Google Founder Officially Divorced, Wife Allegedly Cheating with Elon Musk

Google Founder Officially Divorced, Wife Allegedly Cheating with Elon Musk

Google Founder Officially Divorced, Wife Allegedly Cheating with Elon Musk. Photo: Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

- SergeyBrin, co-founder of Google, has finalized his divorce with his wife, Nicole Shanahan, after rumors of an affair with Elon Musk spread. 

Brin and Shanahan's divorce process lasted a year. A Santa Clara County Superior Court judge signed off on the divorce on May 26, according to court records obtained by the site Insider. 
Brin filed for divorce from Shanahan in January 2022 or about a month after his wife allegedly had a relationship with Musk. According to the court the reason the two separated was because of "irreconcilable differences". 
Brin married Shanahan in 2018, three years after they first met at a yoga retreat. From this marriage, the ninth richest man in the world was blessed with a daughter named Echo. 

Court documents obtained by Page Six state that the former couple will share joint legal and physical custody of their four-year-old daughter, Echo. 
Brin and Shanahan agreed to “non-mandatory” child support, but court documents did not specify an exact amount. 
Regarding their mutual assets, both of them agreed to maintain confidentiality and it would be resolved through a prenuptial agreement that Brin and Shanahan had signed. 
For your information, the issue of Nicole Shanahan and Elon Musk's affair was revealed on The Wall Street Journal in July 2022 after the two met at an arts festival on Miami Beach in December 2021. 

This case caused a breakdown in the relationship between Elon Musk and Sergey Brin even though they were both close friends. The Tesla boss reportedly knelt to apologize to Brin for his actions. 
Publicly, Brin accepted Musk's apology. But the two no longer speak regularly, and there are even reports that Brin withdrew his investment from Musk's company. 

After getting heated, Elon Musk and Shanahan's lawyer denied the issue of infidelity. 
"Make no mistake, any news that Nicole has an affair with Elon Musk is not only a big lie but also defamation," said Barry Freedman, Nicole's lawyer, at that time. 
Elon Musk has also stated that he will not sue the WSJ but instead chose to deny it on social media. “Lawsuits by public persons against news organizations in the United States are futile. "It's better to argue on Twitter or ignore it, which I often do," Elon Musk wrote to the New York Post. 
However, he suggested that Nicole sue the WSJ. "As a (famous) public person, winning a defamation lawsuit against a news institution is almost impossible," wrote Elon. 
"They could say I'm the devil and the source is their shaman," quipped the man born in South Africa. 
The Wall Street Journal itself has given a brief statement that they believe the news of an affair between Elon Musk and Sergey Brin's wife is true. 
"We are confident in our sources, and we stand by our reporting," said a spokesperson for the well-known media, as reported by detikINET from The Guardian page. 

Pendiri Google Resmi Cerai, Istri Diduga Selingkuh dengan Elon Musk

Pendiri Google Resmi Cerai, Istri Diduga Selingkuh dengan Elon Musk. Foto: Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images

 - SergeyBrin, salah satu pendiri Google, telah menyelesaikan perceraian dengan istrinya, Nicole Shanahan, setelah merebak isu berselingkuh dengan Elon Musk.

Proses perceraian Brin dan dan Shanahan berlangsung setahun. Seorang hakim Pengadilan Tinggi Santa Clara County menandatangani perceraian pada 26 Mei, menurut catatan pengadilan yang diperoleh situs Insider.
Brin mengajukan gugatan cerai dari Shanahan pada Januari 2022 atau sekitar sebulan setelah istrinya diduga berhubungan dengan Musk. Menurut pihak pengadilan alasan keduanya berpisah karena "perbedaan yang tidak dapat didamaikan".
Brin menikahi Shanahan pada 2018 silam, tiga tahun setelah mereka pertama kali bertemu di retret yoga. Dari pernikahan ini, pria terkaya nomor sembilan di dunia itu dianugerahi seorang putri bernama Echo.

Dalam dokumen pengadilan yang diperoleh Page Six menyatakan bahwa mantan pasangan tersebut akan berbagi hak asuh bersama secara hukum dan fisik atas putri mereka yang berusia empat tahun, Echo.
Brin dan Shanahan menyetujui tunjangan anak "non-panduan", tetapi dokumen pengadilan tidak menentukan jumlah pastinya.
Terkait harta gono-gini, keduanya sepakan untuk tetap menjaga kerahasiaannya dan akan diselesaikan melalui perjanjian pranikah yang Brin dan Shanahan sempat menandatanganinya.
Untuk diketahui isu perselingkuhan Nicole Shanahan dan Elon Musk diungkap laman The Wall Street Journal pada Juli 2022 setelah keduanya bertemu di festival seni di pantai Miami pada Desember 2021.

Perkara ini membuat hubungan Elon Musk dan Sergey Brin retak padahal keduanya teman dekat. Bos Tesla itu dikabarkan sempat berlutut meminta maaf kepada Brin atas ulahnya itu.
Di depan umum, Brin menerima permintaan maaf Musk. Tetapi keduanya tidak lagi berbicara secara teratur, bahkan ada laporan kalau Brin menarik investasinya dari perusahaan Musk.

Setelah semakin panas, Elon Musk dan pengacara Shanahan membantah isu perselingkuhan.
"Jangan salah, kabar apapun bahwa Nicole punya affair dengan Elon Musk bukan hanya kebohongan besar tapi juga pencemaran nama baik," kata Barry Freedman, pengacara Nicole, kala itu.
Elon Musk juga sudah menyatakan takkan menggugat WSJ melainkan memilih membantahnya di media sosial. "Gugatan hukum oleh orang publik melawan organisasi berita di Amerika Serikat itu sia-sia. Lebih baik membantah di Twitter atau mengabaikannya, yang sering aku lakukan," tulis Elon Musk kepada New York Post.
Namun ia menyarankan agar Nicole menggugat WSJ. "Sebagai orang publik (terkenal), memenangkan gugatan pencemaran nama baik pada lembaga berita adalah hampit tak mungkin," tulis Elon.
"Mereka bisa saja bilang aku setan dan sumbernya adalah dukun mereka," sindir pria kelahiran Afrika Selatan ini.
Wall Street Journal sendiri sudah memberikan pernyataan singkat bahwa mereka yakin berita perselingkuhan antara Elon Musk dengan istri Sergey Brin adalah benar adanya.
"Kami yakin dengan sumber kami, dan kami mendukung pelaporan kami," ujar juru bicara media kenamaan itu seperti dilansir detikINET dari laman The Guardian.

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