Take a peek at Mark Zuckerberg's anti-apocalypse property worth IDR 1.5 trillion in Hawaii
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg secretly built a unique property in Hawaii at a fantastic price of USD 100 million or the equivalent of IDR 1.5 trillion. Photo/Wired
WASHINGTON - Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has secretly built a unique property in Hawaii at a fantastic price of USD 100 million or the equivalent of IDR 1.5 trillion. The property is even more phenomenal because it is reportedly equipped with an apocalypse bunker.
The Wired site, Monday (18/12/2023), visited the property directly. Interestingly, the property in the Kauai, Hawaii area is still under construction.
So what you see is only a very large area of land with several building materials being prepared. The information obtained from direct locations is very minimal.
Workers at the location, Wired said, had signed a contract not to discuss the project. "The contract is not just a formality. There were several workers who were dismissed because they were caught uploading the location to social media," wrote Wired.
The land that the workers work on is very special. The property will stand on an area of 1,400 hectares. What makes it even more fantastic is that the property will have an anti-apocalypse bunker covering an area of 5,200 square meters.
Wired has calculated the cost of building the property. It is estimated that the money that Mark Zuckerberg will spend will reach USD 270 million or around IDR 4.16 trillion.
Wired itself suspects that there is a special reason why Mark Zuckerberg built this mega property on Kauai. Unlike other areas in Hawaii, Kauai is categorized as a remote area. Few tourists come to Kauai.
Mengintip Properti Anti-Kiamat Mark Zuckerberg Seharga Rp1,5 Triliun di Hawaii
CEO Meta Mark Zuckerberg diam-diam membangun sebuah properti unik di Hawai dengan harga yang fantastis yakni USD100 juta atau setara Rp1,5 triliun. Foto/Wired
WASHINGTON - CEO Meta Mark Zuckerberg diam-diam membangun sebuah properti unik di Hawai dengan harga yang fantastis yakni USD100 juta atau setara Rp1,5 triliun. Properti itu makin fenomenal karena kabarnya dilengkapi bunker antikiamat .
Situs Wired, Senin (18/12/2023), telah mengunjungi langsung properti tersebut. Menariknya properti yang ada di wilayah Kauai, Hawaii tersebut justru masih dalam proses pembangunan.
Jadi yang terlihat hanyalah lahan yang sangat luas dengan beberapa material bangunan yang sedang disiapkan. Informasi yang didapatkan dari lokasi langsung justru sangat minim.
Pekerja yang ada di lokasi tersebut disebutkan Wired telah meneken kontrak untuk tidak membicarakan proyek tersebut. "Kontrak itu bukan formalitas belaka. Ada beberapa pekerja yang diberhentikan karena ketahuan mengunggah lokasi tersebut ke sosial media," tulis Wired.
Lahan yang digarap oleh para pekerja memang sangat istimewa. Properti tersebut akan berdiri di atas lahan seluas 1.400 hektare. Yang bikin fantastis lagi properti itu akan memiliki bunker antikiamat seluas 5.200 meter per segi.
Wired sudah hitung-hitungan dengan biaya pembangunan properti itu. Diperkirakan uang yang akan dikeluarkan Mark Zuckerberg akan mencapai USD270 juta atau sekitar Rp4,16 triliun.
Wired sendiri menduga ada alasan khusus kenapa Mark Zuckerberg mendirikan megaproperti itu di Kauai. Berbeda dengan wilayah lainnya di Hawaii, Kauai justru masuk kategori wilayah terpencil. Jarang wisatawan yang datang ke Kauai.
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IDR 1.5 trillion
Mark Zuckerberg's
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