Putri Ariani Receives a Standing Ovation from 4 Judges in the AGT 2023 Semifinals

Putri Ariani Receives a Standing Ovation from 4 Judges in the AGT 2023 Semifinals

Putri Ariani received a standing ovation from the judges and audience when she appeared in the semifinals of America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023. (doc. Putri Ariani Production via YouTube)

 -- Putri Ariani appeared in the semifinals of America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, USA, today, Wednesday (6/9). 

The 17-year-old singer appeared on stage with the spotlight shining on him. He started singing the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, which was popularized by the band U2. 

In this appearance, Putri wore a gold dress. He returned to performing while playing the piano. 
Her appearance that night was dominated by a cappella while accompanied by the piano she played several times. 

After finishing her performance, Putri Ariani received a standing ovation from the four judges, namely Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum, and Howie Mandel. Likewise with the audience who watched live at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. 

Simon Cowell even ran out of words regarding Princess Ariani's appearance today. 

"I'm a little lost for words at the moment," said Simon Cowell. 
"First of all, how beautiful your voice is, what a beautiful version of this song. This is why I still do this work for moments like this," he continued praising. 

Sofia Vergara then also praised Princess Ariani's vocals and said her performance that night was perfect. 
"I don't think I've ever heard anything more beautiful in my life. The notes and feelings make us feel extraordinary. The performance is perfect," he praised. 

"Maybe this is what an angel sounds like," said Heidi Klum. "I hope Bono [U2 frontman] can hear it."
"Perfect!" closed Howie Mandel closed the assessment of the four judges. 
Putri Ariani's performance, which received the golden buzzer from the audition round, also closed the AGT 2023 semifinal round today. 

His fate in the talent search event will be determined based on the votes from the audience and fans. 
Singer Putri Ariani became a topic of conversation after her phenomenal performance at the 18th season of America's Got Talent auditions. 

Putri managed to amaze Simon Cowell after singing two songs at that time, namely his own creation titled Loneliness and Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest which was popularized by Elton John. 

He then managed to get a golden buzzer from Simon Cowell and has the right to advance directly to the semifinals of AGT 2023. The 17-year-old singer then flew to Pasadena, Los Angeles, USA, last August 28 to take part in the semifinals of America's Got Talent 2023. 

Putri Ariani Dapat Standing Ovation dari 4 Juri di Semifinal AGT 2023

Putri Ariani mendapatkan standing ovation dari juri dan penonton saat tampil di babak semifinal America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023. (dok. Putri Ariani Production via YouTube)

 -- Putri Ariani tampil di babak semifinal America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023 di Pasadena, Los Angeles, AS, pada hari ini, Rabu (6/9).

Penyanyi berusia 17 tahun itu muncul di atas panggung dengan sorotan lampu mengarah padanya. Ia mulai melantunkan lagu I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For yang dipopulerkan oleh band U2.

Dalam penampilannya kali ini, Putri mengenakan gaun berwarna emas. Ia kembali tampil sambil bermain piano.
Penampilannya malam itu didominasi dengan akapela sambil beberapa kali ditemani lantunan piano yang dia mainkan.

Usai menyelesaikan penampilannya, Putri Ariani mendapatkan standing ovation dari keempat juri, yaitu Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum, dan Howie Mandel. Begitu pula dengan para penonton yang menyaksikan secara langsung di Pasadena Civic Auditorium.

Simon Cowell bahkan sampai kehabisan kata-kata dengan penampilan Putri Ariani hari.

"Saya agak kehabisan kata-kata saat ini," ucap Simon Cowell.
"Pertama-pertama, betapa indahnya suara Anda, betapa indahnya versi lagu ini. Inilah mengapa saya masih melakukan pekerjaan ini untuk momen seperti ini," lanjutnya memuji.

Sofia Vergara kemudian juga memuji vokal Putri Ariani dan mengatakan penampilanya malam itu sempurna.
"Saya rasa saya tidak pernah mendengar sesuatu lebih indah dalam hidup saya. Notasi dan perasaannya membuat kita merasa luar biasa. Penampilan yang sempurna," pujinya.

"Mungkin seperti ini suara seorang malaikat," timpal Heidi Klum. "Saya harap Bono [vokalis U2] bisa mendengarnya." "Sempurna!" tutup Howie Mandel menutup penilaian dari keempat juri. Penampilan Putri Ariani yang mendapatkan golden buzzer dari babak audisi sekaligus menutup babak semifinal AGT 2023 hari ini.

Nasibnya di ajang pencarian bakat itu akan ditentukan berdasarkan hasil suara dari para penonton dan penggemar. Penyanyi Putri Ariani menjadi perbincangan usai kiprah fenomenalnya di audisi America's Got Talent musim ke-18.

Putri berhasil membuat takjub Simon Cowell usai menyanyikan dua lagu saat itu, yakni ciptaannya sendiri bertajuk Loneliness serta Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest yang dipopulerkan Elton John.

Ia kemudian berhasil mendapatkan golden buzzer dari Simon Cowell dan berhak melaju langsung ke babak semifinal AGT 2023. Penyanyi berusia 17 tahun itu kemudian terbang ke Pasadena, Los Angeles, AS, pada 28 Agustus lalu untuk mengikuti babak semifinal acara America's Got Talent 2023.

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