Elon Musk Angry Many Companies Boycott Advertising on X: Do You Want to Blackmail Me?

Elon Musk Angry Many Companies Boycott Advertising on X: Do You Want to Blackmail Me? 

Elon Musk (Photo: Reuters)

 - The owner of X/Twitter, Elon Musk, still seems to be in the spotlight. He became angry after many companies boycotted their advertisements on the platform. 

Later he expressed his frustration at the New York Times DealBook Summit. Reporting from Deadline, Thursday (30/11/2023), Elon Musk felt like he was being blackmailed by the boycott. 
"You want to blackmail me through advertising? Blackmail me with money, you go, you go. Hopefully it's clear, that's all," he said. 
Interestingly, the event was also attended by Disney CEO, Bob Iger. It is known that Disney is one of the companies that has boycotted X by not advertising. This was done in response to Elon Musk's statements which had anti-Semitic (Anti-Jewish) tendencies. 

Not only Disney, several other large companies have also stopped advertising on X. Apple immediately followed Disney's decision. Likewise with other companies such as IBM, Bravo, Oracle, and Infinity. 
Elon Musk noticed Bob Iger's own presence at the event. He even directly greeted Bob Iger to find out how upset he was. 
"Hey Bob, he's here. Sorry, but that's how I feel right now," he said. 
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Elon Musk said he was angry when many companies boycotted advertising on X. According to him, this step would actually make X difficult. 

"The advertising boycott will kill the company. And everyone in the world will know who killed it. Everything will be well documented," explained the man born June 28, 1971. 
Elon Musk also denied that he was the cause of the advertising boycott. He rejected his controversial statements as a source of problems. 
"Tell that to the public. Let the public judge," he challenged. 

Elon Musk Ngamuk Banyak Perusahaan Boikot Iklan di X: Kalian Ingin Memeras Saya?

Elon Musk (Foto: Reuters)

 - Pemilik X/Twitter, Elon Musk, tampak masih menjadi sorotan. Dia mengamuk usai banyak perusahaan yang memboikot iklan mereka di platform tersebut.

Belakangan kekesalan itu dia sampaikan dalam acara New York Times DealBook Summit. Dilansir dari Deadline, Kamis (30/11/2023), Elon Musk merasa dirinya seperti diperas dengan aksi boikot tersebut.
"Kalian ingin memeras saya dengan lewat iklan? Memeras saya dengan uang, pergi kalian, pergi kalian. Semoga jelas ya, itu saja," katanya. 
Menariknya, acara tersebut juga dihadiri oleh CEO Disney, Bob Iger. Diketahui Disney jadi salah satu perusahaan yang sudah memboikot X dengan tidak memasang iklan.  Hal itu dilakukan sebagai respons pernyataan-pernyataan Elon Musk yang bertendensi antisemit (Anti-Yahudi).

Tidak hanya Disney beberapa perusahaan besar lainnya juga sudah stop beriklan di X. Apple langsung mengikuti keputusan Disney. Begitu juga dengan perusahaan-perusahaan lain seperti IBM, Bravo, Oracle, dan Infinity. 
Kehadiran Bob Iger sendiri di acara tersebut disadari oleh Elon Musk. Dia bahkan langsung menyapa Bob Iger untuk mengetahui rasa kesalnya.
"Hei Bob, dia ada di sini. Maaf, tapi itu apa yang saya rasakan sekarang," katanya.
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Elon Musk mengaku berang saat banyak perusahaan memboikot iklan di X. Menurut dia langkah itu justru akan membuat X kesulitan.

"Pemboikotan iklan itu akan membunuh perusahaan. Dan semua orang di dunia akan tahu siapa yang membunuhnya. Semuanya akan terdokumentasi dengan baik," jelas pria kelahiran 28 Juni 1971.
Elon Musk juga membantah bahwa dirinya yang menyebabkan pemboikotan iklan. Dia menolak ucapan-ucapannya yang kontroversial jadi sumber masalah.
"Katakan itu ke masyarakat. Biar masyarakat yang menilai," tantangnya.

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