the couple desperate people who were hungry for sensation. 


"Both of them need help. They look desperate. Get them off the street," commented netizens. 

"At what point can they be caught?" wrote another netizen. 
Over the past year, Bianca Censori has often caused a sensation with her fashion choices. This wasn't the only time he didn't wear underwear. 
Last year, the 28-year-old woman walked the streets of Beverly Hills appearing in leggings and a gray crop top without wearing a bra. 
Bianca Censori is an architectural designer who reportedly worked on Kanye's brand Yeezy for over two years. In early 2023, Kanye married Bianca but reportedly it was not legal. 

Bianca Censori Tak Pakai Bra Dilapisi Jas Hujan Transparan, Dihujat Desperate

Foto: Getty Images

Bianca Censori dan Kanye West tak pernah gagal mengejutkan publik dengan penampilan yang tidak biasa. Pasangan tersebut tampil di Los Angeles pada Senin dengan mengenakan jas hujan plastik, tanpa mengenakan apapun di bagian dalamnya.

Rapper 46 tahun itu dan istrinya, Bianca mengenakan baju tersebut meski tidak hujan. Dia menunjukkan hal berani sekaligus jadi kontroversial dengan tidak mengenakan bra.
Bianca Censori terlihat hanya mengenakan underwear hitam di balik jaket plastik transparannya. Netizen menyebut pasangan tersebut sebagai orang-orang desperate yang haus sensasi.


"Keduanya butuh bantuan. Mereka terlihat desperate. Usir mereka dari jalanan," komentar netizen.

"Di titik seperti apa mereka bisa ditangkap?" tulis netizen lainnya.
Selama satu tahun ke belakang ini, Bianca Censori kerap membuat sensasi dengan pemilihan busananya. Bukan kali ini saja dia tidak memakai pakaian dalam.
Tahun lalu, wanita 28 tahun itu berjalan-jalan di Beverly Hills tampil dengan legging dan crop top abu-abu tanpa mengenakan bra.
Bianca Censori adalah seorang desainer arsitektur yang dilaporkan bekerja untuk brand Kanye, Yeezy selama lebih dari dua tahun. Pada awal 2023 silam, Kanye menikahi Bianca namun kabarnya tidak legal secara hukum.

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