Google Pays Apple CS IDR 418.7 Trillion So They Don't Get Kicked

Google Pays Apple CS IDR 418.7 Trillion So They Don't Get Kicked

CNBC  - Google paid US$ 26.3 billion (Rp. 418.7 trillion) to Apple, Samsung and several other companies throughout 2021 so that Google Search was immediately available as default software on new iPhones. 

According to CNBC International, the flow of funds from Google to cellphone manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung, and Motorola as well as to mobile operators in the US such as AT&T and T-Mobile was revealed in a trial regarding Google's monopolistic practices. 

Prosecutors at the trial stated that the payments from Google were evidence of Google's efforts to maintain a monopoly in the web search engine business. The aim is to block competitor search engines from "key distribution channels", one of which is Apple's browser called Safari. 

The majority of the US$ 26.3 billion payment went to Apple. Previously, Apple was estimated to receive US$ 19 billion (Rp. 302 trillion) by 2023 so that Google Search would remain the default search engine on all Apple devices, including iPhones and Macbooks. 

"Google pays billions of dollars each year to distributors, including top device manufacturers like Apple, LG, Motorola, and Samsung; major mobile carriers like AT&T, T-Mobile, and Veriozon; and browser developers like Mozilla, Opera, and UCWeb to secure status Google Searchas the default search engine. In certain cases, this includes prohibiting partners from working with Google competitors," the US Department of Justice lawsuit states. 

Google argues default status is meaningless because users can still change the search engine in their browser with just a few clicks. 

These payment costs are recorded by Google in financial reports as "traffic acquisition costs" or TAC. In 2021, Google recorded revenue of US$ 146 billion (Rp. 2,324 trillion) from the search engine business with a TAC of US$ 26.3 billion. 

In 2014, Google's revenue from the search engine business was US$ 47 billion (Rp. 748 trillion) with a TAC of US$ 7.1 billion. (Rp. 113 trillion). This means that in 7 years, the fees paid by Google to maintain Google Search as the default search engine have quadrupled. 

A Google spokesperson declined to comment to CNBC International. An Apple spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment. 

Google Bayar Apple Cs Rp 418,7 Triliun Agar Tak Ditendang

CNBC  - Google membayar US$ 26,3 miliar (Rp 418,7 triliun) ke Apple, Samsung dan beberapa perusahaan lain sepanjang 2021 supaya Google Search langsung tersedia sebagai software bawaan (default) di iPhone baru. 

Menurut CNBC International, kucuran dana dari Google ke produsen HP seperti Apple, Samsung, dan Motorola serta ke operator seluler di AS seperti AT&T dan T-Mobile terungkap dalam persidangan soal praktik monopoli Google.

Jaksa penuntut dalam persidangan menyatakan pembayaran dari Google adalah bukti upaya Google mempertahankan monopoli dalam bisnis mesin pencari web. Tujuannya adalah memblokir mesin pencari buatan kompetitor dari "kanal distribusi kunci", salah satunya browser milik Apple yang bernama Safari.

Mayoritas dari pembayaran US$ 26,3 miliar bermuara di Apple. Sebelumnya, Apple diperkirakan menerima US$ 19 miliar (Rp 302 triliun) kepada 2023 agar Google Search tetap menjadi mesin pencari bawaan di semua perangkat produksi Apple, termasuk iPhone dan Macbook.

"Google membayar miliaran dolar setiap tahun ke distributor, termasuk produsen perangkat ternama seperti Apple, LG, Motorola, dan Samsung; operator seluler besar seperti AT&T, T-Mobile, dan Veriozon; dan pengembang browser seperti Mozilla, Opera, dan UCWeb untuk mengamankan status Google Search sebagai mesin pencari bawaan. Di kasus tertentu, termasuk larangan pihak mitra untuk bekerja dengan kompetitor Google," tulis gugatan Departemen Kehakiman AS.

Google berargumen status bawaan tidak berarti karena pengguna masih bisa mengganti mesin pencari di browser mereka hanya dengan beberapa kali klik.

Biaya pembayaran ini dicatat Google dalam laporan keuangan sebagai "biaya akuisisi trafik" atau TAC. Pada 2021, Google mencatatkan pendapatan US$ 146 miliar (Rp 2.324 triliun) dari bisnis mesin pencarian dengan TAC US$ 26,3 miliar. 

Pada 2014, pendapatan Google dari bisnis mesin pencarian adalah US$ 47 miliar (Rp 748 triliun) dengan TAC US$ 7,1 miliar. (Rp 113 triliun). Artinya dalam 7 tahun, bayaran yang dikeluarkan Google untuk mempertahankan Google Search sebagai mesin pencari bawaan naik empat kali lipat.

Juru bicara Google menolak memberikan komentar kepada CNBC International. Juru bicara Apple tidak merespons permintaan komentar.

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