Princess Ariani is hugged by Simon Cowell after appearing at the AGT 2023 final

Princess Ariani is hugged by Simon Cowell after appearing at the AGT 2023 final

Simon Cowell returned to the stage and hugged Princess Ariani. This time, it happened after Putri amazed the audience in the final of America's Got Talent 2023. (doc. Americas Got Talent/NBC & Peacock via YouTube)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --

Putri Ariani was again visited and hugged by Simon Cowell on the America's Got Talent 2023 stage. This time, Simon as the judge returned to the stage and hugged Putri after showing off his voice in the final round. 
Simon Cowell, wearing a black T-shirt, was seen walking towards Princess Ariani after the singer performed Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me, popularized by Elton John. 
Not only hugging, Simon was also seen having a short chat with Putri Ariani before the Indonesian singer left the stage. The moment was seen in a live broadcast on the official TikTok account of  America's Got Talent. 

Previously, Putri Ariani returned with her piano and is now singing Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me which was popularized by Elton John on stage. 
In this performance, Putri Ariani's appearance was also even more magnificent with the choir. Putri performed the song with her own color and was greeted with loud applause from the audience. 

Cheers and loud support from the audience were heard when Putri Ariani sang the high notes in the song, including at the end of the singer's performance. 
Praise from the jury poured in again, just like in the early preliminary rounds until Putri Ariani entered the final round today. 

"You really were born to do this. You've overcome so much in your life," said Simon Cowell, who gave Princess the Golden Ticket in the initial preliminary round. 
"I hope you realize your dreams in this event," he said again. 

Putri Ariani's performance today is the first of two nights of America's Got Talent 2023 finals. She performs after Mzansi Youth Choir, Avantgardey, Lavender Darcangelo, Chibi Unity, 82nd Airborne Chorus, Anna DeGuzman, and Ahren Belisle. 

After that, there were also performances from the Ramdhani Brothers, Murmuration, and Adrian Stoica and Hurricane. 11 contestants, including Putri Ariani, competed to become the winner of the 18th round of the talent search show. 

So, there has been no announcement regarding the further results for Putri Ariani. The final results for the contestants are determined by the votes cast by US-based viewers. The winner will be announced on Wednesday (27) evening US time or on Thursday (28/9) morning WIB. 

Putri Ariani Dipeluk Simon Cowell Usai Tampil di Final AGT 2023

Simon Cowell kembali ke atas panggung dan peluk Putri Ariani. Kali ini, itu terjadi usai Putri pukau penonton final America's Got Talent 2023. (dok. Americas Got Talent/NBC & Peacock via YouTube)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --

Putri Ariani kembali disambangi dan dipeluk Simon Cowell di atas panggung America's Got Talent 2023. Kali ini, Simon selaku juri kembali ke atas panggung dan memeluk Putri usai memamerkan suaranya di babak final.

Simon Cowell yang mengenakan kaus hitam terlihat berjalan ke arah Putri Ariani setelah penyanyi itu menampilkan Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me yang dipopulerkan Elton John.

Tak hanya memeluk, Simon juga terlihat berbincang-bincang singkat dengan Putri Ariani sebelum penyanyi Indonesia itu turun panggung. Momen itu terlihat dalam siaran langsung di akun resmi TikTok  America's Got Talent.

Sebelumnya, Putri Ariani kembali hadir dengan pianonya dan kini menyanyikan Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me yang dipopulerkan Elton John di atas panggung.
Dalam penampilan kali ini, penampilan Putri Ariani juga semakin megah bersama para choir. Putri menampilkan lagu tersebut dengan warnanya sendiri dan disambut meriah tepuk tangan penonton.

Sorakan dan riuh dukungan penonton terdengar ketika Putri Ariani menyanyikan nada-nada tinggi dalam lagu tersebut, termasuk di akhir penampilan sang penyanyi.
Pujian dari para dewan juri kembali mengalir, sama seperti di babak-babak awal penyisihan hingga Putri Ariani masuk babak final pada hari ini.

"Kamu benar-benar terlahir untuk melakukan ini. Kamu sudah mengatasi begitu banyak hal dalam kehidupanmu," kata Simon Cowell yang memberikan Putri Golden Ticket pada babak awal penyisihan.
"Saya berharap kamu mewujudkan mimpimu dalam acara ini," tuturnya lagi.

Penampilan Putri Ariani hari ini merupakan bagian pertama dari dua malam babak final America's Got Talent 2023. Ia tampil setelah Mzansi Youth Choir, Avantgardey, Lavender Darcangelo, Chibi Unity, 82nd Airborne Chorus, Anna DeGuzman, dan Ahren Belisle.

Setelah itu, ada pula penampilan dari Ramdhani Brothers, Murmuration, dan Adrian Stoica and Hurricane. 11 kontestan, termasuk Putri Ariani, bersaing untuk menjadi pemenang babak ke-18 acara pencarian bakat itu.

Sehingga, belum ada pengumuman terkait hasil selanjutnya atas Putri Ariani. Hasil akhir bagi para kontestan ditentukan dari suara atau vote yang diberikan penonton berbasis di AS. Pemenang bakal diumumkan pada Rabu (27) malam waktu AS atau pada Kamis (28/9) pagi WIB.

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