Simon Cowell Reveals Why U2 Allowed Ariani's Daughter to Perform Her Song on America's Got Talent 2023

Simon Cowell Reveals Why U2 Allowed Ariani's Daughter to Perform Her Song on America's Got Talent 2023

Simon Cowell reveals why U2 allowed Princess Ariani to perform his song on Americas Got Talent 2023, I Still Havent Found What Im Looking For. Photos/Getty Images

JAKARTA - Simon Cowell reveals the reason why U2 allowed Putri Ariani to perform her song on America's Got Talent 2023 . In the semifinals on Wednesday (6/9/2023), Putri performed a song called I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For from the Irish rock band. 

Simon Cowell said U2 officially allowed Putri to perform the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For on America's Got Talent . The reason is because the band watched the 17 year old's performance during an audition some time ago. 
Because of this, the music producer appreciated the band which has been established since 1976. Moreover, through the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Putri's fate on America's Got Talent has changed. 
"I want to thank U2. They allowed Putri to sing this song because they saw her audition and they knew how much it would mean to her," said Simon Cowell. 

"I can't thank you enough because I think you just changed this girl's life," he continued. 
It is known that all this time the band fronted by Bono has not allowed just anyone to sing their songs. One netizen on Twitter also said that U2 often doesn't allow other people to perform their work. 
He was amazed because the vocalist, Bono seemed to give his blessing to Putri Ariani to sing the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For on the America's Got Talent stage. 

Simon Cowell Ungkap Alasan U2 Izinkan Putri Ariani Bawakan Lagunya di America's Got Talent 2023

Simon Cowell mengungkap alasan U2 mengizinkan Putri Ariani membawakan lagunya di Americas Got Talent 2023, I Still Havent Found What Im Looking For. Foto/Getty Images

JAKARTA - Simon Cowell mengungkap alasan U2 mengizinkan Putri Ariani membawakan lagunya di America's Got Talent 2023 . Pada babak semifinal Rabu (6/9/2023), Putri membawakan lagu berjudul I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For dari band rock asal Irlandia itu.

Simon Cowell mengatakan U2 resmi mengizinkan Putri membawakan lagu I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For di America's Got Talent . Alasannya karena band tersebut menonton penampilan remaja 17 tahun itu saat audisi beberapa waktu lalu.
Karena itu, produser musik tersebut mengapresiasi grup band yang telah berdiri sejak 1976 itu. Terlebih, melalui lagu I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, nasib Putri di America's Got Talent telah berubah.
"Saya ingin berterima kasih kepada U2. Mereka mengizinkan lagu ini untuk dinyanyikan Putri karena mereka melihat audisinya dan mereka tahu betapa hal ini akan sangat berarti baginya," kata Simon Cowell.

"Saya tidak bisa cukup berterima kasih karena saya pikir Anda baru saja mengubah hidup gadis ini," sambungnya.
Diketahui bahwa selama ini grup band yang digawangi bono itu tidak mengizinkan sembarangan orang membawakan lagu mereka. Salah satu netizen di Twitter pun menyebut jika U2 seringkali tak mengizinkan orang lain membawakan karyanya.
Ia dibuat takjub lantaran sang vokalis, Bono seakan memberikan restu kepada Putri Ariani untuk menyanyikan lagu I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For di panggung America's Got Talent.

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