Photo of the Tragedy of the September 11 2001 Attacks Seen from Satellite

Photo of the Tragedy of the September 11 2001 Attacks Seen from Satellite

Attacks on September 11, 2001. Photo: Doc. Twitter/Secret Service

Jakarta -
On September 11, 2001, the United States (US) experienced a gray event. A group of suicide attackers hijacked a US commercial airliner and crashed it into two skyscrapers, namely the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York. 

On the same day, terrorists also hijacked two other planes to hit the Pentagon headquarters in Washington DC and the Capitol Building. For the latter, the hijacked plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field before reaching its target. 

Maxar Technologies shows photos of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Photo: Maxar Technologies

Satellite operator Maxar Technologies took moment-by-moment photos of the September 11 attacks, from how the twin towers were hit by the planes, the wreckage at ground zero, and the current condition of the scene two decades later. 
The IKONOS Maxar satellite, which was launched in September 1999, captured a terrifying view from the air at the scene of the incident. The satellite released a large plume of smoke that rose high into the sky after the plane hit. 

"This is the first unclassified satellite image released to the public of the site of the September 11 attacks," according to the official statement. 

Photos of the September 11, 2001 attacks show the WTC twin buildings collapsing to the ground. Photo: Maxar Technologies

Then on September 15, as seen in the photos released, the smoke at the location of the previous incident had disappeared, turning into an area filled with rubble from the WTC towers which had been razed to the ground. 
The US government then transformed the graves of the two twin towers by establishing a national 9/11 monument and museum. You can see that the location has lots of trees growing around it. 

Photo after the attacks of September 11, 2001. Photo: Maxar Technologies

Meanwhile at the Pentagon, the IKONOS satellite showed the damage caused by the crash of the America Airlines plane on the left side of the government building. This photo was taken after the September 11 attacks, namely on September 15th. 
Maxar Technologies also shows with the IKONOS satellite still the location of the United Airlines crash in the Shanksville field. Satellites photographed it on September 15, 2001. Now the square is built as a memorial. 

Maxar Technologies shows photos of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Photo: Maxar Technologies

Foto Tragedi Serangan 11 September 2001 Dilihat dari Satelit

Serangan 11 September 2001. Foto: Dok. Twitter/Secret Service

Jakarta - Pada 11 September 2001 menjadi peristiwa kelabu yang dialami Amerika Serikat (AS). Sekelompok penyerang bunuh diri membajak pesawat komersil AS dan menabrakkannya ke dua gedung pencakar langit, yakni World Trade Center (WTC) di New York.

Di hari yang sama, teroris juga membajak dua pesawat lainnya untuk menghantam markas Pentagon di Washington DC dan Gedung Capitol. Untuk yang terakhir, pesawat yang dibajak jatuh di lapangan Pennsylvania sebelum mencapai target.

Maxar Technologies memperlihatkan foto serangan 11 September 2001. Foto: Maxar Technologies

Operator satelit Maxar Technologies memotret waktu ke waktu serangan 11 September, mulai bagaimana menara kembar ditabrak pesawat tersebut, reruntuhan di ground zero, dan kondisi terkini lokasi kejadian setelah dua dekade lewat.
Satelit IKONOS Maxar yang diluncurkan sejak September 1999, menangkap pemandangan mengerikan dari udara di lokasi kejadian. Satelit tersebut merilis ada gumpalan asap besar yang membumbung tinggi ke langit usai pesawat menabrak.

"Ini adalah citra satelit pertama yang tidak terklasifikasi yang dirilis ke publik dari lokasi serangan 11 September," menurut pernyataan resminya.

Foto serangan 11 September 2001 memperlihatkan gedung kembar WTC runtuh rata dengan tanah. Foto: Maxar Technologies

Kemudian pada 15 September, tampak pada foto yang dirilis, asap di lokasi kejadian sebelumnya telah hilang, berubah menjadi area yang dipenuhi reruntuhan bangunan dari menara WTC yang sudah rata dengan tanah.
Pemerintah AS kemudian mengubah kuburan dua menara kembar dengan mendirikan monumen dan museum nasional 9/11. Terlihat lokasi tersebut tumbuh banyak pohon-pohon di sekitarnya.

Foto pascaserangan 11 September 2001. Foto: Maxar Technologies

Sedangkan di Pentagon, satelit IKONOS menunjukkan kerusakan yang ditimbulkan akibat jatuhnya pesawat America Airlines di sisi kiri gedung pemerintahan. Foto ini diambil pasca serangan 11 September, yaitu pada 15 September.
Maxar Technologies juga memperlihatkan dengan masih satelit IKONOS, lokasi jatuhnya United Airlines di lapangan Shanksville. Satelit memotretnya pada 15 September 2001. Sekarang lapangan tersebut dibangun monumen peringatan.

Maxar Technologies memperlihatkan foto serangan 11 September 2001. Foto: Maxar Technologies

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