7 Signs Your Friend Feels Jealous of You, You Have to Be Careful!
Everyone is jealous of other people, including your own friends
Having close friends or best friends is fun. You don't need to feel alone or lonely as you go about your day.
Of course, you also don't need to be confused about who to tell when you're happy or sad, because your friends are certainly ready to be good listeners for you. But even so, friends are also still ordinary people who can feel jealous of each other. So, here are 7 signs that your friend is jealous of you, let's pay attention to it so you can be more careful!
1. Look for other topics when you share good news
A sign that your best friend is jealous of you is when you share good news with them and they immediately discuss another topic. This is the most obvious sign because he can't stand hearing you feel happy.
2. Not happy to see you happy
It's natural that your friends will feel happy when you are happy. However, if he suddenly feels displeased by his facial expressions or the look in his eyes, there's a good chance he's jealous of you.
If that's the case, the first sign that he did it will be clear, he will move on to another story that makes you forget to tell about your happiness.
3. Throwing insincere compliments at you
You should know that not all praise is sincere. There are compliments that are actually just to cover up feelings of annoyance and envy. Usually, insincere praise is accompanied by sentences that highlight your weaknesses.
Like, "Wow, congratulations, yes! Even though you are forgetful, you can be accepted at that company." So if that's the case, it could be that he feels jealous of you.
4. His attitude turns cold towards you
Jealousy and envy can change a person's attitude from being warm and friendly to cold. If someone changes their attitude like that, it could be that they feel annoyed and jealous of what you have achieved.
So, be careful if your friend suddenly acts cold to you. It could be that he has been attacked by jealousy and is not happy to see you happy.
5. Trying to surpass you in various things
If you feel that your friend is starting to try to surpass you in various things, it is a sign that he is jealous of you. Usually he will take part in anything that he knows you also take part in. For example, when participating in a competition. By surpassing you, he will feel satisfied and superior to you.
6. Likes talking about you behind your back
If your best friend starts to feel jealous of you, it could be that he starts talking about you behind your back. If suddenly untrue gossip spreads from your friends, even a good friend will tell you that someone is spreading bad news about you.
This is of course very annoying. You need to be careful, it could be that the person spreading untrue news is your friend who doesn't like you because he feels jealous.
7. It's nice to see you fail to achieve something
Failure is a natural thing in life. However, if there is someone who is actually happy when you fail, it seems like you have to be careful because they are actually jealous of you.
It's natural that if there are friends who feel like they have failed in an achievement, they will provide help and encourage you, not just pretending to be sad but actually feeling satisfied and happy to see you fail.
Those are 7 signs that your friend is jealous of you. If you find the signs above in your friend, immediately ask him to talk nicely.
Ask him if he really feels jealous. If true, ask what the cause is. That way, you and your friends can find solutions so that your friendship continues to work well.
So, do you know which friend is jealous of you?
7 Tanda Sahabat Merasa Iri Padamu, Harus Hati-hati Nih!
Setiap orang punya rasa iri dengan orang lain, tak terkecuali sahabatmu sendiri
Mempunyai teman dekat atau sahabat memang menyenangkan. Kamu tak perlu merasa sendiri atau kesepian saat menjalani hari.
Tentunya kamu juga tak perlu bingung harus cerita pada siapa ketika sedang senang ataupun sedih, karena sahabat tentu siap menjadi pendengar yang baik untukmu.
Namun meskipun begitu, sahabat juga tetaplah manusia biasa yang bisa merasa iri kepada satu sama lain. Nah, berikut ini adalah 7 tanda bahwa sahabatmu merasa iri padamu, yuk diperhatikan agar bisa lebih berhati-hati!
1. Mencari topik lain ketika kamu berbagi kabar gembira
Tanda sahabatmu merasa iri padamu adalah ketika kamu membagikan kabar gembira padanya dan dia segera membahas topik lain. Ini menjadi tanda paling terlihat jelas karena dia tak tahan mendengar kamu merasa bahagia.
2. Tidak senang melihatmu bahagia
Wajarnya sih sahabat akan ikut merasa bahagia ketika kamu sedang berbahagia. Tapi, bila dia mendadak merasa tak senang lewat ekspresi wajah atau pancaran matanya, besar kemungkinan dia merasa iri padamu.
Jika sudah begitu, tanda pertama tadi akan jelas dia lakukan, dia akan beralih ke cerita lain yang membuatmu lupa menceritakan kebahagiaanmu.
3. Melontarkan pujian tidak tulus padamu
Kamu harus tau bahwa tak semua pujian itu tulus. Ada pujian yang sebenarnya hanya untuk menutupi perasaan dongkol dan iri. Biasanya, pujian tak tulus disertai kalimat yang mengungkit kelemahanmu.
Seperti, "Wah, selamat, ya! Padahal kamu kan pelupa ya tapi bisa diterima di perusahaan tersebut." Nah jika sudah begitu, bisa jadi dia merasa iri padamu.
4. Sikapnya berubah dingin padamu
Rasa iri dan dengki bisa mengubah sikap seseorang yang awalnya hangat dan bersahabat menjadi dingin. Jika seseorang berubah sikapnya seperti itu, bisa jadi dia merasa kesal dan iri atas apa yang telah kamu capai.
Jadi, hati-hati bila sahabatmu mendadak bersikap dingin padamu. Bisa saja dia telah terserang rasa iri hati dan menjadi tak senang melihatmu bahagia.
5. Berusaha mengunggulimu dalam berbagai hal
Kalau kamu merasa sahabatmu mulai berusaha mengunggulimu dalam berbagai hal, itu tandanya dia merasa iri padamu. Biasanya dia akan ikut serta dalam hal apapun yang dia tau kamu juga ikut andil di dalamnya. Misalnya saja saat ikut perlombaan. Dengan mengunggulimu, dia akan merasa puas dan lebih hebat darimu.
6. Suka membicarakanmu di belakang
Jika sahabatmu mulai merasa iri padamu, bisa jadi dia mulai membicarakanmu di belakang. Jika tiba-tiba tersebar gosip yang tak benar dari teman-temanmu, bahkan ada teman baik yang bercerita kepadamu bahwa ada orang yang menyebarkan sebuah berita buruk tentangmu.
Hal ini tentu saja menjengkelkan sekali. Kamu perlu berhati-hati, bisa jadi orang yang menyebarkan kabar tak benar itu adalah sahabatmu yang tak menyukaimu karena merasa iri.
7. Senang jika melihatmu gagal mencapai sesuatu
Kegagalan adalah hal yang wajar dalam hidup. Namun jika ada orang yang justru senang saat kamu mengalami kegagalan, sepertinya kamu harus berhati-hati karena sebenarnya dia iri denganmu.
Wajarnya jika ada sahabat yang merasa gagal akan suatu pencapaian, mereka akan memberikan bantuan dan menyemangatimu, bukan justru berpura-pura sedih namun sebenarnya merasa puas dan senang melihatmu gagal.
Itulah 7 tanda jika sahabat iri padamu. Jika menemukan tanda-tanda di atas pada sahabatmu, segera ajak dia bicara baik-baik ya.
Tanyakan apa benar dia merasa iri. Jika benar, tanyakan apa penyebabnya. Dengan begitu kamu dan sahabatmu bisa mencari solusi agar persahabatan kalian pun tetap berjalan baik.
Jadi, sudah tahu belum nih siapa sahabat yang iri padamu?