New Hambalang? Majesty Tommy Suharto's "Ghost Palace Hotel"

New Hambalang? Majesty Tommy Suharto's "Ghost Palace Hotel"

So the new Hambalang? Take a peek at the magnificent hotel that Tommy Soeharto built in Bali, which is nicknamed the ghost palace
The defunct hotel in Bali owned by Tommy Soeharto was nicknamed the Ghost Palace (YouTube CCTVVNIGHT 4K)

- Apart from being known as Suharto's son, Tommy Soeharto was an accomplished businessman of his time. 

Not only does he own the Sentul Circuit, Tommy Soeharto has also been associated with a national car project called Timor. 
On the Island of the Gods, Tommy Soeharto expanded his business by building luxury resorts and hotels. However, until now the building which was predicted to be the most luxurious hotel in Bali had to stand down. 

Quoting from The Sun UK page, the hotel building owned by Tommy Soeharto is called "Ghost Palace Bali". The younger brother of Bambang Trihatmodjo was involved in a murder case in 2002 and had to be sentenced to BUI for 15 years in prison. However, people have emerged who say that the magnificent hotel, which is now defunct, has a conflict with the Indonesian royal family. 
According to them, the name Tommy Soeharto has nothing to do with it. 

Residents who live close to the building said they were afraid of the spirit that seemed to be trapped there. Initially, the hotel and resort was named PI Bedugul Taman Recreation Hotel and Resort. 

A tourist from the Netherlands, Roman Robroek, also visited and reviewed Tommy Soeharto's Ghost Palace Bali. He revealed that in this magnificent building there were no signs of human life, the building seemed to have been eaten by nature. 

"This abandoned building was once a beacon of elegance and luxury in the area. It was once a luxury resort, but the hotel suddenly went into decline. "Currently, the remains of the hotel are mostly swallowed up by vegetation as nature enters it," said Roman Robroek as quoted on the Jam Press UK page. 

“The hotel is rumored to be haunted by the spirits of workers who tragically died during its construction. "The empty halls and quiet rooms certainly give off a very scary aura, in line with the ghost stories and supernatural stories that are widely reported by people who have visited," he added. 

The tourist from the Windmill country described what the hotel building looks like, which holds many mysteries. In a number of bathrooms there are robes and toiletries in them. 
"It's interesting to see how big the hotel is. Some rooms are quite small, while others are spacious and luxurious. Some people may notice that some of the hotel's features are undamaged, but they were never fully completed," explained Roman. 

"For example, many of the fixtures and finishes appear unfinished, adding to the mystery behind the hotel's rapid demise and the chronology of how it all happened," he concluded.***

Hambalang Baru? Megahnya "Hotel Istana Hantu" Tommy Soeharto

Jadi Hambalang baru? Intip megahnya hotel yang dibangun Tommy Soeharto di Bali sampai dijuluki istana hantu

Hotel di Bali yang mangkrak milik Tommy Soeharto sampai dijuluki Ghost Palace (YouTube CCTVVMALAM 4K)

- Selain dikenal sebagai anak Soeharto, Tommy Soeharto merupakan pebisnis ulung pada masanya.

Tidak hanya mempunyai Sirkuit Sentul, Tommy Soeharto pun pernah dikaitkan dengan proyek mobil nasional bernama Timor.
Di Pulau Dewata, Tommy Soeharto melebarkan sayap bisnisnya dengan membangun resort dan hotel mewah.
Tetapi, hingga saat ini bangunan yang digadang-gadang akan menjadi hotel termewah di Bali itu harus mangkrak.

Mengutip dari laman The Sun UK, bangunan hotel milik Tommy Soeharto tersebut disebut dengan nama "Ghost Palace Bali".
Adik dari Bambang Trihatmodjo tersebut tersandung kasus pembunuhan pada 2002 lalu dan harus mendapatkan hukuman BUI selama 15 tahun penjara.
Namun, muncul pihak yang menyebutkan bahwa hotel megah yang kini mangkrak itu mempunyai konflik dengan keluarga kerajaan Indonesia.
Nama Tommy Soeharto pun menurut mereka tidak ada hubungan apa pun.

Warga yang tinggal berdekatan dengan bangunan tersebut menyebutkan bahwa takut dengan roh yang sepertinya terjebak di sana. Awalnya, hotel dan resort tersebut diberi nama PI Bedugul Taman Rekreasi Hotel and Resort.

Seorang wisatawan asal Belanda, Roman Robroek pun pernah mengunjungi dan mengulas Ghost Palace Bali milik Tommy Soeharto ini. Ia mengungkapkan bahwa di bangunan yang megah tersebut nihil adanya tanda kehidupan manusia, bangunan tersebut seperti dimakan alam.

"Bangunan yang ditinggalkan ini dulunya merupakan mercusuar keanggunan dan kemewahan di daerah tersebut. Dulunya resor mewah, tapi hotelnya tiba-tiba mengalami kemunduran. Saat ini, sisa-sisa hotel sebagian besar ditelan oleh tumbuh-tumbuhan seiring dengan masuknya alam ke dalamnya," ungkap Roman Robroek seperti dikutip dari laman Jam Press UK.

“Hotel ini dikabarkan dihantui oleh arwah para pekerja yang meninggal secara tragis selama pembangunannya. Aula-aula yang kosong dan ruangan-ruangan yang sepi tentu mengeluarkan aura yang sangat menyeramkan, senada dengan cerita hantu dan cerita gaib yang banyak diberitakan oleh orang-orang yang pernah berkunjung," imbuhnya.

Wisatawan asal negara Kincir Angin itu mendeskripsikan seperti apa bangunan hotel yang sangat menyimpan banyak misteri.
Di sejumlah ruangan kamar mandi terdapat jubah hingga alat mandi di dalamnya.
"Sangat menarik untuk melihat seberapa besar hotel ini.

Beberapa ruangan cukup kecil, sementara lainnya luas dan mewah. Beberapa orang mungkin memperhatikan bahwa beberapa fitur hotel tidak rusak, tetapi tidak pernah selesai dibangun sepenuhnya," beber Roman.
"Misalnya, banyak perlengkapan dan penyelesaian akhir yang tampaknya belum selesai, menambah misteri di balik kehancuran hotel yang cepat dan kronologi bagaimana semua itu terjadi," pungkasnya.***

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