5 Google warnings that Android cellphone owners often ignore, even though they are dangerous
Photo: Infographics/Don't install this application on your Android phone, or it will be robbed!/Arie Pratama
- Google revealed there are five messages that Android users should not ignore. The company warns by sending pop-up notifications to users who are victims of cybercrime such as phishing or malware.
Google's official security notification warns users about unsafe websites.
"You'll see a warning if the content you want to view is dangerous or fraudulent. These sites are often called 'phishing' or 'malware' sites," Google said.
Sites like this are created by criminals to launch cyber attacks. Often the form of a phishing website is similar to an ordinary website that offers several services.
Usually they will try to drain information to then deceive their victims or sell it to other people.
Google automatically warns users about these dangerous sites, so pay attention to the warnings. According to the company, phishing and malware detection is enabled by default.
According to The Sun, here are five warnings from Google that are often ignored:
1. "The site ahead contains malware" The website you visit may install dangerous software, aka malware, onto your computer
2. The "deceptive site ahead" website you are visiting is most likely phishing
3. "Suspicious site" the website you are visiting is suspicious and possibly dangerous
4. "The site ahead contains harmful programs" the website you visit may trap you into installing programs that can cause problems when using the internet
5. "This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources" the website you are visiting is dangerous.
5 Peringatan Google Sering Diabaikan Pemilik HP Android Padahal Bahaya
Foto: Infografis/Jangan Install Aplikasi Ini di Ponsel Android, Atau Dirampok!/Arie Pratama
- Google mengungkapkan ada lima pesan yang tidak boleh pengguna Android abaikan. Perusahaan memperingatkan dengan mengirim notifikasi pop-up bagi pengguna yang menjadi korban kejahatan siber seperti phising atau malware.
Notifikasi keamanan resmi Google itu memperingatkan pengguna tentang website yang tidak aman.
"Anda akan melihat peringatan jika konten yang ingin Anda lihat berbahaya atau menipu. Situs-situs ini sering disebut situs 'phishing' atau 'malware'," kata Google.
Situs seperti ini dibuat oleh penjahat untuk melancarkan serangan siber. Seringkali wujud web phising mirip seperti situs web biasa yang menawarkan beberapa layanan.
Biasanya mereka akan mencoba menguras informasi untuk kemudian menipu korbannya atau menjualnya kepada orang lain.
Google secara otomatis memperingatkan pengguna tentang situs berbahaya ini, jadi perhatikan peringatannya. Menurut perusahaan, deteksi phishing dan malware diaktifkan secara default.
Melansir The Sun, berikut lima peringatan dari Google yang sering diabaikan:
1. "The site ahead contains malware" website yang Anda kunjungi mungkin akan menginstall software berbahaya alias malware ke komputer
2. "Deceptive site ahead" website yang Anda kunjungi kemungkinan besar adalah phishing
3. "Suspicious site" website yang Anda kunjungi mencurigakan dan kemungkinan berbahaya
4. "The site ahead contains harmful programs" website yang Anda kunjungi mungkin akan menjebak Anda menginstall program yang bisa menyebabkan masalah ketika menggunakan internet
5. "This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources" website yang Anda kunjungi berbahaya.