1,000 Violent Content Deleted on Social Media, There's About the Gaza War
- The Australian government asked social media to block more than 1,000 pieces of violent and extremist content. Some of the posts include those related to the war in Gaza.
The Guardian reported that the local Ministry of Home Affairs flagged 1,375 posts between 7 October-14 December 2023 on social media. Meanwhile, 1,094 posts have been blocked.
A ministry spokesperson explained the references included posts related to the conflict in Gaza. However, the numbers are not separated, quoted on Sunday (7/1/2024).
Meanwhile, in a longer period, between July 1 to December 21 2023, there were 3,052 violent and extremist posts that were requested to be deleted. The most were on Twitter/X to 71.9%.
In that period, X deleted 2,152 posts or 98% of what had been requested. For other platforms, 43.8% were removed.
Specifically in October, when the war in Gaza broke out, 745 posts were asked to be deleted. Of this number, 586 uploads or 78.7% were blocked.
Previously, the Australian Minister of Communications, Michelle Rowland, was concerned about the spread of violent content on social media during the war in Gaza. He wrote about his concerns in a letter to Twitter/X dated October 11, 2023.
He said he was aware of the distribution of photos and videos of the attack online. Not to forget, Rowland expressed his gratitude for the blocking efforts carried out by billionaire Elon Musk's platform.
"I am aware that photos and videos of horrific attacks are circulating online and would like to thank you in advance for your efforts to prevent the spread of violent and terrorist content," he said.
Twitter/X was also reminded of its obligation to monitor and prevent violent extremist content on its platform. If they do not comply, platforms must be prepared to face fines of up to $15 million or 10% of annual turnover.
In October, Rowland also wrote to other digital platforms, internet service providers and industry associations. They are reminded of their obligations.
1.000 Konten Kekerasan Dihapus Medsos, Ada Soal Perang Gaza
- Pemerintah Australia meminta media sosial memblokir lebih dari 1.000 konten kekerasan dan ekstremis. Beberapa unggahan termasuk terkait perang di Gaza.
The Guardian melaporkan Kementerian Dalam Negeri setempat menandai 1.375 postingan antara 7 Oktober-14 Desember 2023 di media sosial. Sementara yang telah diblokir berjumlah 1.094 postingan.
Juru bicara kementerian menjelaskan rujukan termasuk postingan terkait konflik di Gaza. Namun jumlahnya tidak dipisahkan, dikutip Minggu (7/1/2024).
Sementara dalam periode yang lebih panjang, antara 1 Juli hingga 21 Desember 2023. terdapat 3.052 postingan kekerasan dan ekstrimis yang diminta dihapus. Terbanyak adalah berada di Twitter/X menjadi 71,9%.
Dalam periode tersebut, X menghapus 2.152 postingan atau 98% yang telah diminta. Untuk platform lain, 43,8% telah dihapus.
Khusus bulan Oktober, saat perang di Gaza pecah, terdapat 745 postingan diminta untuk dihapus. Dari jumlah tersebut 586 unggahan atau 78,7% telah diblokir.
Sebelumnya Menteri Komunikasi Australia, Michelle Rowland khawatir penyebaran konten kekerasan di media sosial saat perang di Gaza terjadi. Dia menuliskan kekhawatirannya itu dalam surat kepada Twitter/X tertanggal 11 Oktober 2023.
Dia mengatakan mengetahui sebaran foto dan video serangan secara online. Tak lupa, Rowland mengucapkan terima kasih pada upaya pemblokiran yang dilakukan platform milik miliarder Elon Musk itu.
"Saya sadar foto dan video serangan mengerikan beredar secara online dan ingin berterima kasih sebelumnya atas upaya dalam mencegah penyebaran konten kekerasan dan teroris," ucapnya.
Twitter/X juga diingatkan soal kewajiban memantau dan mencegah konten ekstremis kekerasan dalam platformnya. Jika tak patuh, platform harus bersiap mendapatkan denda hingga $15 juta atau 10% omzet tahunan.
Pada Oktober, Rowland juga bersurat kepada platform digital lain, penyedia layanan internet dan asosiasi industri. Mereka diingatkan soal kewajibannya.