In every formal and informal discussion at the coffee shop. There is always discussion, regarding the past, present and future. One of the topics is related to school, college.
The language is why study? Is college still important? Is there still relevance, in relation to the title attached to the work/solutions provided to the challenges of the times?
Undercurrent discussions are more exciting. There are always things that are sometimes heart-wrenching, which really come from anxiety. Speak as is. Without hesitation this, hesitation that. Until this article appeared, I had time to remember what happened before, in 2009, after graduating from high school. Not sure where to go, between work, business, college, or just doing everything? If there was no option for marriage at that time. Feeling inadequate.
So far, we have been able to conclude some of the discussions. That college is important and not important. Important, for those who need it. Not important, for those who feel they don't need it. It's that simple actually.
For me, college is very important. To open my horizons, amidst the lack of formal education in my family. The blind father graduated from SR (People's School) equivalent to elementary school, the blind mother did not graduate from elementary school. I am grateful that my parents are very supportive of college even though they seem to be forcing themselves. Otherwise, it seems helpless. The onslaught of insults seems to continue.
From there, when I decided to go to college with courage, it turned out that a lot of information that didn't make sense came in, my coffee network became wider, I became more aware of what was serious, what was a mod, what was a challenge and what was an opportunity, I wanted to keep learning how to be wise. I don't think I would have gotten that "adult" frame of mind if I hadn't gone to college.
For those who don't go to college. Keep the spirit Okay. There is a lot of knowledge currently scattered around, spilling out. Just collect it and carry it out straight away. Not a few people who go to college are defeated by those who don't go to college. I don't know whether it's because of competence, being ready to compete, or what is currently trending, namely "inside power" which always exists in all fields.
With this article, hopefully we can give fresh air to young people out there. Even though people are coming here more and more, the world of education is becoming more "priced". However, there are "wise ideas" out there and within the campus. Scattering good fortune in the form of scholarships for low economic and high achievers. MasyaAllah, there are scholarship rules that are complicated, there are also those that make it very easy. All you have to do is choose, make good fortune, and survive.
One of the lectures talks about coverage. So remember your advice first. When you were in elementary school or MI, you probably only met in one village. When I was in middle school, friends were already between villages. In high school, friends between sub-districts. Well, in college. Friends have crossed cities, provinces, even globally. Well, this could be an opportunity.
In college there are also lots of assignments. Train discipline, commitment, patience, focus, totality and solidarity. Actually, without going to college you can find it as long as you have a strong will. If possible like us, who are "lazy". You have to be smart to put yourself in an environment that is full of challenges and can be a source of millions of opportunities to seize the future.
I'm the son of a masseuse, trying to study up to the highest level of education even though it's a bit of a waste, especially for this PhD, which hasn't received a scholarship yet. Eh hahaha. (Code 2, please pray for me). What about children who are meatball workers, construction workers, household workers, or other jobs that seem to be a myth, getting into college is difficult. Keep your spirits up. Good luck, cool blessings, not alone, but cool together.
Have you found it? What is the importance of college? Come on, let's discuss. Who knows, if you intend to seek knowledge, you won't just find something new, there will be a guide to the future, it could be that those who are single can find their halal soul mate. There are even those who have just received a diploma. 😁
Di setiap diskusi formal, maupun non formal di cangkrukan warung kopi. Selalu ada bahasan, terkait masa lalu, masa kini, dan masa depan. Salah satu topiknya adalah terkait sekolah, kuliah.
Bahasanya adalah buat apa kuliah? Masih pentingkah kuliah? Memang masih ada relevansinya kah, terkait gelar yang tersematkan dengan karya / solusi yang diberikan atas tantangan zaman?
Diskusi di arus bawah, lebih mengasyikkan. Selalu ada yang kadang menyayat hati, benar-benar berangkat dari kegelisahan. Berbicara apa adanya. Tanpa ada sungkan ini, sungkan itu. Hingga tulisan ini muncul, sempat mengingat kejadian dulu, pada tahun 2009 dulu, sehabis lulus SMA. Bimbang mau ke mana, antara kerja, usaha, kuliah, atau semua dikerjakan saja? Kalau pilihan nikah blm ada waktu itu. Merasa blm pantas.
Hingga saat ini, mampu menyimpulkan beberapa serapan diskusi2. Bahwa kuliah itu penting dan tidak penting. Penting, bagi yang butuhkan. Tidak penting, bagi yang merasa tidak membutuhkan. Sesimpel itu sebenarnya.
Bagi Saya, kuliah itu sangat penting. Buat membuka cakrawala, di tengah gersangnya pendidikan formal di keluarga Saya dulu. Bapak tuna netra lulus SR (Sekolah Rakyat) setara SD, ibuk yang tuna aksara tak lulus SD. Bersyukur orangtua, sangat mendukung kuliah meski terkesan memaksakan diri. Kalau tidak begitu, sepertinya tak berdaya. Gempuran cacian hinaan, sepertinya masih berlanjut.
Dari sana, saat memutuskan kuliah modal nekat, ternyata banyak info yg tdk masuk akal pada berdatangan, jaringan ngopi makin luas, makin mengetahui mana yang serius mana yg modus, mana tantangan mana peluang, mau terus belajar untuk bagaimana bijaksana. Kerangka berpikir yg katanya "dewasa" itu, sepertinya tak bakal Saya dapatkan kl tidak kuliah.
Bagi yg tdk kuliah. Tetap semangat ya. Ilmu saat ini banyak banget bertebaran, tumpah2. Tinggal dipungut, langsung dilaksanakan. Tak sedikit loh, orang yg kuliah terkalahkan sama yg tak memakan bangku kuliah. Entah memang karena kompetensi, siap tangguh berkompetisi, atau memang yg lagi trend bahasan saat ini yaitu "kekuatan orang dalam" yang selalu ada di segala bidang.
Dg tulisan ini, semoga Kita mampu memberi angin segar kepada anak muda di luar sana. Bahwa meski makin ke sini, dunia pendidikan makin "bertarif". Tapi, ada loh " Ide yang arif" di luar sana dan internal kampus. Menghambur2kan rezeki berupa beasiswa untuk ekonomi rendah dan berprestasi. Ada yang aturan beasiswanya MasyaAllah ruwet, ada juga yang sangat memudahkan. Tinggal dipilih, rezeki2an, dan selamat memantaskan.
Kuliah berbicara salah satunya soal cakupan. Jadi ingat nasihat Bapak dulu. Saat masih SD atau MI, kenalan mungkin 1 desa saja. Saat SMP, teman sudah antar desa. Saat SMA, teman antar kecamatan. Nah, saat kuliah. Teman sudah antar kota, provinsi, bahkan sudah global. Nah ini bisa jadi peluang.
Kuliah juga dijumpai tugas yg seabrek. Melatih kedisiplinan, komitmen, kesabaran, fokus, totalitas, dan solidaritas.Sebenarnya, tanpa kuliah ya bisa ditemukan itu asal ada kemauan yg kuat. Jika mungkin seperti Kita, yang "pemalas". Harus pintar menjebakkan diri di lingkungan yg penuh tantangan & bisa jadi sumber jutaan peluang untuk jemput masa depan.
Saya anak tukang pijat, berusaha belajar sampai pendidikan tertinggi meski agak ngos2an khususnya S3 ini yang belum dapat beasiswa. Eh wkwk. (Kode2, mohon do'a njeh). Bagaimana dg anak tukang bakso, kuli bangunan, ART, atau pekerjaan lainnya yg seakan mitos bisa masuk kuliah itu sulit. Semangat ya. Semoga sukses barokah keren tidak sendiri, tapi keren bersama-sama.
Sudah menemukan? Apa pentingnya kuliah? Yuk diskusi ya. Siapa tau niat mencari ilmu, tidak hanya menemukan yg baru, ada pegangan masa depan, bisa jadi bagi yang jomblo menemukan jodoh halalnya. Bahkan ada yg ijabsah baru dapat ijazah. 😁