Lucinta Luna shows off the construction of her new super luxurious villa

Lucinta Luna shows off the construction of her new super luxurious villa

Lucinta Luna shows off the construction of her new super luxurious villa

For the first time, Lucinta Luna showed off the construction of her new luxury villa via her Instagram upload on Thursday (14/12). Wow, like what? Come on, take a peek. 


Wow, cool - Even though he rarely appears on the small screen now, Lucinta Luna's wealth seems to be increasing. After getting a luxury car, Lucinta's success was revealed again through her personal Instagram upload on Thursday (14/12). 

Accompanied by two colleagues, Lucinta showed off the appearance of her super luxury villa in Canggu, Bali. Even though it is still under construction, Lucinta's villa already looks very big and spacious. Several villa design plans are also on display. 
Lucinta's luxury villa is planned to have a swimming pool on the top floor. For the kitchen, Lucinta carries a natural concept with chairs and a dining table made of wood. Interestingly, Lucinta can see the view of the rice fields through the kitchen. 
Lucinta's kitchen will later be joined by a lounge. For the living room and bedroom itself, Lucinta seems to be carrying a modern minimalist concept. 

Having received extraordinary blessings, Lucinta certainly did not forget to be grateful. In the caption of his upload, Boy William's friend was grateful and asked for prayers so that the construction of his villa would be completed soon. 
"Thank God, the new year is coming soon, please pray for the blessing of the Cici Luna Lazuardi Luxury Villa to live alone, it will be finished soon, guys, so Cici, check the waves continuously so it will finish quickly... Bali I'm ready for me alone to live here [sic!]," said Lucinta . "I'm happy that there are houses in South Jakarta, there are sports cars, there are luxury villas as big as palaces with beautiful views like in Ubud [sic!]."

On the other hand, if the construction of the villa is complete, Lucinta admits that she will hold a thanksgiving event. He also expressed his gratitude for the support of many parties. 
"Later, when I launch the opening of my new Villa, I'll have a slametan, guys... and then where else to buy the Villa next time, if this is already the start of the year... Thank you for the support, my dear Mama and my Sisters, Family LAZ 🙏🏻❤️[sic!], " concluded Lucinta. 

Not long after it was uploaded, Lucinta's upload was immediately flooded with netizen comments. Many netizens claim to be happy with Lucinta's success. As a friend, Boy also provided striking comments. 
"Well, that's how it is, save... invest... not buy a real CAR!! [sic!]" wrote Boy in the comments section. "You're angry, brother... but it's true that Cici's dream of having a villa as big as a zoo has come true, right? And you'll definitely be a close neighbor, right? Nyetman 😝 [sic!]," replied Lucinta. 
"It's better if it's not really done yet, don't show it off, Ci, we never know what the prayers/words of netizens out there are.. I'm afraid there will be things that you don't want.. Stay healthy Cii🤍 [sic!]," said the account @abiy ***hrn. "I'm proud of you, even though you struggled alone and were often bullied, you responded with your success. 🔥🔥🔥 @lucintaluna_manjalita [sic!]," added the account @nba***ra. 

Lucinta Luna Pamer Pembangunan Vila Baru Super Mewah Miliknya

Lucinta Luna Pamer Pembangunan Vila Baru Super Mewah Miliknya

Untuk pertama kalinya, Lucinta Luna memamerkan pembangunan vila mewah baru miliknya melalui unggahan Instagram miliknya pada Kamis (14/12). Wah, seperti apa? Yuk, intip.


WowKeren -Meski kini mulai jarang tampil di layar kaca, pundi-pundi kekayaan Lucinta Luna tampaknya makin banyak. Usai mendapat mobil mewah, kesuksesan Lucinta pun kembali terungkap melalui unggahan Instagram pribadinya pada Kamis (14/12).

Ditemani dua rekannya, Lucinta memamerkan penampakan vila super mewah miliknya yang ada di Canggu, Bali. Meski masih dalam tahap pembangunan, vila milik Lucinta sudah terlihat begitu besar dan luas. Beberapa rancangan desain vila juga ikut dipamerkan.
Vila mewah Lucinta rencananya akan memiliki kolam renang di lantai atas. Untuk bagian dapur, Lucinta mengusung konsep alam dengan kursi dan meja makan yang terbuat dari kayu. Menariknya, Lucinta bisa menyaksikan pemandangan sawah lewat dapur.
Dapur Lucinta nantinya akan bergabung dengan ruang bersantai. Untuk bagian ruang tamu dan kamar tidur sendiri, Lucinta tampaknya mengusung konsep modern minimalis.

Mendapat keberkahan rezeki yang luar biasa, Lucinta tentu tidak lupa bersyukur. Di bagian keterangan unggahannya, sahabat Boy William itu bersyukur sekaligus meminta doa agar pembangunan vila miliknya segera selesai.
"Alhamdulillah tahun baru bentar lagi mohon do'a restu Villa Mewah Cici Luna Lazuardi tinggal Sendiri bentar lagi kelar guys makanya Cici Cek Ombak terus menerus biar cepat kelar … Bali I'm ready for me alone tinggal disini [sic!]," ungkap Lucinta. "Senangnya hatiku Rumah di JakseL udah ada, Mobil Sport udh ada Villa Mewah Seluas Istana udah ada dengan pemandangan asri seperti di ubud [sic!]."

Di sisi lain, jika pembangunan vilanya selesai, Lucinta mengaku akan menggelar acara syukuran. Ia pun mengucapkan rasa terima kasihnya atas dukungan banyak pihak.
"Nanti launching opening Villa baruku mo ku adain slametan yah guys ... and then next beli Villa dimana lagi yahh kalo yang ini udah jadi awal tahun ... Makasih Supportnya Mamaku sayang and Sisters2 ku Family LAZ 🙏🏻❤️[sic!]," tutup Lucinta.

Tidak lama diunggah, unggahan Lucinta langsung banjir komentar netizen. Banyak netizen yang mengaku ikut bahagia dengan kesuksesan Lucinta. Sebagai sahabat, Boy juga ikut memberikan komentar menohok.
"Nah gitu dong nabung...investasi... bukan beli MOBIL nyet!! [sic!]" tulis Boy di bagian kolom komentar. "Marah2 mulu luh brother ... tapi kan nyata impian Cici lu punya Villa segede kebun binatang dan udah terwujud kan and pastinya bakal jadi tetanggaan deket kan nyetman 😝 [sic!]," balas Lucinta.
"Mending kalo belum bener2 jadi jangan dipamerin dulu ci, kita ndak pernah tau gimana doa2/kata2 orang netizen diluar sana.. takutnya malah ada hal hal yang ngga diinginkann.. sehat sehat terus cii🤍 [sic!]," timpal akun @abiy***hrn. "Bangga gw ama lu lun meskipun lu berjuang sendirian dan sering di bully tapi lu balas dengan kesuksesan lu. 🔥🔥🔥 @lucintaluna_manjalita [sic!]," tambah akun @nba***ra.

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