Often You Don't Realize, It Turns Out These Are 10 Signs That WhatsApp Has Been Tapped By Bad People, Be Careful About Your Data Being Taken

Often You Don't Realize, It Turns Out These Are 10 Signs That WhatsApp Has Been Tapped By Bad People, Be Careful About Your Data Being Taken

 -  WhatsApp or commonly abbreviated as WA, has a strict security system. But WhatsApp users should be wary of eavesdropping. 

With a series of strict security systems, users' WhatsApp accounts can be safe from unwanted access by strangers. 
However, with this strict security system, the user's WhatsApp account doesn't mean that it can't be tapped at all. 
Under certain conditions, a user may be negligent, so that his WhatsApp account can be tapped. 

For example, a user shares an account verification code with a deceptive stranger. 

After the verification code or OTP code is distributed, the stranger can finally enter and take over the user's WhatsApp account. 
A WhatsApp account being tapped is not an event that users want. 

However, with the possibility that the WhatsApp account is tapped, users need to always be vigilant. To be vigilant, users need to know the characteristics of WA tapped. 

It is necessary to know the characteristics of WA being tapped so that users can take quick action in dealing with it. 
Therefore, this article will discuss the characteristics of a WhatsApp account that has been tapped. So, what are the characteristics of WhatsApp being tapped? 

For more details, the following is an explanation of the characteristics of WA being tapped, as reported by the Alphr page. 

The characteristics of WA are tapped

There are several signs that the WhatsApp account is being tapped. 

In general, the characteristics of WA being tapped are that there are activities that are foreign or not carried out by the user himself. 

No need to panic if your Whatsapp is blocked, do this method so you can still communicate. (Pixabay/Geralt)

The characteristics of WA being tapped can be seen by the presence of foreign activities as follows:

The WhatsApp account appears to be active on foreign devices. When connected to the web version of WhatsApp (WhatsApp Web), users can check which devices are linked to the account in the “Linked Devices” option in the mobile phone's WhatsApp application. 

There are messages or chats on WhatsApp that are unfamiliar or not created by the user themselves. 

There are a number of WA messages that were deleted without the user's knowledge. 

There are phone calls on WhatsApp that are not made by the user themselves. 

A WhatsApp account appears to be online, even though the user is not using it. 

Incoming chats suddenly read themselves, even though the user didn't do it. 

There is a foreign WA status that is not made by the user himself. 

There is an incoming SMS containing an OTP code that is used to log in to WhatsApp, even though the WhatsApp account is already active. 

The WhatsApp account profile changes itself. These changes can be checked via the Whatsapp "Settings" menu and clicking on the profile icon. If the account name changes but the user doesn't change it, it could be that WhatsApp has been tapped and the profile has been changed. 

The WhatsApp account suddenly logged out by itself, even though the user was not making any arrangements to remove the account. 

These are the characteristics of WA being tapped that you need to be aware of. 
If you encounter the characteristics above, most likely the WhatsApp account has been tapped by someone else. If the WhatsApp account is tapped, the user must secure their account again. 

Sering Tak Disadari, Ternyata Ini 10 Tanda WhatsApp Disadap Orang Jahat, Hati-hati Datamu Diambil

 -  WhatsApp atau biasa disingkat WA, punya sistem keamanan yang ketat. Namun para pengguna WhatsApp harus waspada terhadap penyadapan.

Dengan rangkaian sistem keamanan yang ketat, akun Whatsapp pengguna bisa aman dari akses orang asing yang tak dikehendaki.
Akan tetapi, dengan sistem keamanan yang ketat itu, akun WhatsApp pengguna bukan berarti tak bisa disadap sama sekali.
Dalam kondisi tertentu, pengguna bisa saja lalai, sehingga akun WhatsApp miliknya bisa disadap.

Misalnya, pengguna membagikan kode verifikasi akun ke orang asing yang menipu.

Setelah kode verifikasi atau kode OTP dibagikan, orang asing itu akhirnya bisa masuk dan mengambil alih akun WhatsApp pengguna.
Akun WhatsApp disadap bukanlah kejadian yang diinginkan pengguna.

Namun, dengan adanya kemungkinan akun WhatsApp disadap, pengguna perlu senantiasa waspada. Untuk waspada, pengguna perlu mengetahui ciri-ciri WA disadap.

Ciri-ciri WA disadap perlu diketahui supaya pengguna bisa mengambil tindakan cepat dalam mengatasinya.
Oleh karena itu, artikel ini bakal membahas mengenai ciri-ciri dari akun WhatsApp yang disadap. Lantas, bagaimana ciri-ciri WhatsApp disadap?

Untuk lebih lengkapnya, berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai ciri-ciri WA disadap, sebagaimana dilansir laman Alphr.

Ciri-ciri WA disadap

Terdapat beberapa tanda kalau akun WhatsApp disadap.

Secara umum, ciri-ciri WA disadap adalah terdapat aktivitas yang asing atau yang bukan dilakukan oleh pengguna sendiri.

Tak perlu panik bila Whatsapp Anda diblokir, lakukan cara ini agar tetap dapat berkomunikasi. (Pixabay/geralt)

Ciri-ciri WA disadap bisa dilihat dengan adanya aktivitas asing sebagai berikut:

Akun WhatsApp terlihat aktif di perangkat asing. Saat terhubung ke WhatsApp versi web (WhatsApp Web), pengguna bisa memeriksa perangkat mana saja yang tertaut dengan akun tersebut pada opsi “Perangkat Tertaut” di aplikasi WhatsApp ponsel.

Terdapat pesan atau chat di WhatsApp yang asing atau bukan dibuat oleh pengguna sendiri.

Terdapat sejumlah pesan WA yang dihapus tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna.

Terdapat panggilan telepon di WhatsApp yang bukan dibuat oleh pengguna sendiri.

Akun WhatsApp terlihat online, padahal pengguna sedang tidak memakainya.

Chat yang masuk tiba-tiba terbaca sendiri, padahal pengguna tidak melakukannya.

Terdapat status WA asing yang bukan dibuat oleh pengguna sendiri.

Terdapat SMS masuk berisi kode OTP yang digunakan untuk login WhatsApp, padahal akun WhatsApp telah aktif.

Profil akun WhatsApp berubah sendiri. Perubahan ini bisa diperiksa lewat menu “Pengaturan” Whatsapp dan klik ikon profil. Apabila nama akun berubah padahal pengguna tidak menggantinya, bisa jadi WhatsApp telah disadap dan diganti profilnya.

Akun WhatsApp tiba-tiba logout dengan sendirinya, padahal pengguna sedang tidak melakukan pengaturan untuk mengeluarkan akun tersebut.

Itulah ciri-ciri WA disadap yang perlu diwaspadai.
Jika menjumpai ciri-ciri diatas, kemungkinan besar akun WhatsApp telah disadap oleh orang lain. Bila akun WhatsApp disadap, pengguna harus mengamankan akunnya kembali.

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