A series of RI regions are predicted to be 'stunned' by heat of up to 40 degrees Celsius

A series of RI regions are predicted to be 'stunned' by heat of up to 40 degrees Celsius

A series of RI regions are predicted to be 'stunned' by heat of up to 40 degrees Celsius

Illustration. A number of areas are predicted to be 'stunned' by heat with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius. (Photo: iStock/PraewBlackWhile)

The hot weather has been scorching in a number of parts of Indonesia in the last few days. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) even predicts that hot temperatures in Indonesia could reach up to 40 degrees Celsius. 

Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati explained that the hot temperatures in Indonesia were related to the heat that hit a number of regions in Indonesia in the middle of the dry season. Not only that, global trends also show an increase in temperatures in various parts of the world due to climate change. 
"We predict from our calculations that until October it is possible that surface air temperatures will reach 40 degrees Celsius," said Dwikorita on the CNN Indonesia Connected program, Friday (6/10). 

According to Dwikorita, there are at least two factors that make a number of regions in Indonesia increasingly hot, namely the phenomenon of 'drying' rain, aka El Nino, and the apparent movement of the Sun. 

So, which areas are predicted to be 'stung' by hot temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius? Here's the summary:


The capital city of Central Java Province, Semarang, is predicted to be one of the areas that will be hit by hot weather of up to 40 degrees Celsius. 
The forecaster for the Semarang Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Station Office, Haris Syahid Hakim, said that the temperature in the Semarang area has been relatively hot in the last 30 years. In fact, according to him, the hot weather in Semarang can reach 40 degrees Celsius. 
"The average daily air temperature during October ranges between 36-37 degrees at 13.00-14.00 WIB. But based on data for the last 30 years, it is possible that the air temperature could reach 40 degrees for the Pantura region, including Semarang, the eastern part of the Central Java Coast," he said Haris. 

Referring to the temperature monitoring page, AccuWeather, the temperature in Semarang on Monday (9/10) reached 39 degrees Celsius, but felt like 42 degrees Celsius. This page also predicts that similar temperatures will occur in Semarang on October 20 2023. 


Quoting Antara, several areas in Indonesia are predicted to experience extreme hot temperatures, including the city of Surabaya. In its report, Antara said that the maximum air temperature is predicted to reach 43 degrees Celsius in the city of Surabaya in mid-October 2023. 

According to AccuWeather, the temperature in Surabaya will reach more than 40 degrees Celsius from 19 to 22 October. In detail, the temperature is predicted to reach 42 degrees Celsius on October 19, October 20 (42 degrees Celsius), October 21 (42 degrees Celsius), and October 22 (41 degrees Celsius). 
However, BMKG Deputy for Meteorology Guswanto said that there is a very small possibility that the temperature will reach more than 40 degrees Celsius, because statistically, the maximum temperature in Indonesia never reaches 42 degrees. 

"I doubt the temperature received by AccuWeather because statistically in Indonesia the maximum temperature has never reached 42 degrees. AccuWeather also doesn't have a tool in Indonesia," said Guswanto, quoting Detik. 

And the Earth is getting hotter (Photo: CNNIndonesia/Basith Subastian)

The reason why Indonesia is so hot on the next page... 

Illustration. A number of areas are predicted to be 'stunned' by heat with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius. (Photo: iStockphoto/izzzy71)


Apart from Semarang and Surabaya, another area that is predicted to be 'stung' by hot temperatures is Makassar, South Sulawesi. Based on monitoring on the AccuWeather heat detection site, the temperature in Makassar is predicted to reach 38 degrees on 19-21 October 2022. 
Recently, news also went viral on social media that the hot temperature in Makassar could reach up to 40 degrees on October 10. 
However, BMKG Makassar admitted that it had never issued a forecast for air temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius. 
"BMKG Makassar has never issued an estimate of up to 40 degrees Celsius," said Head of the BMKG Makassar Meteorology Working Team Rizky Yudha P, citing Seconds. 

Why is Indonesia so hot? 

Lead Expert Researcher at the Center for Climate and Atmospheric Research from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Eddy Hermawan said that the hot temperatures in a number of Indonesian regions were influenced by the El Nino and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) phenomena which are predicted to reach their peak in October 2023. 

"Why is October so hot? If it was only El Nino 3.4 we would be fooled, but the IOD peak seems to fall in October," said Eddy, quoted by Antara. 
"The warming comes from the eastern region, namely East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Bali and East Java including Surabaya. There is no El Nino alone, the heat is like that in Surabaya, (moreover) plus El Nino and IOD which reach their peak in the October period," he added. 
El Nino is a phenomenon of warming sea surface temperatures above normal conditions in the central Pacific Ocean. 
According to Eddy, El Nino 3.4 has moved closer to Indonesian territory and this condition has caused an increase in temperatures above average. 

These two phenomena of sea surface water temperature oscillations - El Nino in the Pacific Ocean and IOD in the western Indian Ocean - cause countries located on the equator such as Indonesia to feel quite massive impacts. 
According to Eddy, all water vapor and rain clouds are pulled towards the north and west because the center of low pressure is in the Pacific Ocean and to the west of the Indian Ocean where El Nino and IOD occur. 

This condition makes Indonesia, which is located between these two phenomena, experience a dry season that tends to be long. 

Deret Daerah RI Diprediksi 'Tersengat' Panas Hingga 40 Derajat Celsius

Ilustrasi. Sejumlah daerah diprediksi bisa 'tersengat' panas dengan suhu mencapai 40 derajat Celsius.(Foto: iStock/PraewBlackWhile)

 -- Cuaca panas menyengat sejumlah wilayah Indonesia dalam beberapa hari terakhir. Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) bahkan memprediksi suhu panas di Indonesia bisa tembus hingga 40 derajat Celsius.

Kepala BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati menjelaskan suhu panas di Indonesia berkenaan dengan hawa panas yang melanda sejumlah kawasan di Indonesia di tengah musim kemarau. Tidak hanya itu, tren global juga menunjukkan peningkatan suhu di berbagai belahan dunia imbas perubahan iklim.
"Kami memprediksi dari hitungan kami sampai Oktober ini dimungkinkan dapat terjadi suhu udara permukaan mencapai 40 derajat Celsius," kata Dwikorita di program CNN Indonesia Connected, Jumat (6/10).

Menurut Dwikorita setidaknya ada dua faktor yang membuat sejumlah wilayah di RI kian panas, yakni fenomena 'pengering' hujan alias El Nino dan gerak semu Matahari.

Lalu, daerah mana saja yang diprediksi bakal 'tersengat' suhu panas hingga 40 derajat Celsius? Berikut rangkumannya:


Ibu Kota Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Semarang diprediksi jadi salah satu daerah yang bakal tersengat cuaca panas hingga 40 derajat Celsius.
Prakirawan Kantor Stasiun Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Ahmad Yani Semarang, Haris Syahid Hakim mengatakan suhu di wilayah Semarang terbilang panas dalam 30 tahun terakhir.Bahkan, menurut dia, cuaca panas di Semarang bisa menembus 40 derajat Celsius.
"Suhu udara harian selama Oktober rata-rata berkisar antara 36-37 derajat pada jam 13.00-14.00 WIB. Tapi berdasarkan data selama 30 tahun terakhir kemungkinan suhu udara bisa mencapai 40 derajat untuk wilayah Pantura termasuk Semarang, Pesisir Jawa Tengah bagian timur," kata Haris.

Merujuk laman pemantau suhu, AccuWeather, suhu di Semarang pada Senin (9/10), mencapai 39 derajat Celsius, tapi terasa seperti 42 derajat Celsius. Laman ini juga memprediksi bahwa suhu serupa bakal terjadi di Semarang pada 20 Oktober 2023.


Mengutip Antara, beberapa daerah di Indonesia yang diprediksi mengalami suhu panas ekstrem, di antaranya adalah Kota Surabaya. Dalam laporannya, Antara menyebut, suhu udara maksimal diprakirakan mencapai 43 derajat Celsius di Kota Surabaya pada pertengahan Oktober 2023.

Merujuk AccuWeather, suhu di Surabaya bakal tembus lebih dari 40 derajat Celsius mulai tanggal 19 sampai 22 Oktober. Rinciannya, 19 Oktober suhu diprakirakan mencapai 42 derajat Celsius, 20 Oktober (42 derajat Celsius), 21 Oktober (42 derajat celsius), dan 22 Oktober (41 derajat Celsius).
Namun begitu, Deputi Bidang Meteorologi BMKG Guswanto mengatakan bahwa kemungkinan sangat kecil suhu tembus hingga lebih dari 40 derajat Celsius, karena secara statistik, suhu maksimum di Indonesia tidak pernah mencapai 42 derajat.

"Saya meragukan suhu yang disampai oleh AccuWeather karena secara statistik di Indonesia suhu maksimum itu belum pernah mencapai 42 derajat. AccuWeather juga tidak punya alat di Indonesia," ucap Guswanto, mengutip Detik.

Dan Bumi pun Makin Panas (Foto: CNNIndonesia/Basith Subastian)

Penyebab Indonesia panas banget di halaman berikutnya...

Ilustrasi. Sejumlah daerah diprediksi bisa 'tersengat' panas dengan suhu mencapai 40 derajat Celsius. (Foto: iStockphoto/izzzy71)


Selain Semarang dan Surabaya, wilayah yang diprediksi bakal 'tersengat' suhu panas lainnya adalah Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Berdasarkan pantauan di situs deteksi panas AccuWeather, suhu di Makassar diprediksi mencapai 38 derajat pada 19-21 Oktober 2022.
Belakangan juga viral kabar di media sosial kalau suhu panas di Makassar bisa tembus hingga 40 derajat pada 10 Oktober.
Namun, BMKG Makassar mengaku tidak pernah mengeluarkan prakiraan suhu udara tembus 40 derajat Celsius.
"BMKG Makassar tidak pernah mengeluarkan perkiraan sampai suhu 40 derajat celcius," kata Ketua Tim Kerja Meteorologi BMKG Makassar Rizky Yudha P, mengutip Detik.

Kenapa Indonesia panas banget?

Peneliti Ahli Utama Pusat Riset Iklim dan Atmosfer dari Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) Eddy Hermawan mengatakan suhu panas di sejumlah wilayah RI itu dipengaruhi fenomena El Nino dan Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) yang diprakirakan mencapai puncak pada Oktober 2023.

"Kenapa Oktober panas banget? Kalau hanya El Nino 3.4 saja kita akan terkecoh, tapi puncak IOD itu sepertinya jatuh pada Oktober," kata Eddy dikutip dari Antara.
"Pemanasan berasal dari wilayah timur, yaitu Nusa Tenggara Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Bali, dan Jawa Timur termasuk Surabaya. Tidak ada El Nino saja panasnya seperti itu di Surabaya, (apalagi) ditambah El Nino dan IOD yang mencapai puncak periode Oktober," tambahnya.
El Nino adalah fenomena pemanasan suhu muka laut di atas kondisi normalnya di Samudra Pasifik bagian tengah.
Menurut Eddy, El Nino 3.4 sudah bergerak mendekati wilayah Indonesia dan kondisi itu menyebabkan peningkatan suhu di atas rata-rata.

Kedua fenomena osilasi suhu air permukaan laut itu-El Nino di Samudera Pasifik dan IOD di sebelah barat Samudera Hindia-menyebabkan negara-negara yang terletak di garis khatulistiwa seperti Indonesia merasakan dampak cukup masif.
Menurut Eddy semua uap air dan awan hujan ditarik ke arah utara dan barat karena pusat tekanan rendah berada di Samudera Pasifik dan sebelah barat Samudera Hindia tempat terjadinya El Nino dan IOD.

Kondisi itu membuat Indonesia yang terletak di antara kedua fenomena tersebut mengalami musim kering yang cenderung panjang.

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