Xi Jinping Blocks iPhone 15, Chinese Citizens are Excitedly Waiting for Their Turn

Xi Jinping Blocks iPhone 15, Chinese Citizens are Excitedly Waiting for Their Turn

- China's blocking of iPhones is becoming more widespread. Initially it was reported that this only applies to government employees. However, recently it has also been stipulated for employees of companies affiliated with the government. 

Even though the central government has not officially announced this blocking, several government agencies and state-owned companies in China have asked their employees to stop bringing Apple devices to the office. 
This report was first published by The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg. Most recently, Insider reported that Apple's blocking will be even broader, impacting employees outside government agencies and state-owned companies. 
This triggered panic among the public. Several employees in China have prepared themselves if at any time their boss also prohibits the use of iPhones. 

Many netizens in China expressed their concerns via Weibo social media. 
"The workplace doesn't allow Apple devices, so I've bought a Redmi to avoid problems," said an employee at a Chinese company via his personal Weibo account. 

"The boss doesn't allow an iPhone. Even though I have bought an iPhone since 2018 and now it is still suitable for use. The only problem is the battery life. If I have to buy a new cellphone, it will be wasteful," said another iPhone user. 
"I hate the new rule of banning iPhones," said another Weibo user. 

Many netizens flooded Weibo to share their experiences. However, it cannot be investigated whether these people are employees of private companies or those affiliated with the government. 
"My husband's workplace didn't allow him to bring an Apple device because he was afraid of leaks. He was told to change to a locally made cellphone," said one netizen. 

According to CGTN, China will have 56 million workers in 2021. Of these, 150,000 employees work in state-owned enterprises, for example in the energy, banking and construction sectors. 
According to a Nikkei report, a company affiliated with the Chinese government has banned its employees from using the entire ecosystem of Apple devices, including AirPods and Apple Watch. 
So far, Apple has dominated the Chinese cellphone market. If this blocking becomes widespread, it is not impossible that Apple's position in the Bamboo Curtain country could be shifted by local players. Moreover, recently Huawei has just launched the 5G Mate 60 Pro cellphone which is selling well in China. 

Xi Jinping Blokir iPhone 15, Warga China Heboh Tunggu Giliran

 - Pemblokiran iPhone di China makin meluas. Mulanya dikabarkan hanya berlaku bagi pegawai pemerintahan. Namun, belakangan juga ditetapkan untuk karyawan perusahaan yang terafiliasi dengan pemerintah.

Meski pemerintah pusat belum secara resmi mengumumkan pemblokiran ini, tetapi beberapa lembaga pemerintahan dan BUMN di China sudah meminta pegawainya untuk berhenti membawa perangkat Apple ke kantor.
Laporan ini pertama kali dipublikasikan oleh The Wall Street Journal dan Bloomberg. Terbaru, Insider melaporkan bahwa pemblokiran Apple akan lebih luas lagi, berdampak pada karyawan di luar lembaga pemerintahan dan BUMN.
Hal ini memicu kepanikan di kalangan masyarakat. Beberapa karyawan di China sudah mempersiapkan diri jika sewaktu-waktu bos mereka turut melarang penggunaan iPhone.

Banyak warganet di China yang mengekspresikan kekhawatiran mereka lewat media sosial Weibo.
"Tempat kerja tak mengizinkan perangkat Apple, jadi saya sudah beli Redmi agar terhindar dari masalah," kata seorang karyawan di perusahaan China melalui akun Weibo personalnya.

"Bos tak mengizinkan iPhone. Padahal saya sudah beli iPhone sejak 2018 dan kini masih layak dipakai. Masalahnya cuma ada di ketahanan baterai. Kalau harus beli HP baru, bakal boros," kata seorang pengguna iPhone lainnya.
"Saya benci aturan baru pelarangan iPhone," ujar pengguna Weibo lainnya.

Banyak warganet yang membanjiri Weibo untuk menceritakan pengalaman mereka. Meski demikian, tak bisa diselidiki apakah orang-orang ini adalah karyawan perusahaan swasta atau yang berafiliasi dengan pemerintah.
"Tempat kerja suami saya tak mengizinkan dia membawa perangkat Apple karena takut ada kebocoran. Dia disuruh ganti ke HP buatan lokal," kata seorang warganet.

Menurut CGTN, China memiliki 56 juta pekerja di 2021. Di antaranya ada 150.000 pegawai yang bekerja di BUMN, misalnya sektor energi, bank, dan konstruksi.
Menurut laporan Nikkei, satu perusahaan yang terafiliasi dengan pemerintah China sudah melarang pegawainya untuk menggunakan seluruh ekosistem perangkat Apple, termasuk AirPods dan Apple Watch.
Selama ini, Apple mendominasi pasar HP China. Jika pemblokiran ini meluas, bukan tak mungkin posisi Apple di Negeri Tirai Bambu bisa tergeser oleh pemain lokal. Apalagi, baru-baru ini Huawei baru saja meluncurkan HP 5G Mate 60 Pro yang laris manis di China.

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