Must be a girl, this is a unique way for North Korean officials to check the 'seal' of prospective concubines until the Kim Jong Un era: They must...
Kim Jong Un assesses two North Korean women who are suspected of being concubines (The Sun)
Hops.ID - The story of the life of Kim Jong Un's concubine in North Korea has apparently been going on for quite some time in the neighboring country of South Korea since the 70s.
It is quite difficult to get much information regarding the concubines since the era when Grandfather Kim Jong Un was in power in North Korea.
Even if there are, the sad stories of Gippeumjo or concubines until the era of Kim Jong Un are usually from people who managed to escape from North Korea.
For example, what was revealed by Lee So Yeon, a former musician in the North Korean military who managed to escape in 2008.
Miss Yeon revealed many things, one of which was the government's way of testing the virginity of women who had been targeted to become Pleasure Squad aka concubines.
"Doctors carry out health checks to ensure they are still virgins before they are recruited," wrote the Daily Star April 6 2017.
In more detail, the potential concubines sought by North Korean officials from the beginning until the time of Kim Jong Un's leadership were also revealed.
"The girls had to undergo so-called invasive medical checks to prove they were virgins," said the May 1, 2020 issue of the New York Post.
Even in the ancient North Korean era, to prove it all they had to 'play' with certain officials.
"To get an audition, the girls have to be in contact with Jang Song Thaek (Kim Il Sung's brother)," he explained further.
This is indeed related to the conditions for concubines who have been hunted by the rulers of North Korea, it is said that since the era of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Un's grandfather and father of the nation.
Reportedly there is a myth about intimate activities with girls who still maintain their virginity.
"Kim Il Sung really liked girls because he believed that contact with girls allowed them to absorb 'Ki' or life force," he concluded.
To get all this, it is reported that the women targeted as concubines are generally young.
Women aged 13 to 20 years are believed to have been more sought after by North Korean officials to become concubines from the reign of Kim Il Sung to Kim Jong Un.***
Harus gadis, ini cara unik pejabat Korea Utara cek 'segel' calon selir hingga era Kim Jong Un: Mereka harus..
Kim Jong Un saat menilai dua orang wanita Korea Utara yang diduga untuk dijadikan selir (The Sun )
Hops.ID - Kisah kehidupan selir Kim Jong Un di Korea Utara rupanya sudah cukup lama terjadi di negara tetangga Korea Selatan itu sejak era dekade 70an.
Cukup sulit mendapatkan banyak informasi terkait para selir sejak era Kakek Kim Jong Un berkuasa di Korea Utara.
Kalaupun ada, cerita mirisnya Gippeumjo atau selir hingga era Kim Jong Un biasanya dari orang-orang yang berhasil kabur dari Korea Utara.
Misalnya saja yang diungkap oleh Lee So Yeon, mantan musisi di kemiliteran Korea Utara yang berhasil kabur pada tahun 2008 silam.
Nona Yeon mengungkap banyak hal, salahsatunya cara pihak pemerintah menguji kegadisan para wanita yang sudah dibidik untuk menjadi Pleasure Squad alias selir.
"Dokter melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan untuk memastikan mereka masih perawan sebelum mereka direkrut," tulis Daily Star 6 April 2017.
Lebih rinci, calon selir yang dicari para pejabat Korea Utara sejak dulu hingga masa kepemimpinan Kim Jong Un juga diungkap.
"Gadis-gadis itu mereka harus menjalani cek medis yang dinamakan invasif, untuk membuktikan mereka perawan," ungkap harian New York Post terbitan 1 Mei 2020.
Bahkan pada era Korea Utara zaman dahulu, untuk membuktikan itu semua mereka harus 'bermain' dengan pejabat tertentu.
"Untuk mendapatkan audisi, para gadis harus berhubungan dengan Jang Song Thaek (saudara laki-laki Kim Il Sung)," terangnya lebih lanjut.
Hal itu memang berkaitan dengan syarat para selir yang diburu oleh penguasa Korea Utara, konon sejak era Kim Il Sung, Kakek Kim Jong Un sekaligus bapak bangsa negeri itu.
Kabarnya ada mitos soal kegiatan intim dengan gadis yang masih terjaga kegadisannya.
"Kim Il Sung sangat menyukai gadis karena dia percaya berhubungan dengan gadis memungkinkan mereka menyerap 'Ki' atau kekuatan hidup," pungkasnya.
Untuk mendapatkan itu semua, kabarnya para wanita yang ditargetkan untuk dijadikan selir rata-rata berusia muda.
Wanita yang berusia 13 Tahun sampai 20 Tahun diyakini lebih banyak dicari para pejabat Korea Utara untuk dijadikan selir sejak masa kekuasaan Kim Il Sung hingga Kim Jong Un.***