Satellite Images Before and After the Powerful Floods in Libya That Killed 11,300 People

Satellite Images Before and After the Powerful Floods in Libya That Killed 11,300 People

 DERNA - Images taken by satellite show extraordinary physical damage caused by floods that killed at least 11,300 people in the city of Derna in eastern Libya. 

Two dams above Derna broke early Monday under pressure from rain caused by the storm. 
The collected water hit the low-lying downtown area of Derna and reached the Mediterranean Sea, as reported by the Associated Press, Friday, (15/9/2023). 
Many said they heard a loud explosion when the dam burst. 

Flood waters several meters high damaged the city as it moved down the mountain slopes. 

This combination of satellite images from Maxar Technologies shows the coastal highway in Derna, Libya, on July 1, 2023, and the same area damaged by flooding on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. (Source: AP Photo)

Images taken about 400 miles above the Earth's surface showed that the storm left a layer of brown mud and dirt all over the city. 
Many people were still buried under mud and debris that included overturned cars and pieces of concrete. 

The death toll jumped to 11,300 as search efforts continued, Marie el-Drese, secretary general of the Libyan Red Crescent, told The Associated Press by phone on Thursday. 

He said that an additional 10,100 people were reported missing. 
Health authorities previously put the death toll in Derna at 5,500. 

This combination of satellite images from Maxar Technologies shows the coastal highway in Derna, Libya, on July 1, 2023, and the same area damaged by flooding on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. (Source: AP Photo / Maxar)

Satellite images show mud and debris stretching out to sea into the shallow waters of Derna, which appear brown around its shoreline. 
Many bodies carried by seawater returned with the tide, rescue workers said. 

Flooding has displaced at least 30,000 people in Derna, according to the UN's International Organization for Migration, and several thousand others have been forced to flee their homes in other eastern towns, it said. 

This combination of satellite images from Maxar Technologies shows the coastal highway in Derna, Libya, on July 1, 2023, and the same area damaged by flooding on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. (Source: AP Photo / Maxar)

Bridges and other basic infrastructure have also been destroyed, especially buildings around the Wadi Derna river. Due to road damage, aid only started coming into the city on Tuesday evening. 
The death toll due to the Libyan floods has now reached more than 11,300 people, said the Libyan Red Cross, Thursday (14/9/2023) while 10,100 people are still missing. 

The number of victims due to flooding caused by the collapse of two dams on Sunday (10/9/2023) is expected to continue to increase. 

This combination of satellite images from Maxar Technologies shows the coastal highway in Derna, Libya, on July 1, 2023, and the same area damaged by flooding on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. (Source: AP Photo)

On Wednesday (13/9/2023), the Associated Press revealed that at least 5,100 people were killed because of the disaster. 
This causes the demand for body bags needed by search teams to increase. 
Apart from that, the fear of an epidemic arising due to the large number of bodies also emerged. 
Rescue workers in the city of Derna, which was worst affected by the floods have requested more body bags. 
It is estimated that the number of victims of the Libyan floods will reach more than 20,000 people. 
Death Toll from Libyan Flash Floods Estimated to Reach 20,000 People

The death toll from the flash floods that hit the city of Derna, Libya, is estimated to reach 20,000 people. This was conveyed by the Mayor of Derna Abdulmenam Al-Ghaithi. 
The city of Derna was swept away by flash floods on Sunday (10/9/2023) evening local time. 

A powerful storm caused the dam on the Derna to break and sweep away buildings on the banks of the river, washing their contents into the Mediterranean Sea. 
As of Wednesday (13/9), Libyan Ministry of Interior Spokesperson Lieutenant Tarek Al-Kharraz said that there had been 3,840 casualties recorded so far. 
Meanwhile, Civil Aviation Minister Hichem Abu Chkiouat reported that there were more than 5,300 deaths. 
However, the Mayor of Derna Abdulmenam Al-Ghaithi estimates that the death toll from flash floods could reach 18,000 to 20,000 deaths. 

This is based on the number of districts destroyed by flash floods. 

Mabrooka Elsemesmary, a journalist who has been reporting in Derna said the city was experiencing a "disaster on a massive scale."
Families sleeping in apartments were reportedly swept away when the flash flood hit. 
"There is no water, electricity and petrol. There is a wave of residents trying to leave Derna, but many of them are trapped because many roads are closed or missing," Al Jazeera quoted Elmesmary as saying. 
The Libyan government itself puts the official number of people missing as a result of the Derna floods at 10,000. 
The United Nations (UN) reported flood victims still missing at least 5,000 people. 

Gambar Satelit Sebelum dan Sesudah Banjir Dahsyat di Libya yang Tewaskan 11.300 Orang

DERNA - Gambar yang diambil oleh satelit menunjukkan kerusakan fisik yang luar biasa hebat akibat banjir yang menewaskan setidaknya 11.300 orang di kota Derna di Libya timur.

Dua bendungan di atas Derna pecah pada hari Senin awal akibat tekanan dari hujan yang disebabkan oleh badai. 
Air yang terkumpul melanda wilayah pusat kota Derna yang rendah hingga mencapai Laut Tengah, seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Associated Press, Jumat, (15/9/2023).
Banyak yang mengatakan mereka mendengar ledakan keras saat bendungan meledak. 

Banjir dengan ketinggian beberapa meter merusak kota saat bergerak turun dari lereng gunung.

Kombinasi citra satelit dari Maxar Technologies ini menunjukkan jalan raya pesisir di Derna, Libya, pada 1 Juli 2023, dan daerah yang sama rusak akibat banjir pada Rabu, 13 September 2023. (Sumber: AP Photo)
Gambar-gambar yang diambil sekitar 400 mil di atas permukaan bumi menunjukkan bahwa badai tersebut meninggalkan lapisan lumpur dan kotoran berwarna cokelat di seluruh kota.
Banyak orang masih terkubur di bawah lumpur dan puing-puing yang mencakup mobil yang terbalik dan potongan-potongan beton. 

Jumlah kematian melonjak menjadi 11.300 saat upaya pencarian terus berlanjut, kata Marie el-Drese, sekretaris jenderal Bulan Sabit Merah Libya, kepada The Associated Press melalui telepon pada hari Kamis.

Dia mengatakan bahwa tambahan 10.100 orang dilaporkan hilang. 
Otoritas kesehatan sebelumnya mengatakan jumlah kematian di Derna sebanyak 5.500 orang.

Kombinasi citra satelit dari Maxar Technologies ini menunjukkan jalan raya pesisir di Derna, Libya, pada 1 Juli 2023, dan daerah yang sama rusak akibat banjir pada Rabu, 13 September 2023. (Sumber: AP Photo / Maxar)

Gambar-gambar satelit menunjukkan lumpur dan puing-puing yang membentang ke laut hingga ke perairan dangkal Derna, yang tampak berwarna cokelat di sekitar garis pantainya.
Banyak jenazah yang terbawa oleh air laut kembali bersama pasang surut, kata pekerja penyelamat.

Banjir telah menggusur setidaknya 30.000 orang di Derna, menurut Organisasi Internasional untuk Migrasi PBB, dan beberapa ribu lainnya terpaksa meninggalkan rumah mereka di kota-kota timur lainnya, demikian disebutkan.

Kombinasi citra satelit dari Maxar Technologies ini menunjukkan jalan raya pesisir di Derna, Libya, pada 1 Juli 2023, dan daerah yang sama rusak akibat banjir pada Rabu, 13 September 2023. (Sumber: AP Photo / Maxar)
Jembatan dan infrastruktur dasar lainnya juga telah hancur, terutama bangunan-bangunan di sekitar sungai Wadi Derna. Karena kerusakan jalan, bantuan baru mulai masuk ke kota pada hari Selasa malam.
Korban tewas karena banjir libya saat ini telah mencapai lebih dari 11.300 orang kata Palang Merah Libya, Kamis, (14/9/2023) sementara 10.100 orang masih hilang.

Jumlah korban karena banjir yang disebabkan jebolnya dua bendungan, Minggu (10/9/2023) diperkirakan bakal terus bertambah.

Kombinasi citra satelit dari Maxar Technologies ini menunjukkan jalan raya pesisir di Derna, Libya, pada 1 Juli 2023, dan daerah yang sama rusak akibat banjir pada Rabu, 13 September 2023. (Sumber: AP Photo)
Pada Rabu (13/9/2023), Associated Press mengungkapkan, setidaknya 5.100 orang terbunuh karena bencana tersebut.
 Hal itu menyebabkan permintaan kantong mayat yang dibutuhkan oleh tim pencari bertambah.
Selain itu ketakutan timbulnya epidemi karena banyaknya jasad juga muncul. 
Para petugas penyelamat di Kota Derna, yang terdampak paling parah atas banjir tersebut telah meminta lebih banyak kantong mayat.
Diperkirakan jumlah korban tewas banjir Libya itu bakal menembus lebih dari 20.000 orang.
Korban Jiwa Banjir Bandang Libya Diperkirakan Bisa Tembus 20.000 Orang
Korban jiwa akibat banjir bandang yang menerjang Kota Derna, Libya, diperkirakan bisa mencapai 20.000 jiwa. Hal tersebut disampaikan Wali Kota Derna Abdulmenam Al-Ghaithi.
Kota Derna disapu banjir bandang pada Minggu (10/9/2023) malam waktu setempat. 

Badai kuat membuat bendungan di Derna jebol dan menyapu bangunan di pinggiran sungai, menghanyutkan isinya hingga Laut Mediterania.
Per Rabu (13/9) kemarin, Juru Bicara Kementerian Dalam Negeri Libya Letnan Tarek Al-Kharraz menyebut, terdapat 3.840 korban jiwa yang tercatat sejauh ini. 
Sedangkan Menteri Penerbangan Sipil Hichem Abu Chkiouat melaporkan terdapat lebih dari 5.300 korban tewas.
Akan tetapi, Wali Kota Derna Abdulmenam Al-Ghaithi memperkirakan korban jiwa akibat banjir bandang bisa mencapai 18.000 hingga 20.000 tewas. 

Hal tersebut didasarkan pada jumlah distrik yang dihancurkan banjir bandang.

Mabrooka Elsemesmary, jurnalis yang sempat meliput di Derna menyebut kota itu mengalami "bencana berskala masif." 
Keluarga-keluarga yang sedang tidur dalam apartemen dilaporkan hanyut ketika banjir bandang menerjang.
"Tidak ada air, listrik, dan bensin. Ada gelombang penduduk yang mencoba pergi dari Derna, tetapi banyak di antaranya terjebak karena banyak jalan tertutup atau hilang," kata Elmesmary dikutip Al Jazeera.
Pemerintah Libya sendiri menyebut angka resmi orang hilang akibat banjir Derna mencapai 10.000. 
Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) melaporkan korban banjir yang masih hilang sedikitnya 5.000 orang.

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