AI Technology Makes Humans Unemployed? Read the explanation

AI Technology Makes Humans Unemployed? Read the explanation

- The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology continues to be expanded as a step to overcome various problems in various industrial sectors. However, it is feared that the development of AI could replace the role of humans in the world of work. 

Director General of Applications and Informatics (Aptika) Aptika Kemkominfo, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan said that the large number of job losses was not only caused by AI but had started along with massive digitalization. Currently the government is focused on regulating AI service users and providers so that it does not have a negative impact on workers. 

Meanwhile, CEO & Co-Founder of, Irzan Raditya is of the view that the AI ​​revolution can replace the role of humans in a number of jobs but at the same time encourage the creation of new job opportunities. Currently AI technology is directed at supporting worker productivity. 

What is the direction of AI technology development? And how does it impact workers? For complete details, see Bramudya Prabowo's dialogue with the Director General of Applications and Informatics (Aptika) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan and CEO & Co-Founder of, Irzan Raditya in Profit, CNBCIndonesia (Wednesday, 17/05/2023)

Teknologi AI Bikin Manusia Nganggur? Simak Penjelasannya

Perkembangan Teknologi kecerdasan buatan atau Artificial Intelligence (AI) terus diperluas sebagai langkah untuk mengatasi berbagai persoalan di berbagai sektor industri. Namun demikian perkembangan AI dikhawatirkan dapat menggantikan peran manusia di dunia kerja.

Dirjen Aplikasi dan Informatika (Aptika) Aptika Kemkominfo, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan mengatakan bahwa banyaknya pekerjaan yang hilang tidak hanya disebabkan oleh AI tetapi sudah dimulai seiring dengan masifnya digitalisasi. Saat ini pemerintah fokus mengatur pengguna dan penyedia layanan AI agar tidak berdampak negatif terhadap pekerja.

Sementara CEO & Co-Founder, Irzan Raditya berpandangan bahwa revolusi AI bisa menggantikan peran manusia di sejumlah pekerjaan namun sekaligus mendorong penciptaan peluang kerja baru. Saat ini teknologi AI diarahkan untuk mendukung produktivitas pekerja.

Seperti apa arah pengembangan teknologi AI? Dan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap pekerja? Selengkapnya simak dialog Bramudya Prabowo dengan Direktur Jenderal Aplikasi dan Informatika (Aptika) Kemkominfo, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan dan CEO & Co-Founder, Irzan Raditya dalam Profit,CNBCIndonesia (Rabu, 17/05/2023)

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