AGT 2023 Results Protested, US Netizens Ask for Recount of Votes

AGT 2023 Results Protested, US Netizens Ask for Recount of Votes

The moment the AGT 2023 final participants heard the announcement about who didn't make it into the top 3. Princess Ariani's name was also mentioned. 

- Many protested after the winner of Americas Got Talent (AGT) 2023 was announced. 

It is known that dog trainer Adrian Stoica and his dog, Hurricane emerged as champions of AGT 2023 and are entitled to 1 million US dollars. 
Netizens immediately vented their protests and disappointment on the event's official Instagram @agt. 
"I consider this an insult to such a great & amazing person. I am very disappointed. I love dogs, the edge of not being champion beats all other extraordinary talents," wrote @denisetz1. 

"What a shame. So many great acts, but one dog is the winner. This show is now a joke," wrote @stuzuck. 
"How did Americans choose a dog over Princess Ariani and Gabriel Henrique? It makes no sense," wrote @elias.marinho_

"Is This a joke? How can Americans not know about Talent. Murmuration is the most original talent. But not dogs!" wrote @meril_n_lexi. 
"America voted wrong. I will never see America's Got Talent again! Princess should be the winner! this is not fair," wrote @david.foust2000. 

In fact, there is an American netizen who suspects that there is something wrong with the AGT 2023 results to the point where they need to be audited or ask for the results to be recalculated. 
"There needs to be an audit of these results! There must be something wrong," wrote @felicity.celentano. 

However, there was also a netizen who was not surprised by the results considering that many Americans keep dogs. 
"Don't be surprised, guys, almost 80 percent of the US population has pets and likes watching family TV, so it's no wonder he has a lot of votes. Don't get angry like the brutal fans, Gab, there's still AGT Fantasy League, guys...," wrote @zein_latief. 
It is known, Adrian Stoica and Hurricane emerged as winners. 
The dog trainer and his dog are entitled to a prize of 1 million US dollars after beating Anna DeGuzman's vote tally. 
Then in third place is Murmuration. 
Putri Ariani finished fourth in the final of the America's Got Talent 2023 talent search. 

Hasil AGT 2023 Diprotes, Netizen AS Minta Hitung Ulang Perolehan Suara

Momen peserta final AGT 2023 mendengar pengumuman siapa yang tidak lolos 3 besar. Nama Putri Ariani pun disebut. 

 - Banyak yang protes setelah pemenang Americas Got Talent (AGT) 2023 diumumkan.

Diketahui pelatih anjing Adrian Stoica dan anjingnya, Hurricane tampil sebagai juara AGT 2023 dan berhak mendapat 1 juta dolar AS.
Netizen sontak melampiaskan protes dan kekecewaan mereka di instagram resmi ajang tersebut @agt.
"Saya anggap ini suatu penghinaan terhadap orang begitu hebat & menakjubkan. Saya sangat kecewa. Saya suka anjing, tepi tidak menjadi juara mengalahkan semua talenta luar biasa lainnya," tulis @denisetz1.

"Sayang sekali. Begitu banyak aksi hebat, namun seekor anjing yang jadi pemenang. Pertunjukan ini sekarang menjadi lelucon," tulis @stuzuck.
"Bagaimana orang Amerika memilih seekor anjing daripada Putri Ariani dan Gabriel Henrique? Tidak masuk akal," tulis @elias.marinho_

"Apakah Ini lelucon? Bagaimana mungkin (orang) Amerika tidak mengetahui Bakat. Murmuration adalah talent paling orisinal. Tapi bukan anjing!" tulis @meril_n_lexi.
"Amerika salah memberikan suara. Saya tidak akan pernah melihat America's Got Talent lagi! Putri harusnya menjadi pemenang! ini tidak adil," tulis @david.foust2000.

Bahkan, ada seorang netizen Amerika yang curiga ada yang tak beres dengan hasil AGT 2023 hingga perlu diaudit atau minta hasilnya dihitung ulang.
"Perlu ada audit atas hasil ini! Pasti ada yang tidak beres," tulis @felicity.celentano.

Namun, ada juga seorang netizen tak terkejut dengan hasilnya mengingat banyak orang Amerika memelihara anjing.
"Jangan kaget gaes, hampir 80 persen penduduk US punya pet dan yg suka nonton tv keluarga jd ya pantes dia banyak suara. Gausah ngamuk kaya fans brutalnya Gab gaes, Masih ada AGT Fantasy League gaesss.....," tulis @zein_latief.
Diketahui, Adrian Stoica and Hurricane muncul sebagai pemenang.
Pelatih anjing dan anjingnya tersebut berhak mendapatkan hadiah 1 juta dolar AS setelah mengungguli perolehan suara dari Anna DeGuzman.
Kemudian yang menempati posisi ketiga, adalah Murmuration.
Putri Ariani menduduki posisi empat di final pencarian bakat America’s Got Talent 2023.

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