Son of Israeli President Who Lost Contact in Gaza Turns Out to be Homosexual

Son of Israeli President Who Lost Contact in Gaza Turns Out to be Homosexual

Son of the President of Israel, Noam Herzog, and his homosexual partner

HOLIDAY NEWS –  A fact has been revealed behind the disappearance of the three sons of the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, in fighting in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Apparently, one of the sons of the leader of the Zionist state is gay . 

The news of the disappearance of President Herzog's third son was confirmed directly by his wife and First Lady of Israel, Michal Herzog. VIVA Military reported in previous news that Michal expressed concerns about the three episodes in an interview with Kan Reshet Bet radio channel. "We haven't had contact there for a long time, but we have hope," said Israel's First Lady, Michal Herzog, as reported by VIVA Military from Al Bawaba. 
The son of the President of Israel, Noam Herzog, and his homosexual partner Photo :

The third presidential sons to join the Israeli military are Noam Herzog, Matan Herzog and Ro'i Herzog. VIVA The military is trying to trace the identities of the three sons of the 11th President of Israel. Unfortunately, there is not much information about the three of them. However, Noam Herzog caused a stir in the Israeli public earlier this year. In a report quoted by VIVA Military from Ynet News, it is known that Noam is a gay person. In January 2023, Noam brought his partner, known as David, to attend an LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) event in Tel Aviv. 

President of Israel, Isaac Herzog Photo :

Noam is known to live with David and his three adopted children in Tel Aviv. On that occasion, Noam showed his identity as gay to the public for the first time. 

Next page
In a report quoted by VIVA Military from Ynet News, Noam is known to be a gay person. 

Putra Presiden Israel yang Hilang Kontak di Gaza Ternyata Homoseks
Putra Presiden Israel, Noam Herzog, dan pasangan homoseksnya

HOLIDAY NEWS  –  Sebuah fakta terungkap di balik hilangnya ketiga putra Presiden Israel , Isaac Herzog, dalam pertempuran di Jalur Gaza , Palestina. Ternyata, salah satu putra sang pemimpin negara Zionis adalah seorang gay .

Kabar hilangnya putra ketiga Presiden Herzog dikonfirmasi langsung oleh sang istri sekaligus Ibu Negara Israel, Michal Herzog. VIVA Militer melaporkan dalam berita sebelumnya, Michal menyampaikan kekhawatiran terhadap ketiga episode dalam wawancara dengan saluran radio Kan Reshet Bet. “Kami sudah lama tidak melakukan kontak di sana, tapi kami punya harapan,” ucap Ibu Negara Israel, Michal Herzog, dilansir VIVA Militer dari Al Bawaba .

Putra Presiden Israel, Noam Herzog, dan pasangan homoseksnya Photo :

Putra presiden ketiga yang bergabung dengan militer Israel yakni Noam Herzog, Matan Herzog dan Ro'i Herzog. VIVA Militer mencoba menelusuri identitas ketiga putra Presiden Israel ke-11 itu. Sayangnya, tak banyak informasi tentang ketiganya. Akan tetapi, Noam Herzog pernah membuat geger publik Israel awal tahun ini.

Dalam laporan yang dikutip VIVA Militer dari Ynet News , Noam diketahui adalah seorang penyuka sesama jenis alias gay. Pada Januari 2023, Noam membawa pasangannya yang dikenal bernama David untuk menghadiri acara LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Transgender) di Tel Aviv.

Presiden Israel, Isaac Herzog Photo :

Noam diketahui tinggal bersama dengan David dan ketiga orang anak angkatnya di Tel Aviv. Pada kesempatan itu, Noam menunjukkan identitasnya sebagai gay kepada publik untuk pertama kalinya.

Halaman Selanjutnya
Dalam laporan yang dikutip VIVA Militer dari Ynet News , Noam diketahui adalah seorang penyuka sesama jenis alias gay.

Source: VIVA Militer

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